Thursday, January 1, 2015

Hetalians CharacterDex: Serbia

(What it sounds like.)
In Claire's eyes
Main Character: Claire Nightdarer (AKA Serbia)
Personality: I would say I'm sarcastic, optimist, and incredibly, incredibly weird.
Hobbies with each country:
Japan: I LOVE having deep, meaningful conversations with him, he's so interesting!
Germany: It's uber fun exercising, eating sausage, and crafting weapons with Germany. Man, that dude can cook wurst!
Italy: It's really entertaining cooking with him, also enhancing drawing skills... ya, Italy's great!
England: Believe it or not, his tea is WAY more than decent! I also help him pick out books to read.
France: He's not too good, makes me test out escargot... ICK! But he's a good person, ya!
America: Best of all! We watch TV, play sports, and eat together! America may just be my best friend in this whole Hetalia world!
Russia: That dude scares me.... but he's crazy funny! We tell each other jokes a lot. Yes, I have discovered Russia's soft spot.
China: SO cool! He's funny, cute, and honestly? Great friend.
Love interests:
Romano/South Italy: He's drop-dead gorgeous, handsome, and hot. He has such a 'question-authority' attitude, and I adore everything about him!
Prussia: So cute and hot! His rudeness is just part of his personality, and I 100% accept it! He's so funny, and his bird's adorable! I think his personality is much better than his brother's. 
Norway: I don't know him all too well, but I do know I have the hugest crush on him.
America: He's handsome... yeah. But he's a friend more than.... an, um.... you know.
Favorite country: 
America: Great friend in need! Great football friend, and you feel super-safe when around him!
Central hobbies:
Playing any sport with America.


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