Saturday, January 3, 2015

Hetalians: Chapter 6

(I prefer Romano or Lovi)
[Romano left for a HUGE time in the Hetalia series, so I thought I could make him smarter, a little nicer? Please don't kill me. By the way, if you're wondering why Japan doesn't have the 'R' accent, it's SO ANNOYING to type! Just pretend he does.]
{And Quicksilver? You say Denmark is fluent in English... I'll start ignoring the Manga and make him fluent. Oh yeah, sorry this chapter's kinda long.}


"I'm Romano, don't worry." The guy speaking? Drop-dead gorgeous.
Germany pointed the gun into his face. "In that case..."
"WAIT! Macho potato, I've changed."
"And you're still calling me macho potato? As if."
"I've proved it! I'm not trying to kill you, am I? And look! I've been on the run for a few months and I'm getting a lot of exercise!"
His muscles were half the size of Germany's. That was saying a lot. If this guy was really Italy's brother....
Germany lowered the gun. "Hmm... I guess you're right. But what're you on the run for?"
Romano turned as red as the tomato he was holding. "I was practicing using grenades and destroyed a corner of the Colosseum." He bit into the tomato.
Germany did a face-palm. "A-at least y-you can use them... but aren't you related to--"
"Roman Empire? Like I care? He's never payed attention to me! That was just payback. To that b*****d."
"Language." Muttered Hungary.
"ROMANO!" Italy ran over and jumped onto Romano, hugging him.
"Get 'offa me, Feliciano!"
Italy let go and stared at his brother.
Japan stepped forward, looking Romano straight in the eyes. "It's odd you come after an entire year with not an ounce of contact."
A drop of sweat traced down Romano's face. "Uh. Uh. Look here, Japan man, don't you think I've wanted a home all of this time? You think I could possibly like running from place to place, eating trash?"
"No.... but couldn't you have come earlier?"
He stopped. "Uh--" Everyone looked at him. "No, you're right. I could've easily come earlier. Listen, I'm TRYING to be nicer, dude."
His eyes were gorgeous.
"And you seem nicer since I last met you."
"O-oh? Um... that's... nice of you to say that."
"Feel free to sleep here as long as you want." Germany grumbled, a little reluctantly.
Romano looked as if he was on Cloud 9. "Oh, god, thanks!"
A little later Japan, Germany, Italy, Hungary, Denmark, and Prussia confronted me.
"What do you think of South Italy?" Germany said.
"How is fratello?" Italy continued.
"Do you dislike him?" Japan murmured.
"Is he.... devastatingly annoying?"
"I don't care about this." Said Denmark.
"You hate him, don't you?" Prussia yawned.
"WHY are you even asking me this?" I yelled.
Germany thought. "Just first impression. You said absolutely nothing the entire time."
I turned scarlet and said the first thing that popped into my mind. "He's gorgeous."
"WHAT?" Roared Prussia.
"Um.... just an opinion," I shrugged. "But I think it's true... just me."
Germany dropped his machine gun. "You think he's... what?"
"Gorgeous. I MEAN, that's just me! It's not a fact!"
Hungary laughed. "That annoying thing? Gorgeous?"
"Still don't care." Said Denmark.
Italy was dancing around. "FRATELLO IS GORGEOUS! YA!"
Germany swallowed. "Uh, next thought, then."
I was turning nervous. "Those eyes are also gorgeous. Like ripe olives...."
"AGAIN?!" Prussia, again, roared.
"Heh heh.... please don't kill me." I requested, not a bit sarcastic.
"Not you.... maybe that Romano b****." He muttered.
"Uh huh......" Gulped Germany. "That's... interesting."
"Um, I'll be on my way." I said, turning around and leaving the house area.
"WAIT! THE ANTI-COUNTRIES!" Prussia yelled as I was a few yards away.
I laughed. "I'll be fine, luv!"
Prussia stopped. "You called me 'luv'?"
"Anytime, Prussia." I walked to the Town Square.
England walked by and waved. "Hello, Serbia."
"Oh, hey, England."
I walked to Spain's Coffee, which recently was back in business.
"Can I help you ma'am? Any coffee, it's here!" Spain chirped.
"Uh, just an espresso."
He handed me the coffee and I went and sat down.
America walked in with a coke. "Can I sit, Serbia?"
"Go ahead, dude. But they don't have cheeseburgers, just warning ya."
"Ha, that's a bad thing. So what're you doing today?"
"I don't really have anything planned...."
He grinned. "Good! You wanna go out for pizza or something around 6? Hungary and England... and that Philippines girl are also coming. Yes, and Denmark! My treat!"
(Note: Quicksilver (I refuse to call you Piri-tan) you can thank me later, this dinner is when you and England get together.)
"Sure! Oh, I gotta get back to Japan's place... helping him pack."
"Hm? Oh, kay. See you then."
"Um, Japan? Should I pack Shiro in?" The adorable Shiba Inu had fallen asleep in the suitcase.
Japan lifted up Shiro and put the dog in his bed. "I don't think that would be good for him." He nervously laughed. "Well, I think that would be everything. I will leave back to Japan this evening at 9." Japan said, letting loose a very tired yawn.
"OK, then, Japan. I have to go too, to the Greek Pizza Parlor. It's getting close to 7."
"Goodbye, Claire."
"Bye, Japan." I said, walking out the door.
Germany and Prussia stopped me. "Hey, where you goin'?" Prussia said.
"Oh, Greek's Pizza Parlor."
"What? Why?" Germany asked, a little bit confused.
