Saturday, April 18, 2015

Dandelions: Chapter 1

If you watch K-Drama and adore Otome games like me, you'll probably notice this is based on the game Dandelion. (Let me tell you, I'm not fangirl-izing, fanfiction-izing, or insane-izing this in any way. This is literally EXACTLY how the characters act. I've played the game multiple times with all the character paths.)
Jiwoo or Jisoo? Maybe Jiyeon... those are most definitely my three favorites.
The funny thing is, literally, I'm not fangirling this at all. I'm basically just stretching events in the games so they have more lines. I kind of just felt like adding Kurosaki to get on Jiwoo's nerves a bit more.
I'm underlining their main downsides to their personality.
Basically explaining the characters if you haven't ever played Dandelion Wishes Brought to You: 
(I'M CHANGING HER NAME TO AKASUKI!!! I don't know, I look at her and think 'Akasuki'.)

Jiyeon: Adorable and cute exterior, rude, dark, and abusive interior. Hides dark feelings for the world.
BUT it's because he's scared to get too close to people!

Jihae: A beautiful, generous prince-of-a-guy who usually seems quiet and misspoken
He's only turning you down because he cares too much for your welfare!

Jisoo: A quick-tempered guy with catlike senses and extreme jealousy problems.
Because he doesn't want other guys to take you away!

Jiwoo: A spoiled rich prince who makes his day by insulting others and teasing girls with his looks.
It's only because of his sad, family-abused past! (Plus, he gets a ton nicer.) (OK, maybe this is favoritism.)

Jieun: A quiet, misunderstood pure-of-heart boy who's natural actions gain others jealousy *coughJISOOcough*
Of course, he doesn't mean to do the jealousy thing!
One month and a half after she found the animals...
Jihae looked to me. "Yes, Ayame? Would you need help in anything?"
"Where did Jieun go?"
Jisoo looked up. "Why the heck would you be looking for him? If you need anything, I can do it. Physical stuff and whatnot. I'll do whatever, so you don't have to ask around for Jieun." He looked down.
"I need to ask him something."
Jisoo dropped what he was holding. "Ask what?! Wait, no, I'm getting ahead of myself. If it's anything romantic, save it for next century, OK? We're good."
I smiled and took my bag, looking to Jihae again.
Jihae brushed long, silvery hair out of his face, but wasn't smiling. "Jieun's at the mall."
"OK. Thanks, Jihae." I walked towards the door, but Jisoo slid into the way.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa. What's the question? You aren't leaving the house without telling me."
"I was just wondering if he wanted to go to the movies on Saturday..."
Jisoo's eyes widened. "He's probably busy, so don't bother asking."
"Well, I want to talk to him either way."
"Nah, skip the mall."
"Just a conversation... he's probably lonely over there."
"No, just wait till he comes back."
"Geez, I just want to talk for a minute."
"No, you don't! Stay here, OK?! Listen to me the first time I say something!" He yelled.
I ended up waiting. Sheesh, Jisoo was fierce. Eventually, though, Jieun came back. He wasn't holding anything, instead talking on the phone. I decided not to push Jisoo farther and ignore Jieun. 
Though, anyway, Jieun came and sat next to me. "Hello." He said in his quiet voice.
Jisoo passed a glare. "Hi, Jieun. I was wondering... do you want to go to the movies over the weekend? Maybe Saturday?"
Jieun smiled. "I'm afraid I can't. I've decided to start taking a cram class over the weekends. After all, you suggested it to me. The kinder thing to do would be listen."
I gave Jieun a hug. "That's great! But... why, if you aren't going to school?"
Jisoo shot arrows from his eyes towards Jieun. "Oh, I don't exactly know about school. I may go, but-"
Jisoo cut in. "How about Jieun skips out on school and the cram classes, and the date? That's good in my book."
I glared. Jisoo shrugged. 
Jieun stood up and left.
"Seriously, Jisoo?"
He scoffed. "What? He's an idiot. If you have time on Saturday, go to the movies with me! I'm never going to turn you down!"
"Just because of that, no. You're so rude to everybody else! I'll go ask Jiwoo."
Jisoo snorted. "Oh, please. He won't even talk to you, much less go out with you."
I walked over to Jiwoo anyway.
"What do you want? If it isn't anything important, feel free to leave." He brushed a lock of gold hair behind his ear and my heart froze. His eyes were so green... like spring leaves. But he had a lethal snarl on his face and looked like I just interrupted his coronation. 
"I was simply wondering if you wanted to go to the movies."
His eyes pointed to his phone, but he slightly reddened. "Whatever. Like I care either way. I guess I'll go if I have to." His way of saying yes.
"So, Saturday? Afternoon?"
He scrolled down. "Saturday? Why not today, it'll be over sooner. But if I have to, I'll do both, whatever slides."
"It's Monday, so I have cram school today..." I tucked a lock of hair behind my ear. "So, not today..."
"Cram, whatever. I'll just come with you... not like I want to, though, so..."Jiwoo looked away.
"Well, I actually need to go to cram right now... bye!"
"I said I was coming, didn't I?" He changed and took his hat from the rack. "Let's leave, then."
One of my friends from school, Kurosaki, was eyeing Jiwoo nervously the whole time.
Jiwoo tapped my shoulder. I looked up. "Yeah?"
"Um, that guy over there... he's like, giving me the look. This is a shitty thing to say, I'm aware, but if he asks, I'm your boyfriend. Got it?"
I turned red but nodded. 
Kurosaki walked over to talk after cram school as I was walking home with Jiwoo.
"Hey, Jiwoo, keep going. I'll catch up."
"I can stay-"
"No, it's fine."
Jiwoo nodded and kept walking. 
"Hey, Kurosaki."
"Hi, Ayame. Um, so anyway... who was that guy sitting next to you the whole time?"
"His name's Jiwoo? OK, he, er, seems nice. Uh, Ayame? Can you lean into my face for a sec? I have something to tell you."
"Huh? OK." Increasingly unsure, and leaned into his face.
He quickly turned his head and surprised me by kissing me. 
I pulled off and shoved Kurosaki away.
His face fell.
"Jiwoo! Uh, why did you turn around?"
"I heard something a little suspicious," He growled. "Turns out I was right."
"Who is he? I barely even caught his name when you said it. Jiwoo, right?"
"Yes, right. Who am I?" Jiwoo whipped his head towards me. "Did you not listen to me?"

