Saturday, January 17, 2015

Anime Unite!: Chapter 3

You ask why I am allowed to put Erza and Jellal together? They have such a based, deep, and sad past. T_T Jellal gets possessed by some totally evil force and turns against Erza.... *tears*
In the end Jellal admits to his love for her, but says he doesn't deserve her, and just to torture himself, lies he has a fiancee... eventually, he breaks and decides he loves Erza and her alone. Mr. Annoying McFireGuy, who bursts into the middle of an Erza/Jellal fight scene, is the one and only Natsu Dragneel. Watch the video: you'll know Erza can get scary powerful, and Jellal even more so. The only reason his attack missed Rogue (weirdo with black and white hair) is because his magic was almost out, he had fought so much and was about to die.
As you know, Jellal is the blue haired and Erza's the red haired one.
"Yeah.... you're crazy."
"You don't have to come, Gray."
"Yes, yes I do. And leave my pretty little warrior alone?"
"You're so cute when you're angry..."
"Some day, I swear..." I muttered to myself.
"I've never understood why you don't use a key like Lucy..."
"AND I told you! Mariner is not a celestial like Loke!"
"Always referring to them..." He grunted.
I rolled my eyes. "Whatever. See ya." I pet Mariner's fuzzy head and hopped on.
"Hey, can he hold two?"
"He can hold five, idiot."
"Yep. Easily."
"Then I'm driving. Get off."
Driving? I thought. "Um, OK?"
"Hello? Wait?" It was Erza.
"Hop on, sis." She dragged Natsu's limp body on.
"I'm glad this spirit's giant. This is not a normal wolf."
"Size of a baby dragon. Can we go now?"
"Sure. Um, how do I-"
He rocketed into the sky. Gray twisted the reins and we flipped upside-down.
I grabbed onto Gray. He blushed. Erza grabbed onto me. Natsu was hanging off.
"Can you please slow down, Gray?" I asked, half falling off.
"Will you keep holding on?"
"Now you're getting scary. No."
He went faster. I gripped on tighter.
"WHAT?!" Gray yelled.
Erza yelled, "Re-equip, THE KNIGHT!"
"POISON DRAGON WINGS!" A poison-fumed glider appeared on my back.
Erza darted down the fastest.
Gray slid down the stairs.
I glided down.
I could see Loke, Jellal, Lyon, and Sting on the top of the mountain.
"Told ya, Gray."
"How could you possibly know--" He rolled his eyes, quickly putting a stop to the awe-stricken expression that was coming on.
I grinned. "Does it mat-- Oh my lord, Jellal you look amazing..."
"Oh my lord, you're being an idiot..."
"J-just pointing out what I see. Anyway... what do you think--"
"Hey, you said it, not me, about that different world thing."
"I think it's true! We have to go to them."
We landed with a thud on the very edge of the mountain.
"...devil hell, that hurt." I said. My glider had disappeared in midair.
Erza walked over. "Must I carry you, sister?"
"If anyone's doing that, it's me." Said Gray.
"Both of you... such idiots. I can walk fine." I stood up and fell. "Um, maybe just a little less than fine. But I can walk, whatever."
Erza looked very, very unsure. "Um... really? Your ankle is starting to--"
"I can w- OW! What was that for?" I yelped.
Gray rolled his eyes. "I poked it. You seriously hurt it. At least wrap it up, Silv." He tossed me some gauze.
I reluctantly took the time to wrap it up. "Let's just go. C'mon." I started running towards them.
Erza grabbed my shoulder. "You don't find it the least bit suspicious they haven't noticed us?"
"Of COURSE I find it suspicious. I want to find out!"
I ran over. Their eyes.... the pupils were tiny.
"Guys. They're.... under some spell. POISON DRAGON CLOUD!"
A purple cloud formed around them. They started coughing, and their eyes turned back to normal.
Sting fell to the floor and started choking. His eyes turned a venomous purple.
Jellal stared into his eyes and fell to the floor.
"Oh, I so forgot! Dragon Slayers get poison plague when I use poison cloud. The look in your eyes is literally poisonous! Whatever you do, don't look at the purple of his eyes." I yelled, doing a facepalm.
Erza, who was by Jellal's side, looked up. "Can you get rid of it?"
"I can't..." I looked up. "But Gray can."
"WHAT? How?" He asked curiously/nervously.
"Well... it's a painful process. For Sting."
"I'm cool with that."
"You're so heartless... anyway, you OK with sticking an ice spike into his head? You know how to power suck?"
"Yes... I'm not so comfortable with this anymore..."
"....fine. ICE MAKE: ICE SPIKE!" He plunged it into Sting's mouth, and the ice started to turn purple, until his eyes were back to normal. Sting fell to the ground. The ice spike cracked.
Jellal opened his eyes. "Erza?"
She put a hand on his face. "Jellal... you were about to be transported to a different world! How did you even get here?"
"I... don't know? And what are the Celestial, Sabertooth, and Lamia Scale doing here?"
"WOW, I LOVE being referred to as 'THE CELESTIAL'." Loke raged sarcastically.
"Erza... I left her at the altar."
"WHAT?! When?!"
"That doesn't matter. But... I d-do have something to ask-- tell you."
"Hm? What?"
Jellal stood up and helped up Erza. He opened his fist. A silver ring with two diamonds- a blue moon and a red sun- was resting in his palm.
"Erza... it would be an honor if you would replace her. I never truly loved the girl. But... I do love you."
Erza smiled. "It would also be my honor."
My eyes were getting wet.
Then, a shockingly purple light shocked us, and I was blasted back. When I woke up, I wasn't on the temple. And I could only see three people- Lyon, Gray, and Jellal.

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