Saturday, May 2, 2015

Hetalians 2: Chapter 1

"Leon. Please tell me you aren't serious." I muttered between my teeth.
"Oh, whatevs, babe. I'm serious."
I turn red whenever he calls me 'babe'. I have my own reasons you can guess, but me and Leon have been together for a while. 
Of course, Leon's his human name.
His real name is New York.
And my name is Jamie, AKA Arkansas.
Leon was at the top of a five story building, about to jump off.
"Leon… don't do it!"
"You're adorable when you're scared. But I'm doing it."
Just as he was about to jump, I grabbed his arm. 
"I really hope you aren't trying to stop me. Ain't happening!"
He pulled me with him and jumped.
I hugged him until I though I had cut off his circulation.
"This is great, am I right?"
"You're insane!" I yelped. 
"Yeah, you're right!" He tightened his grip.
Then we landed, and I jumped back.
"I t-think I never… want to do that a-again." I muttered.
"You're cute, y'know that?"
I was too freaked out to respond.
As soon as he leaned in towards my face I snapped out of it as he kissed me.
His eyes were emerald green, shiny and sparkling. 
"Why'd you do that?!"
"Because you're my adorable little girlfriend, that's why."
"…OK. Bye, Leon. I have to go home."
He slipped his hand into mine. "Who says I'm not capable of walking you home?"
"Shut UP, Lovino! Could you possibly stop talking about her? Man, someday I hope the Purge comes so I can kill you!"
I heard Leon raging on the phone to Lovino.
"What's your problem?" I heard Lovi's Italian accent snap back. "She's your girlfriend, isn't she?"
"You dense pizza bitch! Holy crap, you've lost your common sense! You wouldn't exactly appreciate it if another guy was raving about your girlfriend!"
"Well, it isn't my fault your getting so pissed, is it?"
I could hear Leon clicking the power off button of his phone.
Leon came my way and sat next to me. "Italian bastards. Stay away from Lovino Vargas, y'hear?"

I nodded, tired.
He put an arm on my shoulder and yawned. "Leon..."
"Why do you like me?"
He looked surprised. "What? Why do I like you? I'll answer that question later. For now, just go to sleep."
I woke up with my head on Leon's arm
He was facing me, but still sleeping.
I got out of bed and went outside. The morning sky was clear and blue. Really pretty.
On the sidewalk next to the lake behind Leon's house, someone familiar walked by.
Short chestnut hair, olive eyes, and a tan like beach sand.
He looked surprised. "Jamie? Why are you here over at Leon's house?"
"I just got here." I lied. "Why are you here at Leon's house?"
He laughed. "I live across the lake, genius."
The reason I was fond of very few countries was because all of them were a little bit full of themselves, with a few exceptions. Of course, Lovi wasn't one of those exceptions, being the more conceited of the two Italian twins, South Italy.
That's why I preferred the states and cities rather than countries.
Lovino was still one of my treasured friends, though.
His brother was a different story. Feliciano was perfectly sweet and innocent, not a single bad trait. He was cute, pure, and adorable.
But he was scared of way too many things. 
I guess that was the reason I hated him. 
Lovino, on the other hand, was Feli's slightly older, much more hated brother due to the fact he was bad mouthed, and extremely rude on a normal basis.
"Hey, Lovi? What's your deal with Leon?"
He rubbed the back of his head and came to sit next to me.
"Oh, I don't know. It's not like he's my enemy, but he certainly isn't a friend. He's like an acquaintance, but I know him really well. Back when we were in high school, we were practically brothers, best friends. The two school delinquents. We were infamous, so legendary. But… I made a mistake. I did something unforgivable, and we've hated each other ever since. I mean, it was basically based on how perfectly Leon did things. He was perfect, never humiliated or embarrassed himself in any way. Girls adored him, boys worshipped him. In fact, that high school still remembers us like we were the holocaust. He was the better-looking, cooler partner of us two. So, I guess I did get pretty jealous. I mean, sure, countries like me have much, MUCH higher ranking and power than states like Leon do. But his older brother, Alfred Jones, is basically one of the big guys on campus. Nobody messes with him, especially nowadays. South Italy can't compete with the USA!"
He stopped to take a breath. 
Leon stepped outside.
"Oops." I muttered.
"Lovino Vargas! Get outta here!" He yelled.
Lovi jumped up and left quickly.
Leon sat down where Lovi was sitting. "Shit." And that was it.
It was quiet for a while. 
"Lovino Vargas, Feliciano Vargas, and Antonio Vargas. I hate all of them.
"Antonio's last name isn't Vargas." I said quickly.
"Oh really?" He spat. "Then what is it?"
"Antonio Fernández Carriedo."
"Why the fuck do you know that?"
"Well, Antonio's my best friend."
For a fraction of a second, Leon looked shocked. "The tomato-obsessed matador Spaniard? Seriously?"
"I'm serious, Leon."
"You're a jerk sometimes, y'know?"
"Eat shit." He muttered quietly.
"You heard me."
"I'm going to Antonio's house."
I stood up and left without saying anything.
Someone else was in Toni's house when I got there.
He had incredibly bright green eyes, and the most sun-affected tan I'd ever seen. His hair was chocolate brown, brushed back on his head, wih a few strands sticking out in the front. A small bandaid was placed crookedly on his nose.
I had never once in my life seen him before. A gotta admit, he was pretty cute.
"Hey, mate. You that one Leon's always talking on about?" He sounded like an extreme Aussie.
"Uh, hi? I"m Jamie Bordeen... Uh, who are you?"
"Christian Kyle Jett, Australia!"
"Australia... you mean... The continent?!"

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