Saturday, January 24, 2015

Anime Unite!: Chapter 9

They're going to make a quick stop at the Naruto world, just to pick up two characters.
Please not I do not own Naruto. (Except for Kuro Yinosha. I created him.)
I was, again, not in the same place I started out on. I was on solid, rocky ground- high up.
It was very bright, the sun shining like a bright yellow diamond in the sky.
The world had a calming, magical sense- but not like home.
Ash, Iris, Sebastian, and Erza were nowhere to be seen.
Ciel dusted off his clothes. "I look simply awful." He stated.
"Seems like you always look awful." Gray said under his breath.
Jellal looked exceedingly alarmed. "Where. Is. Erza?"
"She's safe, so don't panic."
"But I swore. I swore. I swore that I would never leave her to fend to herself. But, then again... Erza's a warrior. She can stand it." His eyes looked dark. "Erza can stand it."
"HEY! Are you guys OK? You don't seem OK. Hey, dude, your hair looks like mine. Oh, yeah, um, hi!" A hyperactive, dark voice rapidly said. I turned the direction and stopped.
The person talking was the role-model to gorgeous.
Dark, smoothed-down navy blue hair, spiked at the ends, bright, emerald-green eyes, fairly tanned skin, and muscular figure.
The weird things: he had silver bangles lining from his wrists to just below his elbows, on one of his ears he had a long, silver chain-links earpiece, and he had dragon tattoo over his right eye. He really resembled Jellal, but at the same time, looked nothing like him. He was about an inch shorter, basically my height, he had two double-bladed katanas on his sides, and he was smiling. If his tattoo was red instead of green, and over his left eye, not his right, he would look a lot more like Jellal.
He was wearing some sort of headband, with a silver plate in the middle.
Engraved on the silver plate was something that looked somewhat like a curving leaf.
"Well? Are you guys OK?"
Ciel shook his head slightly. "Not in the least. I'm walking in dirt and mud. That's peasantry."
"Peasantry? Well, we do have a few here, but I can assure you, even the richest have walked in mud before. So you don't necessarily have to call it peasantry. Anyway, what're your names?"
Jellal went first. "Uh, Jellal Fernandes... why do you look so much like me?"
"Eh, I don't really know. OK, so we have Jellal Fernandes..."
"Ciel Phantomhive."
"Jellal Fernandes, Ciel.... Phantomhive?"
"Cilan. Just Cilan."
"Jellal Fernandes, Ciel, and Just Cilan."
"Gray Fullbuster."
"Another weird last name.... Jellal, Ciel, Cilan, Gray?"
"Lyon Vastia."
"Jellal, Ciel, Cilan, Gray, Lyon."
"S-silver Scarlet."
"Finally, a completely normal name. Silver, Jellal, Ciel, Cilan, Gray, and Lyon. Well, I should introduce myself. I'm Kuro Yinosha, jonin of Leaf Village. My pleasure in meeting you. Now, how did you find this village?"
"Find this village? We just ended up here. I have no idea where I am." Jellal grumbled.
"Huh. Pretty cool. Anyway, I'm on an A-class mission, so try not to get in the way."
Someone jumped from behind a tree.
Kuro drew one of his katanas and held it out, running the guy through to the heart with his sword.
His emerald eyes now seemed scary, not bright. Had he actually just killed someone without thinking?
Kuro pulled out his sword and sheathed the blade. "OK, that mission's done. Anyway, where are you guys heading?" The brightness returned to his eyes.
Everyone was speechless, except for Lyon. "Seeing as how I don't know where we are, nowhere."
"Oh. Then, come over to my place. It's decently large."
"This... is.... a... palace."
"Yeah, I'm the crown prince. Leaf Village is wa-a-a-y over there. I had this built so, in comparison, it would be less noticeable. But I still am a citizen of Leaf Village. It's a bit late, one in the morning. I'm gonna sleep a little. I have to wake up at five."
Gray leaned over to Lyon. "This guy... he's crazy. His mind is as tight as his red muscle shirt."
"Actually, I'll just stay--"
We heard a window crash. "Oh, the raiders again. I'M IN THE KITCHEN, NOT THE PARLOR!"
"OH. SORRY, DUDE." A voice responded.
"Shut up Marley! We're raiding the place, remember?" A different voice scolded.
"You're such an idiot."
Kuro fanned his face. "The quality of raiders these days is terrible."
We heard footsteps come down the stairs.
The tallest, most muscular people I had ever seen appeared before us.
They had long, shaggy and uncombed hair, brutally evil eyes, and scratched up skin, with plenty of scars.
One tossed a throwing knife at Kuro.
He caught it and tossed it back.
The other one took out a gun and started to fire.
Kuro eyes slightly widened. "Haven't seen one of those in a while."
He caught all of the bullets between his fingers and threw them back.
The raiders left limping.
"Sorry about that. The raiders come everyday. It's good for practice, but it's gotten a bit boring. And they always expect me to be in the parlor. So annoying."
Everyone gaped.
"What? Do I have something on my face?"
"You caught seven bullets. Out of the air."
"Yes, a lot of people can do that. If you need me, I'll be in my room having some coffee."
"Raiders. How inhumane." Ciel remarked as Kuro walked away.
"Actually, raiders are pretty common everywhere. Who else thought one of the raiders was Gajeel?" Gray laughed.
All of us raised our hand, except Cilan and Ciel. We started to crack up.
"Are you sure you guys don't want to come along? My friend Kakashi's coming. He's cool."
Something was coughing at the back of my mind. Something wasn't right.
Someone leapt out of the trees. They landed on the ground, katana in one hand, shuriken in the other.
"You said Kakashi. Where is he? Kakashi is dead. He was killed by Madara."
"You're.... Sasuke Uchiha. Interesting. You... you're related to Madara Uchiha, aren't you? Madara tried to kill Kakashi!"
Again, the purple light. It was getting pretty old.

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