Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Hetalians 2: Chapter 2

"I suppose I am a continent, huh? Well, the chaps 'round here refer t' me as a country, so, suppose I'm a country, ain't that right?" He had the thickest Australian accent I'd ever heard. And was the most adorable and good-looking being I've ever seen on the planet, other than Antonio.
"Y-yeah!" I smiled.
"Hey, Fernández! The gal's cute! She taken?" It was Prussia/Gilbert again.
I groaned/smiled. Gil was supercute, but got really damn annoying sometimes.
Toni laughed his bright, happy laugh. His olive-green eyes sparkled with happiness. "Gil, you keep forgetting Leon!"
"That damn perv... he just wants se---" Gil stopped. "Uh, nothing."
"Actually, Leon and I kind of broke it off this afternoon." I said quietly.
Toni looked shocked. "No! Leon loves you, he wouldn't think of doing that! He doesn't even let certain guys approach you because of his jealousy levels!"
"I was sorta talking to Lovi, and..."
"Got jellified? That idiot. Well, you're free now, aren't you? Why not go out with us all for ice cream? Except, we could leave Gil out since he's an egotistic perv."
"Wha- am not!" Gil yelped.
"Oh really? The World Ball, and you got too touchy-feely with Jamie and Leon knocked you unconscious?"
"I still wanna come!"
"Let's let Gil go, Toni."
"If you say so, Jamie."
Australia looked confused. "Who's Leon?"
"America's gorgeous and bratty little bro. You do not wanna meet him, Aussie."
"Stop calling me that! I said the name's Christian or Chris!"
"Chris, then." I smiled.
Greatest. Luck. In. The. World.
Leon just so happened to be at the ice cream shop.
Leon brightened when he saw me. "Jamie!"
Toni leaned over. "You sure you broke it off?" He whispered.
Leon kissed me. "What're you four hanging 'round here for?"
Gil looked confused. "I thought-" Toni elbowed his nuts.
Chris was lost. He had figured out who Leon was, though.
"Uh, Leon?" I started.
"Yeah, love?"
Leon took a minute to process it.
Then he scowled and went straight out the door into his raven-black bugatti.
Chris stopped, then said, "He's rich, isn't he?"
"Very." I said.
Gil was drunk, locked inside of Toni's storage room, and Toni himself was sound asleep smelling like he had fifty thousand mugs of beer. Me and Chris were sitting outside of Toni's beachside villa.
"You've known Fernández for a while, ain't cha?"
"I guess so. We've sorta done a lot of stuff together. After all, i've known him for twelve years."
"Fernández is pretty generous, huh?"
"Yeah. In high school, every girl adored either Lovi, Toni, or Leon."
"Why those three?"
"They're all attractive, famous, and rich. But Toni was always the best since he was the only one of the trio that was decently kind."
"Tell me more about Lovino and Leon."
"Lovino Vargas, older of the Italian brothers. He's South Italy. Greatly disliked by the majority of his relatives, but really attractive and famous nonetheless. Leon Jones, the most famous of America's 13 blood-related siblings. Yes, Leon's a perv, but he's somewhat cute and sweet."
"What happened between you and Leon?"
"Leon gets… jealous, if you can put it that way. I was talking to Lovi, and he overreacted." "Oh. I guess, then, Gil and Fernández were right when they said you were free? Why don't I take you to the beach tomorrow, then? It'll be great weather, and we can go for high tide!"
"That sounds fun, why not?"
"That's Leon, then?"
We were at the beach, and like he always did, Leon was tanning on the brightest, sunniest, most golden part of the sand.
He was toned, and the water droplets in his hair were glistening like diamonds. His emerald eyes were closed, his long eyelashes shading his eyelids from the sun.
"He certainly is good-looking." 
"Yep." I said ignorantly, turning the other way.
Me and Chris surfed, swam, tanned, and did a ton of fun stuff. Probably a great way to shake off my situation with Lyon.
Tired as heck, I sat down on Tino's couch with the Aussie.
"Today was fun, aye?"
"Sure was! But you said you knew how to surf!
He turned red. "That was one time!"
"Sure, sure..."
Then he looked serious. "Y'know, I can tell from the way you acted you never really did love Leon. You treat him and look at him like an enemy."
"...you're right. I never did love Leon, and I don't think I will any time soon."
"Then why-"
"I had my reasons back then. But really, I love-"
"I already know. Toni, right? Here 'e comes, take a chance and live life, aye?"

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