"Kuro... Kurosaki... He's my, uh, my-"
"Her boyfriend. Ayame, we're leaving. Let's go." He gripped my hand and pulled me back to the house. I mouthed 'sorry' to Kurosaki. Kurosaki shrugged back, but he was frowning.
"Didn't I tell you what to say? I did, didn't I?" He stopped in the middle of the sidewalk. "You're such a little... you're not even listening to me, are you? Oh, I get it. You're all head over heels for that Kurosaki person, aren't you? You could've told me that, you realize? Then we wouldn't of had to do this!"
I was silent. "I'm not. He... he, uh, kissed me first."
"Why couldn't you have just not done it? I could've seen that coming from a mile away!"
"I'm sorry, okay? I said that already!"
He held out his arm. "Hold my hand."
What?! "What... why?"
"Because I asked you to. Is that not good enough reason?"
I held his hand. 

"Hey, uh, Ayame?"
"Did that count?"
"Did what count?" 
"That kiss. Was it real? Did it count?"
"I don't think so... Kurosaki is just a friend."
"He certainly doesn't think so. Anyway, let's just get home."
"Hey, Jisoo, do you know where Jiwoo went?"
Jisoo was sipping cold milk. "What, why? But no, I haven't seen him since the morning. He was going out pretty well-groomed with a few chicks. You wanna go look for him?"
I was hurt, but nodded. 
Like always, people turned their heads to stare at Jisoo's face as we walked by.
"Hey, Ayame, let's go out. On a date. Not just a scavenger hunt for Jiwoo."
"Uh, no thanks..."
He knelt down on one knee, and I instantly turned cherry red. 
"Jisoo, people are going to get the wrong idea!"
"Go out with me, then, Ayame."
"Fine, fine! Just get up."
He stood up. "Let's go to a snack cart for a chili dog."
"Whatever you say..."
I tried to bite into mine, but I burned my mouth. "Ow."
Jisoo smirked and put a finger over my lips.
I smacked his hand away and jumped back. 
"What? Did you not burn your mouth?"
"I did, but... it doesn't hurt anymore!"
"What are you guys doing?"
That was a familiar voice. 
"Jiwoo!" I yelped.
Jiwoo stepped out from behind the snack cart. "Hey, I thought we were dating, as of yesterday! Cheater."
Jisoo smiled. "Well, at least she's not the one hanging around with a bunch of chicks."
"That was just for advice!"
"Advice for what, exactly?"
"N-none of your business, cat!" Jiwoo snarled. "I'm leaving, anyway! You guys enjoy your date!" He walked away pretty fast.
I followed him. "Jiwoo! Hey, wait, Jiwoo!"
Jiwoo stopped. "What?!"
"Can you let me explain? I was actually going out to find you, but then Jisoo came with me and asked me out! I originally said no, but then he acted like he was proposing so I had to say yes!"
His eyes narrowed further. "Then why were you about to kiss?"
"Kiss? What?" Then I remembered. Oh, when he put his finger on my mouth...
"To tell you the truth, they were right about all girls being the same! I can't believe it. I was asking them for a spot of advice, and you go on and date Jisoo! I actually liked you!"
"I'm sorry..."
"No need to apologize. What's done is done and cannot be undone. I was supposed to be the first to ask you out, guess Jisoo beat me to that... you said Kurosaki's kiss didn't count, right?"
"No... it didn't..."
"Then this will."
Tags: Anime, Cheritz, Dandelion: Wishes Brought to You, Jisoo, Heejyung, Jiwoo, Blue Dress

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