Friday, April 17, 2015

Dandelion: Wishes Brought To You; Thoughts

I've already decided my favorite character is Jiwoo... he may be pretty rude, but he's secretly really nice and just strives to be that 'spoiled-yet-respected prince'. I really love that about him. He's also cute in looks and actions way, and doesn't overdose with the 'protective' and 'jealous' thing like Jisoo. And yes, this is a fangirl article, just so y'know. I'll speak truth to that, punks. 
He's blonde, which is weird, since I usually don't like the blondes.

Then there's Jisoo... he was my favorite character, but his good ending disappointed me so badly... why was it so sad? I can't believe her memory was wiped... horrible, so horrible. I still adore Jisoo to no end, though... >o<!!! He's so adorable... more so than Jiyeon, in my opinion, in his own tough guy way. The way he talks to Heejung is so cute... and he's so kind to her. So yeah, he's still my 2nd favorite, though. Can't beat that, punks.

Now Jiyeon. By now you'll be thinking I have bad taste in characters. OK, he's that abusive guy who never really makes up for his cruelty... but who cares? In the end, he really was just scared and (i'm gonna get so much hate for this) who cares about the abuse? Every fangirl secretly loves the tough guy who confesses at the very end. Can't argue with that, can you? You may say 'what?! No, that's not me' but I see right through you... I've had a good feel of real-life fangirls... I know lie from truth, punks.

Jieun. I can't really explain my dislike for him. Partially it's because most of Jisoo's jealousy is directed towards him. Jieun is always unintentionally making Heejung say things that makes Jisoo go insane, like 'I need to tell him something'- it's obvious Jisoo thinks Heejung wants to confess to him or something. Even when Heejung needs to ask Jieun a simple question, Jisoo always asks if he can answer the question instead of Jieun. I guess I just hate him, punks.

Jihae, then. I'M GETTING SO MUCH HATE FOR THIS: I HATE JIHAE TO NO END HE'S THE STUPIDEST MOST COWARDLY CHARACTER IN THE WHOLE GAME OTHER THAN HEEJUNG. There, I said it. I needed to get that out. Oh, yay, he's generous. I like the kind of guy sim date character who's overly protective, kind of rude, and tough. THAT IS NOT JIHAE. Jihae isn't overly protective at all, because he thinks it'll hurt Heejung's reputation. He so nice it gives me headache. Jihae and tough... well, let's just say Jihae hasn't heard of the word. That's all, punks. 

Some pics: 
Tags: Anime, Dandelion: Wishes Brought to You, Jisoo, Ji-hae, Jie-un, Jiwoo, Ji-yeon
Tags: Anime, Dandelion: Wishes Brought to You, Heejyung, Jisoo, Open Shirt, On TopTags: Anime, Dandelion: Wishes Brought to You, Heejyung, Jisoo, Hug From Behind, Blue Dress, TeaTags: Anime, Dandelion: Wishes Brought to You, Ji-hae, Jie-un, Jiwoo, Ji-yeon, JisooTags: Anime, Dandelion: Wishes Brought to You, Heejyung, Jisoo, Kiss On The Lips, IndoorsTags: Anime, Dandelion: Wishes Brought to You, Heejyung, Jisoo, Outdoors, Embarrassed, Face to FaceTags: Anime, Dandelion: Wishes Brought to You, Jisoo, Heejyung, Laying on Bed, BedTags: Anime, Cheritz, Dandelion: Wishes Brought to You, Jisoo, Heejyung, Crowd, Hug From BehindTags: Anime, Cheritz, Dandelion: Wishes Brought to You, Heejyung, Jisoo, IndoorsTags: Anime, Cheritz, Dandelion: Wishes Brought to You, Heejyung, Ji-hae, Apron, Hand on HandTags: Anime, Cheritz, Dandelion: Wishes Brought to You, Heejyung, Ji-hae, Kiss On The Head, IndoorsTags: Anime, Cheritz, Dandelion: Wishes Brought to You, Ji-hae, Heejyung, Jisoo, Crossed ArmsTags: Anime, Cheritz, Dandelion: Wishes Brought to You, Ji-yeon, Jisoo, Jiwoo, Arm in ArmTags: Anime, Cheritz, Dandelion: Wishes Brought to You, Heejyung, Jiwoo, Crossed Arms, GemstoneTags: Anime, Cheritz, Dandelion: Wishes Brought to You, Heejyung, Jiwoo, Hitting, Blue Dress
Tags: Anime, Cheritz, Dandelion: Wishes Brought to You, Heejyung, Jiwoo, Surprise Kiss, Kiss On The LipsTags: Anime, Cheritz, Dandelion: Wishes Brought to You, Heejyung, Jiwoo, Indoors, SleepwearTags: Anime, Cheritz, Dandelion: Wishes Brought to You, Heejyung, Jiwoo, Looking AwayTags: Anime, Cheritz, Dandelion: Wishes Brought to You, Heejyung, Jiwoo, Waves, OceanTags: Anime, Cheritz, Dandelion: Wishes Brought to You, Heejyung, Jiwoo, Sitting on Floor, Gemstone

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