Saturday, November 15, 2014

Diversions: Book 1, Start: Chapter 12 of 22, Leaf

I grab her arm. "Really, don't go. You need cleaner clothes, you need to bathe, you need good health. Stay with us. I didn't even catch your name."
She sighed. "Lexis Carson. I need my friend! He's out there somewhere, in the unknown! He's a demig- oops."
"Don't worry, I'm a demigod, too. Keep talking."
She kept speaking, wide-eyed. "He's a demigod, child of child of Zeus and Aphrodite! Tons of so-called 'hero' people want to destroy him just because of his dad!"
I took a deep breath. "Listen. I'm Skylar DiAngelo, I've had my fair share of trouble in the real world. My mother is Athena, and my father is a child of Hades. I'm just some 16-year-old in this huge planet. My life changed when I was chosen to be a Sister of Artemis. It's not easy to be a child of a god. You have to live with life. And sometimes- like I have learned- people die. It's bad, yes, but It's part of our world. Sometimes, the godly world isn't fair. But you have to believe he's safe, you have to believe he's protected. What is this guy's name, anyway?"
"My friend? His name is Carter Grace. He's the son of Jason Grace and Piper Grace, and he's well protected, but the world isn't nice to him! I need to get back to him."
"You got it. C'mon, let's go. Do you have anything to ride?"
She grinned widely. "BULLETS!" She put two fingers in her mouth and whistled. A snow white deer came running. It had beautiful tall black antlers. She jumped onto it. I jumped onto Rowan. And we rode away without Cynder. Eventually, Bullets couldn't take so much running. We had to stop to rest, especially Lexis. She collapsed on a tree while I tended to her. I unwrapped her shoulder, and to my surprise, a layer of skin had already grown over it. I wrapped it in fresh bandages after dumping cold water over it and dousing it with some nectar. She drank some of the godly drink, along with a little ambrosia. I ate some for the heck of it.
She opened her eyes. "Singing! I hear singing."
"What? I do--" Then I heard it. It was coming from a confident and melodious voice, certainly good for anything, loud and proud, and it was rather catchy, too. But it seemed like practice, because in between, a voice would say, "That's not right."
Eventually we decided to go over and see. OMIGOSH, how many guys would I see on this trip? This one was kind of handsome, sporting a cynical look on his face. His chestnut brown hair was covering his eyebrows, but not his almond shaped, almond brown eyes. He had lightly tanned skin, and, despite the heat, a white jacket with light grey clouds and bones. His shirt was blue, and had yellow letters across saying DRAMA. He had running shorts and red tennis shoes. He was one of those kids that would be considered 'popular' in my school. 
I was considering just walking away, but, y'know... "Hello?"
I whirled around on his heel, looking shocked. "Hi. Who are you, and what're you doing in the middle of Trespasser's Woods?"
I thoughtfully thought about that. "Uh... Skylar, Skylar DiAngelo.... you?"
He bowed. "Zachary Taylor, but you can call me Zack. ANYWAY, are you... a demigod? If you aren't forget I said that?"
"Yeah, Sister of Artemis. Are you a demigod?"
He twirled. "Zachary Chark Taylor, lieutenant of Apollo, master archer, singer, and playboy actor!"
"Uh, Skylar Coballion DiAngelo, lieutenant and sister of Artemis, master... swordsman, ranger, and um... artist?" I did a very pathetic bow.
He looked like he was about to burst out laughing. "Obviously this one hasn't been on stage. In the meantime, let's speak camp. Why're ya here? Why not camp?"
I took a deep breath. Zack's almond eyes sparkled with curiosity. "Well, I'm the Sister of Artemis. Why aren't you at camp?"
He grinned. "Lieutenant of Apollo. So, you said swordsman. Demonstrate."
"You do that archer thing first."
Zack seemed delighted to go first, but then his smile melted. "Master Apollo said only when danger strikes can I do it. I guess danger needs to strike." He fingered a necklace. It was a large red treble clef on a golden linked chain. "But, I can show you my weapon." He took off a metal zipper bracelet. It was thick sterling silver with golden topaz interlocked onto tiny copper chains on the bracelet. He tapped a tiny bright golden pegasus on the bracelet. His entire arm glowed golden. When the harsh light faded, he was holding a pure gold sword that was glistening in the sunlight. The obsidian hilt was a perfect fit for his hand, and the bottom of the sword (pommel) had a large, sun-shaped ruby. The grip was the color of liquefied gold. The gold blade was incredibly sharp. Zack grinned at the sight of his blade. "I haven't unsheathed you in a month," Then he looked at me. "Draco summis. Latin for 'dragon crest'. Reveal!" The sword shrank back into the bracelet and Zack zipped it on.
I pointed at the necklace. "What's that?"
"Only when danger strikes." He said simply.
"Oh, well-- HOLY HUNTERS OF ARTEMIS! Lexis Carson, where did you go?!"
And I took off running.

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