Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Hetalians: Chapter 4

(Note to Quicksilver-san: You can interview Serbia.)
I quickly jumped out of the way as Japan tucked the katana into his empty sword scabbard. He walked past me, out the door, and to China's main province. I slipped into Germany's room, looked through his closet, and strapped a handsome silver pistol to my belt.
"Why the heck would you need that?" Said a very familiar voice.
I spun around. "Prussia? Uh, no reason."
"Listen... I let you go, on one condition."
"What's that condition?"
"You speak Serbian? Good," He smiled wickedly. "Ist es in Ordnung, Sie auf ein Datum zu fragen?""Is it OK to......" I processed what he said. I could never even speak Serbian before. "....ask me on a d-- yes...?"
"Good answer." Then he scowled. "Will you?"
"Well.... yes. I'd be happy to, but right now I need to watch Japan."
He looked monster confused. "For...?"
"Uh, to make sure he doesn't make the Chinese Nation fall."
Prussia yawned tiredly. "It's 5 am. I'll fall in. So, tomorrow, Germany's weird army cafe? At 3 pm?"
"Works for me. Now, I need'a go." I ran out the door to the China's main province.
Japan was fingering his katana. "........China?"
China yawned loudly. "Yeah, Japan-ah? Pork dumpling?"
"No thank you. How do you feel about Taiwan?"
China shrugged and put a dumpling into his mouth.
Japan stood up. "Thank you for saying that. Good night. I must get ready for the next world conference."
He left.
China dropped his dumpling and muttered, "There's not one till next month."
Japan had his katana in his hand when I walked over to him. He passed the slightest glance and handed me his sword. He motioned to an incredibly thick tree.
"What?" I asked, incredulous. He was NOT asking me to cut that tree with this thin-as-paper sword!
"Hit it. All the power in your body."
I slammed the sharp of the blade against the tree with miraculous force. I was sure the blade would shatter and the tree would be dented. The blade was perfectly fine, not a single scratch. Same for the tree. "What?!" I stared at the sword.
Japan laughed, which I didn't know he was capable of doing. "You used only force. You must also think, Claire. You must do it precisely, perfectly. Hit it at the most true angle."
"Well, if you know so much, you do it."
Japan examined the sword, in his hand, and without hesitation, swung the sword. It looked like a feather. There was no way that was enough power.
But the katana passed clean through the tree. As it fell down, Japan caught it against his sword.
"Also know that for perfection, you must first achieve." He slid the katana into his scabbard and walked away. The tree had been sliced into pieces, and I hadn't even noticed.
I ran to catch up with him. "JAPAN! WAIT!"
He turned around, scowling slightly. "Yes?"
"What about Taiwan."
He sighed and fell onto his back, looking at the sky. His dark brown eyes sparkled with sadness.
"You can't let your heart die. You won't have any true feeling left."
I cracked the slightest smile. "I feel ya, Japan. C'mon, let me help you up."
It was 3 pm, and I was at Germany's incredibly weird army cafe. I was still wearing that weird flag-like sport jacket like the Serbian flag. (pic on left.) My jeans were black. Italy had done my dark brown hair into a quite nice french braid, and he had done mascara, not a lot. (Who knew that little kitten could do so much?)
Then Prussia showed up. He looked his share of magnificent, and beautifully majestic. His white hair was the same, like he hadn't combed (which I guess he hadn't. Classic Prussia.) He was wearing Germany's clothes, a military uniform. (That guy needed a normal-day wardrobe.) But just to even it out, he had the most amazing sword by his side. It was some kind of clear glass-like thing, with a golden hilt. It looked amazing.
"Hello, Serbia."
"Um," I stuttered. "Uh, Hi."
"Should we go in?" He asked.
I stopped for a second to think. "Uh, yes, definitely."
We sat inside of the cafe.
Prussia leaned over and whispered, "Go along with everything he says."
"NO TALKING, PRIVATE! You'll have an appetizer of sizzling red shrimp, then main course is dark crackers with spicy rare salmon, and dessert of decaf tiramisu."
I nodded.
"Both of you, FIFTY push-ups."
Prussia and I both dropped onto the floor.
We left a little later. Prussia wiped a few drops of sweat from his forehead. "Let's not go there again."
I cracked a smile. "Yeah. Oh, by the way, what's that sword of yours?"
"Prussian Crystal. Pure gold hilt. See you, I need to clean the place. Oh, just saying, there's a new country now," He leaned over. "Warning, she's a bit frisky."
I smiled. "I'll watch out for her."
I turned around. A few yards into the walk back, someone ran into me.
She yelped. "Oh sorry! You must be Serbia."
"Um, and you're the new country?"
"Tibet, yeah. Bye, nice meeting you."
She started running again. A few moments later, Italy ran past.
"That was random...."
Then, ANOTHER few moments later, Germany stopped me.
"Weren't you just in the--" I stopped the sentence after he shoved a paper into my face and walked away. "Stupid England......" He muttered as he was a yard away.
Cooking section: My beef stew turned out a little bit odd. That proves even experts can mess up, I guess! CONTINUED NEXT WEEK
Importance section: World Meeting scheduled on short notice for arrival of new country, Tibet. Meeting 5:00, day of post.
I tucked it into my pocket. Day of post.... that meant the day the paper came out, right?
GOD! Right now was 5. 
I ran to the meeting hall as fast as I could. I opened the door quietly and sat down.
Honduras was sitting next to Hungary. God, that boy...
Philippines was sitting next to England, who seemed to be writing something. 
Tibet was at the top seat of the table. 
"TIBET! Who are you, and how did you get here?"
"Um, I'm Taylor Tracy, and I just appeared right in the center of this room!"
England stared at Germany. "You said her name was Tibet."
"She just SAID Tibet! TWICE!"
"She said Taylor Tracy." England retorted.
"You, girl, say it again!"
"T-Taylor Tracy."
"It seems I hear it wrong."
Me and Honduras stood up. "You heard our names wrong, too!" Honduras snarled.
"Did I now?" Germany lay a steel glare on both of us.
I sat down, but Honduras passed the glare right back. Germany faltered. "Why aren't you scared of me?"
"What's the point of being scared of you? It's not like you're actually allowed to do anything!"
Germany stared into his eyes. "You-- you're right. I'm not capable of doing anything to you."
"Exactly. But I'm not scared of ANY OF YOU, I can do anything I want. So, Germany, sit down, now."
Germany fingered his machine gun.
Prussia grabbed his arm. "No, Germany. This kid is actually capable. Sit down, he'll sit too."
You could practically see the fire in Germany's eyes. He slowly sat down.
Honduras sat down.
I almost instantly realized something: Germany's was weak on the inside.

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