Saturday, November 15, 2014

Diversions: Book 1, Start: Chapter 12 of 22: Cliffs

I grabbed Lexis as she was running. She stumbled, falling straight onto her shoulder. Yelling in pain, she rolled onto a log. A sharp blade piece had jarred through her gauze and stitches. I picked her up and walked into a clearing, then set her onto the soft grass. Blood slowly trickled from the blade shard. She whimpered, trying to stay still. Carefully, sip by sip, I poured nectar into her mouth. I poured a little on her wound. The blood stopped.
"I don't know what to do. I'm not a healer." I whisper hopelessly.
"Hey, Skylar, what's going on?" I turned around and saw both Zack and Cynder.
Zack inspected it. "I'm not exactly the son of Apollo, m' dad's Zeus. I'm his lieutenant, but not exactly the healing kind." He slowly unwrapped the bandages without taking the shard out.
Cynder froze water and placed it on the wound. "That should numb it. Lexis, no worries, no pain. Zack poured unicorn drought onto the wound. It closed up more. I fed Lexis nectar and ambrosia. I poured whole cups of water onto her shoulder, washing mud, dead skin, and blood from around the wound. Zack took his gold pearl ring from his finger and pressed on the gem. A dagger exactly like the sword, but smaller, morphed from the ring. "The flesh is decaying. Don't worry, this can't hurt at all. He touched her forehead and she fell asleep. He dumped our nectar on the blade and wound. Then he started cutting.
Cynder froze nectar and covered it in snow. He hacked until it was perfect size for the unearthly cut in her arm and shoved it in. He plastered it in the snow he made and poured more nectar. The last of it.
"Never-melting ice. It'll keep her good for years to come." Cynder said proudly. I wrapped it in gauze for extra measure.
And so it went. We tended her each day, foraged for food, even made a house from branches, mud, and leaves. But I had a feeling Lexis was slowly dying. She was, and we all knew it. We needed to get back to camp, but out mounts didn't want to leave. And there was another feeling I, and I only felt. A growing love for Zachary Taylor, lieutenant of Apollo and son of Zeus. And we stayed, while the season of Summer went to Fall and Fall went to the dreaded-of-health Winter.
"SKYLAR! ZACK!" Cynder yelled.
Zack popped up from his 'bed', made from grass, leaves, and pine, instantly.
I rubbed my eyes. When I was finally done, Zack was already dressed. He looked fatally good, with the same dusty brown chestnut hair and sparkling almond eyes.
I dressed (if you wonder what we dress in, did you really think we didn't bring spares and wash things?) and went outside. Cynder had started a fire. His icy white hair was longer, and not as controlled. Lexis was laying on a soft bed of pine and grass, covered in large leaves.
The fire was needed to keep her warm. She looked ghostly pale. Zack smiled down to her, and gods, I felt a bit jealous. I slowly unwrapped the gauze. Less and less ice was needed as it sealed up. We only needed a month or two more before it was sealed completely, but Lexis may not last that long.
Cynder stood up. "YOU HAVE A MOUNT! Ah-ha! Finally! Zack, you have a mount, don't you, but it's a 'when danger strikes' thing, isn't it? Well, someone's going to be.... gravely, erm, injured! That's danger strikes. Call. THE. MOUNT."
Zack sighed. "People these days. But, sure, I guess. FULL BATTLE FORM, ACTIVATE!" He touched his treble clef necklace and the necklace wisped into smoke. Then a Athens Battle Helmet appeared from thin air onto his head, then full body armor, all of it a blinding gold, and finally- he whistled. An amazing, electric blue dragon with bright golden eyes soared from out of the sky. It had a tail like a whip- long and spiked. It had black claws that hooked into the ground. Tall, beautiful silver horns, a pointed dragon's beak with multiple rows of teeth. More, it could probably fit ten people. We all got on nervously. There wasn't anything to hold on to. We just each grabbed a wing. By 'we', I mean Cynder and I. Zack sat on the head confidently, wrapping his arms around the horns. Lexis was being held by the dragon's claws, without being shish-kabobed. We soared into the great blue sky for camp, me, daydreaming about Zack.

1 comment:

  1. WHO ADVERTISED MY STORY?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?! I NEED TO KNOW NOW! TELL ME NOW!


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