"Hmm? Meeting up with America, Hungary, England, Denmark, and Philippines."
Prussia poked Germany. "WHY WASN'T I INVITED?!"
"Hey, dude, I'm not invited, don't ask me."
I nervously laughed. "Hey, this isn't a party, we're just meeting up for pizza..."
"So? I'm supposed to go to every party, frau!"
I was prepared for a what I was going to say next. "Schade, sir! Kann nichtimmer was Sire wollen, oder?"
Prussia was lost for words.
Germany raised an eyebrow. "I certainly didn't know you knew German. On your way then, Serbia."
I cracked a smile at Prussia. "Bye, luv."
Prussia slightly smiled back.
It wasn't just the people America said would come. Romano came, also.
As we took our seats I hoped for the best. I was seated next to Romano.
"Serbia! Guess what?" Said Denmark, slamming his fist on the table. He was grinning.
I laughed. "What, Denmark?"
"I learned fluent English!" He exclaimed.
"Awesome, dude!" I said, incredibly surprised.
America looked at Hungary. "I was so surprised when he told me, I was like, 'I can't believe that!'"
"Same with me," laughed Hungary. "I still think it was a work of England's magic!"
"England didn't do anything!" Denmark said, turning red.
England coughed. "I'm with Denmark. I didn't do a sort of any magic."
Philippines smiled. "I didn't even think he spoke weirdly..."
Romano remained quiet.
Denmark slammed his fist on the table again. "We should order!"
"AGREED! I'm starved."
Hungary called a waiter.
"And what would you six like?"
"Uh, do you guys have..." Started Denmark.
"Hun, we have every cultural food you can imagine. We just specialize in pizza."
"What Danish foods do you have?"
"Uh, the baked cod is good, it comes with celery remoulade."
"I'll have that, then." He concluded.
"Large bacon cheeseburger! With coke!" You can guess who said that.
"Ah, yes. I'll just have herbal tea." Just please guess who says what.
"Hungarian-style goulash."
"Um, same thing as her?" I said.
There was a pause.
"Sir," said the waitress to Romano, "are you going to order?"
He looked a little shocked. "Oh, yeah. Pasta, please."
"OK. So that's the baked cod, bacon cheeseburger and coke, herbal tea, two goulash, and pasta."
"Yup." Said Denmark. "How much?"
"Uh, 69.84 dollars."
"Um... I don't have any American money on me, much less seventy dollars."
"Don't worry," Said America. "I'll pay." He gave the money to her.
"So," said Romano to me after everyone had split into different conversations, "What do you usually do here, in this parlor?"
"Oh, never came here before."
Romano looked surprised. "Really? I used to come here all the time as a kid.... obviously without that brat, Italy.... he was too busy getting fawned over by Grandpa Rome...." He bit into the pizza.
"So you did everything without him?"
".......Not everything....."
"What's that mean?"
"Uh, nothin'. Ignore what I just said, ragazza."
"What is it, Lovi... tell me."
"Since when do you call me... never...since Spain....that idiot...Lovino...Lovino Vargas......"
He was completely and utterly lost.
"Are you OK....? I just heard Italy call you it...."
"Italy called me.......... Lovi?"
"Yes.... is that a p--"
He shook his head vigorously. "No, shut UP! It's not a problem... let's talk about something else..." He bit into the pizza and sighed. "Pizza always calms the nerves....."
"So, why were you practicing throwing grenades? Any reason?"
He turned as red as the pepperoni on his pizza. "Uh... no.... not a single reason. I, uh, gotta get something to drink."
He came back a few minutes later with a glass of wine.
"So... you, uh, know everyone here?" He said, taking a sip of wine.
"With the exception of you, yeah."
He stopped. "Wait... you've actually never seen me before? Ever? I could've sworn every country knew me...."
"Uh, I'm new."
"That's an explanatory short sentence." He took another sip of wine. "Anyway.... where do you live?"
"That's a little creepy.... um, I live with Germany, Italy, and Japan."
"Oh, you live with the brat. Y'know, I've never really met Japan..."
"But didn't you say you've met every country?"
"Uh, OK, not every country.... I haven't met him because... I didn't really want to end up hating another person..."
"Why did you hate Germany, anyway?"
He raised his eyebrows. "Why did? Belle, I'm still biased."
"Belle... doesn't that mean beauti--" (You're gonna say it's 'bella', not 'belle'. It can be both.)
"S-shut up! It was an accident.... I meant to say, um, something else!"
I rolled my eyes. "Anyway... so, why do you hate him?"
"He... influences Italy!"
"Ok, bad reason, but Ok. Oh, it's 8 already..."
"Are you leaving for something?"
"Better not tell ya'."
"Tell me."
"I have to exercise with Germany.... we do army training...."
"That macho potato...."
I walked out of the door, and walked back home.
Someone ran into me, dropping something, but they kept running.
I picked it up.
It was Prussia's sword.


  1. *fangirl squeals*YES!SALAMAT PO SARA!I SO HAPPY!I'M WITH IGGY!(as you may have noticed I really like England)


    1. Hey,you want to help me interveiw Roma-chan?


      *Fangirl high-pitched squeal*
      --Prussia's Sword

    3. Well then...I guess you can write your own lines,I'll write everything else.


    4. Kay.
      --Prussia's Sword


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