Sunday, May 10, 2015

Pokemon Region Journeys: Book 3: Heart and Soul: Catchables

N glared at me like I was the worst person on the earth. "This is different. These Pokemon chose to come with me, I told them to be free."
I smirked. "Sure, Natural Harmonia Gropius."
N lifted his hand and blasted me onto the wall. "Never, ever, call me that. The name is N. Not Natural. Not Gropius. And definitely NOT Harmonia." N raised his hand above himself, and in that sort-of majestic way, dissapeared in a flurry of light. I started hitting the wall.
Red entered behind me. "Terra."
Wow, just.... Silver Terra, you'd better have a good explanation for this one. Zygarde, you look like an idiot... I guess a pretty idiot- but... OH MY MEW AND ARCEUS, DID I SERIOUSLY JUST SAY THAT? HOLY EVIL TOWEL AND XERNEUS, FORGET I SAID ANYTHING.
Red flashed a single shade of light red. (HAH)
I quickly walked out of the building and jumped on Moonlight. N was standing right in front of me.
"Where do you just pop out of thin air?" I asked.
N glowered. "I don't. It's called using your feet. You should do it sometimes, rather than force slavery onto those Pokémon."
"Y'know what, N? You don't even treat them as your equals, so stop trying to inform everyone else about treating them like equals! You think they're the poorest creatures on the planet that are so, so unfortunate; I hate to break it to you, but not all Pokémon are like that!"
N sighed that breathtaking sigh. "Oh, you are right. I have no reason to hate humans."
"You don't hate humans." A full-on confident voice, with a disapproving tone spoke. I wipped around towards the voice. Red. Red was talking. He flicked his hat up, and his blackish-brown hair swayed in front of his shiny red-green eyes. He had long, straight eyelashes that made him look surprisingly beautiful for a boy. His voice was soft, but somewhat loud, and he spoke with the kindest voice he could say for his mood.
"Red. I know you all too well."
"N? You know Red?"
"Red... the first-ever champion from Kanto. He's a legend. Known throughout all the regions. He was the original real Pokémon trainer. And the only one to ever beat me."
"Wh- seriously? Red, why don't you tell me any of this stuff?"
He shrugged. "I don't really know. But it's hard to keep quiet too long. N, I challenge you to a full-on Pokémon battle. After all, even the great Plasma King can't hold it in forever."
N gritted his teeth. "You must be joking, asking for a rematch! You'll lose! This is ridiculous."
Red grinned. "Or you're too scared to lose. Yeah, I think that's it."
N's hand closed around the rubix. "Zekrom... Decimate him!"
"Pikachu, let's show him business."
Zekrom hyper-beamed Pikachu, who simply flipped up and dodged, shooting thick, bright archs of lightning towards Zekrom. The black dragon was blasted back fifty feet.
Red smiled. "Pikachu, let's freestyle."
Pikachu flipped around to avoid attacks, lightning orbs and flashes going off every few seconds.
N snarled. "Zekrom, you-" Zekrom fell to the ground, unconcsious. N roared. "You dare-"
Red sighed. "Yes, I dare. Greenie, maybe you don't realize this, but as long as the Pokémon's willing to battle, it's not abuse. Pikachu, return." Red hooked Pikachu's Pokéball onto his belt and sighed. He tipped his hat down over his eyes again and he lost the confident flare, his smile also dropping off his face and shattering. "...go." We should probably go. I nodded, disappointed at Red returning to normal.
I looked at Red. "Hey, dude. What's your story? Why're you such a legend that even people in Kalos have heard your whole legacy?"
Red shrugged and flicked his hat up again. "Listen, Silver. I just did what I loved best. But apparently, along the way, I got a little more... determined... than I should have been. I went the farthest anyone had ever gone, and, yeah. Of course, when I first got to my first League, Blue was already waiting for me. I was so confident I could knock him down a peg, so... I did."
"Whattabout Pikachu?"
Red laughed brilliantly. "Oh, wow, aren't you the first?"
"So, uh, anyway, why'd everyone like, forget about Green?"
Red looked confused. "Who's- oh, Green. Blue's brother. They forgot about him because, he's, well, evil."
"You've met him, haven't you?"
Red smiled. "Enough said."
Saying I was confused was far past understating it, but I didn't say anything. "One more thing."
"Ask whatever."
"How... why did you change? I mean, you were a bouncing energetic bunny kid when you were little."
He laughed. "That's an odd way to put it. Well, that's an easy answer. I changed because Blue changed. I idolized Blue. He's amazing, still. And he was such a great person."
"Wait, 'was' such a great person?"
Red looked wistful. "Not anymore. Blue knows his place in the universe better than anyone... That's why he's so great. He's well aware no matter what he does, not everyone in the galaxy will know his name. But he tries so hard..." Red trailed off sadly. "I really don't deserve it as much as Blue does. But, nevermind that, the world doesn't care. They think I'm the only #1 golden trophy in the cosmos." Red scowled. "Bastards."
We were both quiet. Then Red sighed. "See ya." He pulled down his hat and the expression on his face changed again.
"You're leaving? What? Why?"
Then, without pulling up his hat, Red spoke. It was a cold, dark, sociopath's voice. "Silver, you oughtta have known; once you even touch your starter, your journey will never, never end. They don't care if you don't want to be a trainer. You're one of us forever. There're collectors and catchers that just waste their lives mulling around in some dark forest. I dont want to end up like that." He turned around and started to walk away. "Being a Pokémon trainer is now my heart and soul."


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