Friday, December 19, 2014

Why I Live Today: Chapter 4

I realized I was wearing very different clothes than I had before when I looked in a mirror. I had a rose braid, done with blue ribbon studded with gems, black eyeliner, blue eye shadow, blood-colored lipstick, lip gloss, a few gallons of mascara, blue blush, a strapless sapphire-colored dress, that was incredibly tight and was only a little bit above my knees, black stockings, blue boots that went up to my knees, black princess gloves, with no glove-fingers, and somehow, just somehow, I had blue nail polish. How did this change in less than ten minutes? I walked away from the mirror, shaking my head. I ran into Alek. His eyes widened. "Oh, god. When did you change? You look like some self-obsessed supermodel."
Alek was wearing a complete tux outfit, and had sunglasses on his head. "You're not one to talk!" I exclaimed. "Look in the mirror!" He looked in the mirror, and his entire head of golden hair almost fell off. "Oh. My. God. I-I'm JAMES BOND!" He ran to get Lexis, Dylas, and Zack.
Lexis was wearing a hot pink babydoll dress, heels so high she was wobbling back and forth (maybe a foot, a little more?), loads of hot pink lipstick, had her brown hair in massive, sweeping curls with pink highlights, and pink mascara, blush, eyeliner, and eyeshadow. Dylas was wearing a bright white tailcoat, white dress pants, white dress shoes, and his hair was washed, and cut into a wedge. It looked weird, Dylas's hair short. Zack.... oh, don't get me started. He looked, well, ridiculous. His hair was... what would I call that? It was slicked back, and was incredibly glossy, so he looked like a greaser. He was wearing a black leather jacket, a white shirt, torn jeans, raggedy high tops, and cracked black aviators. Yeah, he had walked straight out of Grease.
Zack laughed. Suddenly, I flashbacked.
The story of how Zack and Diamond met.
Diamond Corral was 11 and 1/2 years old when she met the 13-year-old Zachary Lane. 
Diamond was walking down the path with her two very best friends, Aleksander Medaron and Lexis Arlington. They were talking when Lexis heard a half girl/half boy voice singing. Alek simply laughed and said it belonged to one of his friends. They went to meet him, and Diamond had an instant crush for the boy with the chestnut hair brushing his eyes. Eventually, Diamond got to know Zachary. He had a specialty with soccer, and was a talented singer and actor. He had two dogs and a cat, and hadn't known Alek very long. Through the first year they knew each other, Zack thought the only reason Diamond talked to him so much was because she wanted to learn how to play soccer. Eventually, though, he learned it was more than that. On Diamond's 14th birthday, they became a couple, though Alek and Lexis (more Alek) remain Diamond's very best friends.
Alek took off the suit, so he was at least wearing a normal white shirt. Zack slipped off the leather jacket, aviators, and roughed up his hair with water so he looked normal again. There was absolutely nothing Lexis, Dylas, and me could do. Well, at least me and Lexis could make our hair normal and take off the shoes.
Alek was covering his mouth tightly, trying not to laugh. 
A lady in a tight velvet suit with grey hair pinned up into a very tight bun walked up to us. She adjusted her no-rim glasses, clutching a book in her hand. She pursed her lips and gave us each a frill-edged paper. I read mine.
7:00 you will awake and get ready- cabin/south wing
7:30 you will eat breakfast- south wing
8:15 you will have class skill- west wing
8:45 you will have class attack- west wing
9:15 you will have class defense- west wing
9:45 you will have period Preparation- east wing
10:00 you will have period pairing- east wing
10:45 you will eat lunch- south wing
11:45 you will have free period- main center
12:30 you will have crafter's Class- south wing
1:00 you will have roamer timing- outside southwest field
2:00 will be monster honing skills- great hunter's forest
5:00 will be power usage skills- great hunter's forest
9:00 you will have dinner- south wing
10:00 curfew setting- cabin
10:10 curfew- cabin
11:00 lights out- cabin
11:05 sleep- cabin
I looked at it and turned to Alek. "It's a little long, huh?"
"I don't even know what half of this stuff is. Monster honing? Period pairing?"
Dylas snapped his fingers. "Yeah. Lunch is three from Breakfast, but Dinner is what, nine from Lunch?"
"That is a little weird. But we'll have to follow it. Where in the world do we go right now? It's like, 8:16." Zack thought about it. "That'll be class skill. Where's that? West Wing, right? That's up there."
He pointed to a giant dome to out right. We walked over to the area. Golden plates were bolted onto doors. One said, 'Class Skill'. We walked in. 
A lady with short, straight jet-black hair, pale, Asian skin, dark, dark, very dark brown eyes, pink lipstick, and a red kimono shot her head at us. "Hello. You. Are. Late. Sit down."
I carefully take my seat and wait for it to be over.
Monster Honing was amazingly interesting and scary. We found out what monsters we were. I was a Moonlit Hunter, something that hides in the daytime, and is swift, fast, and powerful during the night. It sounded awesome. Zack was an earthen power, something that controls the earth. Lexis was a nature desire. She could manipulate plants and animals, talk to them, and not scare their minds out. Dylas was a transformer, a wolf in particular. He could transform into wolves, coyotes, foxes, and jackals. He could also speak to dogs and have great scent. Alek.... he was part of the dark side. He was a Dark Fire Angel. Something immensely evil, but incredibly powerful and rare. 
Power Usage. 
It was Alek's turn, he was last for being a dark. 
"Now," Mrs. Johanna said. She was a pretty young lady with short brown hair and kind blue eyes. "just think of nothing. Wipe your mind. Then think of a blue vortex." She sat Alek down in the chair. He shut his hazel eyes and thought harshly. Then- he started to glow with a fiery red aura. He opened his eyes, which were now the color of fresh blood. He stood up- giant, jet-black falcon wings sprouted from his back. He lifted up his hands and clenched them into fists- his hands and wings caught fire. He grinned, showing to sharp fangs. He folded back his wings. 
"This is incredibly mind-shatteringly scary and cool at the same time."
Mrs. Johanna spun Alek in a circle. All of it disappeared. "Just spin once, and it goes away. Learn to think of the vortex quickly." She smiled, and we all left, planning on skipping dinner.
~~~~~~~ The next day was just Power Usage, doing it over and over for hours, only stopping for bathroom breaks and eating.
Then, our group- Alek, Dylas, Lexis, Zack, and me- went on a heli to be dropped into the arena, with packs filled with water, foot, and wraps. 

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