Sunday, June 8, 2014

The Girl at Hogwarts, Part 6

A millisecond after we dunked our heads into the ice-cold water, Alyssa, Scorpius, and I were holding hands along the banks of a river. We let go and with expressions of disgust, wiped our hands onto our robes. That's when I realized this wasn't a lake. It was the prefect's bathroom. Alyssa whimpered. Her pretty features wavered. "I.... I know this." She said, whimpering again. "Hello, Alyssa. Why are you whimpering?" We swiveled around. It was Albus. Scorpius marched up to his face, and being a good foot taller, was able to stare him down. "Why.... are.... you.... here."
"SIR! NO!" a squeaky, elfish voice said.
Scorpius snarled. "That wasn't me!" Albus whispered loudly. We turned and saw someone who looked almost identical to Scorpius, but slightly different. His hair was ten times more slick and shiny, his eyes ten times more cruel, and his sneer one million times more professional. He wore a very swanky all-black suit complete with black tie, black undershirt, black pants, and black shoes. A Slytherin cape was draped over one soldier, making the emerald-green and silver stand out from all the black. I shining silver badge with the Slytherin crest was pinned onto his side-chest. A house elf stood behind him. "Dasher, what do I care? I, Draco Lucius Malfoy-- Scorpius gasped --, am going, now! I will---not---bear---another---minute---with---that---man!" Dasher, as it was called, shrieked, "NO SIR! YOU'LL DIE!" Draco whipped his head around. "DO I CARE? DO NOT BOTHER ME ANOTHER MINUTE!" Dasher scampered away, tripping many times. Draco stared at a case in which a shining broom was in. It was long, the perfect width, sharp black, and the bristles shone with dragon grease. "My son. My only son to die. I must change the course of the prophecy. Protect Scorpius." Scorpius gasped again. "I honestly do not remember any of this." He murmured to us. Draco reached through a hole in the glass and pulled the end of the broom. The entire case flipped up, revealing a passage.We all walked behind Draco. Then, after what seemed like a millennium of walking, we came to a stone bedroom. It was brighter than the rest. The stones were covered with emerald-green wallpaper, but you could see the imprints the stone made. A long, bright lamp hung from the ceiling, giving fresh light. A woman was standing holding a little toddler in her arms. At this moment, we all gasped and jumped back. "No way." Albus muttered. Alyssa snickered. I just looked with my mouth hanging open. "Well, Potter. I guess for the millionth time you were wrong," Draco said. His voice softened. "Wrong about everything." He seemed to be talking to himself. The boy in the woman's arms was a mini-Scorpius. Slicked back white-blond hair, dark grey eyes, pale skin and a beginner's sneer. The woman had long, dark-brown hair and green eyes. She was wearing a silvery dress and a long navy cape with an enormous Ravenclaw crest. A long, shining set of white pearls was around her neck. Each pearl had a tiny Hogwarts crest. Her clothes and jewelry alone could buy a manor, or a dozen houses. But, very unlike Draco and Scorpius, she had very tan, flawless skin. Alyssa gaped. "That's your mother?!" Albus then cut in. "Of course it isn't. She's to warm. And second, she's pretty. She's tan, and has brown hair and green eyes. She's wearing the Ravenclaw crest, which means she's a Ravenclaw. Why would Draco Malfoy get married to a pretty, tan, green eyed  Ravenclaw?" Scorpius snarled. "That is my mother. Her name is Anastasia Greengrass, and she's a Slytherin." Albus backed up, looking rather small. "But how come she's wearing the Ravenclaw crest?" It was Scorpius's turn to back up and look small. "She wanted all houses to unite, especially Slytherin, Ravenclaw, and Gryffindor. She's an anti-enemies." Alyssa looked confused. "I've heard of Anastasia Greengrass. She was the really rich, extremely beautiful, and amazingly smart, but snobby, girl. She hated every house that wasn't Slytherin. This can't be the same person." She said matter-of-factly. Score then turned brighter red than the juiciest strawberry and ripest tomato. "Well, she changed when she turned 22. She became nicer and married dad." Albus burst out laughing. "A Slytherin? Become nicer? Why would she marry Draco? Score, all I know is your family is bonkers." Scorpius raised his eyebrows. "Nobody has called me 'Score' in the last millennium. Why did you just call me that?" Albus turned scarlet. "Look at your mum. Seemed like a nice name...." We turned to look at Mrs. Malfoy. "Score, quiet. Score, quiet. Score, please, quiet, Score, hush, Score...." etc, etc. "What did I just see?" All of us said in unison, with the exception of Scorpius. "I was a loud baby. She's basically telling me to shut it." Scorpius replied simply.
I was completely confused now. "What did Devon want us to see?" Albus held up a shaky finger. "That."

On Scorpius's arm, just for a second as Mrs. Malfoy lifted Scorpius's sleeve, I saw something. Alyssa gasped. "Goodness gracious. They all have it. Look at their wrists. B-but why? He's long since dead."
I nodded, along with Score and Albus. "The snake...." Albus muttered, pretty much at loss for words. Smack on each of the Malfoy's wrists was a skull. Not just any skull- a snake was entwined inside. Even I could recognize it. Scorpius had never looked more ashamed. "Sorry I didn't tell you guys. Dad and mum..... they still have theirs, for an odd reason. I just...." Alyssa patted his back. "S'fine." Albus looked enraged. Fire was overflowing in his eyes. "FINE TO A SLYTHERIN," He yelled with fury. "FINE TO A STUPID BLOODY PRAT! BUT TO A TRUE GRYFFINDOR, A TRUE RAVENCLAW, A TRUE WIZARD, IT IS NOT FINE. HAVING IT IS NOT FINE!" Albus collapsed, then finished, "Having The Dark Mark isn't fine, Score. You're a death eater."

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