Monday, November 24, 2014

Invincible Species: Chapter 5

Riley looked like he was dying. There was only one thing to do-
Cobra yelped. "KAT-KANES, WHADDA WE DO?!"
I raised an eyebrow. "I've never heard you say something as juvenile and crass as Kat-Kanes before. Anyway. There really is just one thing to do, if we're going to save Riley."
"What HAPPENED to him, anyway?"
"Something on the deer's fur. I advice you to not touch it. They're mutated, you can't see it, though."
Cobra took a deep whimpering breath. I had never seen him so scared. "Can we save him?"
"If my assumptions are correct, without a L.T., he will die in fifty-two minutes."
Cobra gaped at my words. "L.T..... Life Transmitter! No, that means one of us will have to die!"
I could tell we were all thinking the same thing: I'd do it for Riley.
He was the sweetest, kindest, most gentle dog you would ever meet. Not to mention he was innocent and had done no crime. I reached into my bag and pulled out a Life Transmitter. It was like a metal pill the size of your fist, but split in half, hanging on hinges. It was hollow, with a empty glass sphere. Life Transmitters were nasty business. It sucked out the soul and life of one to give it to another. In ancient history, it was torture for prisoners in Kate-Kane castles. They sucked out your life and gave it all to the High-Ruling Kat Kane. In fact... I felt the presence of a Kat-Kane right... oh god. My presence skills were always correct. "GUYS!" I yelled. "THERE'S A KAT-KANE HERE!"
We all whip our heads around, smelling the air. We huddle together. The glowing, ruby-red eyes of a Kat Kane are in the darkness of the night. Pretty, I guess. In fact, beautiful. But in a very, very demented way. They had wiry black-gray fur like the Diamond Lynx, but on them, it looked hideously deformed and ugly, not majestically beautiful like it did on Lynx. But then- I saw bright, pretty sparkling green, blue, and teal eyes. And jet-black fur that was sharpened into spines an brushed back, like a hedgehog. The Diamond Lynx and Kat-Kanes were together. Had they taken Cobra's dad from the train? I think they did. I looked around, trying to spot the High-Ruling Kat-Kane and the Ultra Lynx. I saw the Kat-Kane first. Because, it was running towards me.

I was ever-so-slightly confused, at first. Kat-Kanes and Diamond Lynx everywhere, trying to kill us. Where the KAT-KANES, did they COME FROM?! (Heh, sorry, used Kat-Kanes) I hadn't seen so many since they killed father. The High-Ruler's icy blue eyes, cold as the dark side of the moon. Like sapphires filled with cruelty. The puny teeth. Tiny, but coated with non-self-harming poison. Fatal to the one you bite. Curled metal claws, artificial, painfully inserted into the claw socket. I hated those claws the most. How they ripped across dad's face. How they caused him to bleed to death. And I saw the metal claws- he had gotten new ones. He wasn't even keeping that spoil of fighting? My dad had died to artificial claws that were probably in a Kat-Kane landfill somewhere? My rage exploded.
I don't even remember what happened when I was doing that. All I remember were my claws sinking into the head, tearing off fur, ripping out those fake claws. Swiping at the skull so much he fell to the ground with fake titanium fangs missing. The High Ruler was breathing so hard, I felt he was about to die. So I did it. I snatched the Life Transmitter from Asher's hand and opened it all the way, pointing the glass sphere at the High-Ruler. A beam of red, vicious light beamed out of the Kane's heart and into the sphere. We were encased in red light for some time. When it faded? The Kat was on the floor, in a limp and lifeless body. The eyes were revealed just to be clear glass orbs that glowed when alive. The Life Transmitter was shut. I opened it. Riley's eyes barely had life.
"SIX MINUTES!!" Asher warned gravely. But the red light pulsed with wickedness. I didn't want Riley to be evil. So if life was going to go like this.... so be it. I smashed the glass sphere and the red life fell out, dissolving into the wind. A new sphere formed almost instantly. Asher looked homicidal, god! "WHY? RILEY IS GOING TO DIE. BUT OF COURSE, YOU DON'T GIVE A KANE!" I swallowed, raising my paw to the sphere. Asher quieted. His expression changed from anger to shock. I looked at him with icy eyes. "Yeah, I'd sacrifice my life for Riley." I raised a paw. It was an inch from the sphere. When Donovan snatched it out of my hand. "But I'd love to." He slammed his paw onto the sphere and said, his voice slowly melting away, "Tell Riley-- Tell Riley he was a great person for a brother. Tell him I loved him with all my heart, that's why he would never deserve to have the soul of a demon. Tell Riley- tell that perfect dog- I would have fought to the last breath for his safety." Five tears traced down his silky grey fur, the grey fur of the greatest Italian Greyhound in history. Five tears, five letters- five letters in Riley's name.
"NO, DONOVAN! I- I could have done it."
There was that flash of bright light- but it was angel white this time. When the light faded, Donovan was gone. Gone... forever...

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