Sunday, December 21, 2014

Oh, yeah, something that popped into my mind:

Death penalties. They're so.... WRONG. I mean, it's stupid, ironic, and cruel at the same time. Sure, sure, there're gonna be people saying, 'OH THAT'S NOT WRONG IT'S A DEATH PENALTY THE PERSON PROBABLY DESERVED IT'. But think about it THIS WAY:
Killing people who killed people to show people.... killing is wrong? That's just so stupid! Seriously?! I know it has NOTHING whatsoever to do with this blog (and I assure you if someone I don't know sees this they'll say 'then why are you writing it'), but I felt like saying this, 'cause, the more I realize animals have rites, the more I realize people have rites, too. If everybody treats everybody nicely, even those with horrible minds, they'll reform (that's my theory) and be a greater person. And if the world finally goes round, we'll have a great world.
For everything.


  1. Ironic irony.Your actually not the first person I know who talked randomly about this topic,my friend Jenna(can you make her Tibet in Hetalians?Thanks) and I where sitting at lunch and she blurted out-"You know what's ironic?Death penalties."then she started explaining it to me.It's just Deja vu to me.XD


    1. Sure. Tibet? OK. SUPER Deja Vu I have a friend named Jenna who was also talking about this!
      --Prussia's Sword

    2. Whoa.Why do we have so many things in common,yet we start so many 'comment wars' with each other?



The Art and Aspirations of a Commenter 
I believe in the power of a free exchange of ideas. I also recognize that words or access to
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commenter, I therefore aspire to participate responsibly in the great online conversation
* treating all bloggers with respect.
* seeking first to understand what is being said.
* celebrating another's accomplishments.
* using school appropriate language.
* rephrasing ideas in the blog that made me think, made me feel, or helped me learn
to let the blogger know his/her voice has been heard.
* commenting specifically and positively, without criticism. If I disagree, I will
comment appropriately, politely stating my perspective.
* being mindful always that I may be a role model to my audience, especially if they 
are younger than I.
* making no reference to, link to, and/or giving access to any information that may 
 be inappropriate for a school setting.
* asking at least one question in my comment with the hopes of continuing a
conversation and deepening thinking.
* using a triple check before submitting any comment: Would I be happy to have my 
mother read this comment? My grandmother? My favorite teacher?