Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Interview with Harry Potter and Albus Potter


Hi! Wow, haven't done this in a while.Any way I'm here with Albus and Harry to interview them.Let me get them here first.  

*Big red aura appears with Harry and Albus*

Um,where are we?

Hi,take a seat in those two chairs. I'm Quicksilver.

That's a weird name.

Well Mr.Obvious you really thing I would post my name on the Internet for all to see?

What's the Interweb?And who are you anyway?

Internet and I already told you,My name is Quicksilver.

Albus the Internet is a muggle thing,don't question it.

Oh...okay...Dad where are are we?And why is this little girl here?

A-Ah! Little girl?!Albus,I'm older than you!

Now I know there's no way you can be older than my son.He's 11.Your 10.

Now there's when I tell you your wrong.It's 2014 right now, making it the past for you.And I was born in 2004,Albus 2005, making me older.

I-I think she's right Dad,look at the calander.*Points to calander*

Thank you Albus for showing up your ignorant father-


And *glares at Harry* I'm sorry but we're got to have to send you back without any questions.I really wish I went with Draco and Scorpius.

We heard that!

Ciao you two!Annoyances.


  1. Um, it CAN also be called the Interweb, so Albus/Harry (sorry wasn't paying any attention to colors) was technically correct. Albus is being raised by a half-blood in Godric's Hallow, so he SHOULD know what it is, too, Harry is an annoyance but Albus is kind to even Scorpius, and FINALLY, there would NOT be a time difference, and if ANYTHING, hey wait, there would be a time difference... you say you were born in 2004? OK, you need to be 11 to go to Hogwarts (sorry doing the math)... the Deathly Hallows was published 2007... 2007-11= 1996, this was published 2014, you're what, 10-11? Albus is 18. BAM.
    --The Dark Mark

  2. Where the HECK did you get 2005, anyway?
    ---The Dark Mark

  3. I pulled them out of a different time,Sara.



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