Monday, March 9, 2015


I was pretty surprised when I saw that episode... see, I'm one of those people who have to look at the details.
This bothered me.

This is so 'LOL Al'-worthy... Look, Ed's just like, WTF Factor is high right now...

I'd give him a hug, but that version of Al doesn't exist anymore.

Actually, I'm not surprised. If you know Ed, that would basically be his normal daydream.

That look will make him lose all of his fangirls...

Ah, Ed... being small isn't that bad...

Remind me again why you don't like milk, Ed?
Ed: It's an opaque liquid that comes from a cow's butt.
Me: Got it.

Browsing through anime memes, I see this and think:


  1. You're not the only one who thought Envy was a guy at first... haunts my nightmares...


    1. Envy IS a guy. I THOUGHT he was a GIRL.
      -Zeref Exorcist
      (PS... Phantomhive sucks)

    2. I know, I did, too. And Alois is a pimp...sorry.


    3. I totally agree with Ed on the topic of milk, I hate it.
      Oh, and that's a typo, I mean't to type "Girl".


      Oh, got it. How can you accidentally type 'guy', though?
      Milk's OK.
      Ciel is a pimp.
      BTW, Elizabeth gets married to Ciel.
      Just saying.
      --Zeref Exorcist

    5. The fandom would like to dissagree...
      Let's not question my mind, it's not going to get us very far.
      I used to like it when I was little, don't know what happend.
      And I know, it sucks.



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