Monday, January 26, 2015

Anime Unite!: Chapter 10

We were all in the guild, sitting down for something to eat. Mira brought huge bowls of stew for each of us. Sasuke didn't eat a single bite, nor acknowledge the food in front of him.
"Aren't you going to eat, Uchiha? The stuff's great." Kuro slurped down the bowl.
Sasuke was entirely silent.
"Is he normally... that rude?" Gray asked.
"Yeah, Uchiha's a jerk. Killed his brother a few years back, now he has nothing to do."
"K-killed his own brother? What did his brother ever do to him?" Natsu asked.
"Whoa, look who's finally out of ice." Gray mumbled.
"His brother spared him. But..." Kuro was as quiet as a mouse.
"I prefer you don't talk about my past." Sasuke muttered murderously.
"Uh, sure. I'm telling them." Kuro said.
Suddenly, Sasuke's katana was against Kuro's neck. I hadn't even seen him move.
"If you say a single word- my sword will cut off your head." He whispered.
Kuro sighed. "Whatever. I won't tell them."
"Darn, I really wanted to know." Natsu mumbled.
"My brother slaughtered my entire family."
"Ah." Natsu gulped.
Mira touched Sasuke's shoulder. "Are you sure you aren't going to eat?"
"You sure you're sure? You won't be eating for a while once you leave."
"Just in case-"
Sasuke slammed the bowl of stew onto Mira's head.
Natsu flipped over the table. "What was THAT for? Mira was just checking to see if you were OK!"
Sasuke stood up and did two hand signs.
The doors of the guild set fire and burned down.
Sasuke walked out.
"Hey, he seems like you, Dragneel." Gray said.
"Geez. Just because he's a fire wizard-"
"He is not a fire wizard." Kuro stood up. "I'm leaving."
I tapped the wall. Something isn't right. I know it. "Guys? I think we were joined for a reason."
Lyon hit the wall. "Thank you! I've had the same feeling! It's.... weird, but it's like, they're just kicking out some people... specific people. It gave me instructions, but I don't know what they mean."
"Yeah, something's been screaming at the back of my mind, too. But I don't exactly understand it." Gray said, rubbing his head.
Jellal slammed his fist down on a table. "Yeah, guess what? Maybe no one else's noticed, but images flash when the purple light comes. I saw a little girl tied to a chair, with a man holding a knife in front of her. The girl was wearing a crown, and the man was wearing poverty clothes. We find her."
"So far, these are the people who have been singled out the most: Jellal, Lyon. Jellal's the only one who's seen the image. Nobody else. Lyon's been having the strongest feeling of what to do. So they're the leaders. That's how I would figure-" Something pierced my mind, and I blacked out.
Blood was dripping off of the walls.
"Kuro Yinosha. Leader of the Yinosha Royal Clan."
Kuro drew his sword. The blade turned to fire. "Let me go, you bastard."
"How I wish I could kill you. That shurikana won't work, Lee."
I noticed the blade of the sword wasn't straight: it was made of shuriken. So a katana with a shuriken blade was called a shurikana, or did the guy make it up?
"Don't call me that, bastard."
"Oh, someone's got a smart mouth. I suggest you don't say and b-words when she comes, Lee."
"As long as you call me Lee, you're just an insensitive bastard."
"Ah, the painful words!" The man snapped his fingers, and Kuro's blade appeared in his hand.
Somebody else walked into the room.
"Mirane. The sword, please."
The man, apparently 'Mirane', gave the girl the sword. She walked over to Kuro and ran it through his side. "There." She blinked, unconcerned.
"Y-you--" Kuro's head turned to the floor.
The girl put two fingers on his neck. "Hm. There's still a pulse. This one's a fighter, but he won't be for long."
I woke up. "NO!" I jumped up and ran out of the door. Gray grabbed my shoulder.
"What? You also noticed Zeref's gone?"
"No, Zeref's up on the roof sleeping. He's not gone."
"Hm. Well, he didn't intro himself to Kuro. Anyway, why are you running off."
"She killed him."
"Who killed who?"
"That girl- ran a sword through Kuro."
"WHAT?! Where?"
"I don't know. It has stone walls, but there's no stone places in walking distance."
"Actually- the underwater base. It's made of stone, it's around half a mile away."
"Take me there."
Sasuke was sitting criss-cross on the bank of the river, sipping ginseng tea.
He looked somewhat like Gray, with no shirt, only jeans (he wasn't wearing jeans before... I think he was wearing agility pants) and black hair.
"What are you doing here?" Gray snarled.
"Hm? I saw Kuro being dragged in here, so I'm listening to what's happening."
"You aren't even going in?"
"Give me a reason why I should."
"You're... wearing the same headband?"
They both had those curling-leaf headbands. It was worth a shot.
Sasuke was jarred. "We are, aren't we? The symbol of the village hidden among the leaves... we're family." Sasuke jumped into the river.
"Hey, don't you hate him?"
Sasuke looked at me, then tossed me a shuriken and dove down.
I looked at the shuriken, which was oddly made. The blades on the side were majorly curved, and the sides were sharper than the force of of an entire sword. The shuriken was a sad, mourning silver, reminding me of despair. Something hard and dry touched my hand.
It was dry blood. I turned the shuriken over. The sorrowful silver was covered in blood.
I (disgusted) scraped it off. In fast script, engraved on the shuriken was
I read it over and over. "Uchiha... Uchiha... that's Sasuke's last name, isn't it?"
"So who's Itachi?"
"I'd guess his hated brother... what exactly did his brother do again?"
"Slaughter his family, I think."
"Like a human version of Deliora?"
"I don't think Deliora intended to let you live, though."
"True. Anyway, how much longer-?"
Sasuke jumped out of the water with the girl's collar in his right hand, Kuro's collar in his left hand, and the man tied on his back.
"That was... supernaturally fast." I muttered. 
"There." He dropped all of them into a pile and pulled his katana from the scabbard.
Without hesitating, he stabbed the girl and the man.
Bright-toned blood seeped into his shoes.
He slid the katana away.
"Aren't we leaving? My tea's cooled down." The expression on his face was so cold it wasn't human.
"Why did you-?" Gray started.
"I betrayed them once."
"I'm not doing it again."

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