Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Diversions: Book 1, Start: Chapter 6 of 22, Bullets

I carefully swung myself onto Seraphim. Ivan jumped in front.
"And yeah, sure." He said.
I was confused. "Yeah sure about what?"
He grinned. "Skylar, I'd be happy to go to the Fireworks with you."
Seraphim accelerated as my heart stopped. Ivan Nightshade... said yes. Despite that I had said it indirectly. As they heart-attack feeling faded, I realized I was on the edge of camp.
I pulled back on Seraphim's reins, but he didn't even attempt to slow down. With a start, I realized we were shooting into the sky, to a hard cloud that certainly didn't look like I could fall through it.
He landed. I got off. It felt fluffy and soft, despite the fact it looked like white stone.
Seraphim clashed his hooves against the ground.
"Seraphim! Why in the name of the gods did you take me here?"
He brayed. Just wait, m'lady. I understood him speaking.
"Did you just--"
M'lady, I said WAIT. My lord is-- holy horse feed, he's here! Wait, m'lady, please be patient with him.
I decided to listen to him when I saw 'his lord'.
Bright golden hair, glittering in the sunlight, bright white eyes, palomino-tan skin, a chestnut sport jacket, dapple-gray shirt, bay-colored pants, and black shoes. Weirdest of all, bright, glittering falcon wings three times the size of a normal pegasus's wings, with every feather a different color. Some colors I'd never even seen before, some pretty, some not. He wore a crown of purely white unicorn horns.
My lord, my lord! Do you... deem her worthy?
"Why... let me see." His voice was like a song- deep like a horse's and melodious like a Pegasus's or unicorn's bray. As he walked around me, his shoes made a clip-clop sound, like a herd of horses cantering across a field.
"She seems enough so."
Thank you, thank you, lord.
He nodded sharply.
"Who are you, anyway? Some god? God of Horses?"
He put his finger on his chin. His fingernails were silver, black, brown, and gold, without nail polish.
"That would be Poseidon. No, I am not the God of Horses. I am the horse god."
"You don't look like a horse. What's your name, anyway? Something confusing?"
I heard more hooves crash against the ground and I turned around. It was Ivan. He brushed back his spiked silver hair in frustration. "Don't anger this guy, Skylar! He's pretty famous, and powerful!"
"Who is he?! Can somebody please tell me?"
Ain't it obvious, m'lady?
"Maybe it is for you, Seraphim. I'm not good with horse gods."
"God of frickin' wisdom, Skylar! That's the ultimate horse god! RING A BELL?"
"Uh... yeah. Oh gods... I remember the story-- out came Pegasus from the spirit of the dead Medusa-- omigosh. You're--- you're the Pegasus." I gasped.
"Yes." And slowly he glowed golden. The light faded, and there was a horse- no, not a horse. A magnificent Pegasus, three times the size of a regular pegasus, but he looked like a normal pegasus, not a giant. The color difference- gods. His mane- gold, silver, and copper. His coat was a mix of chestnut, black, dapple gray, gray, white, tan, bay, EVERYTHING. He had kaleidoscope eyes that seemed to change from green to blue to red to yellow to brown to black to white. He was majestic, and his huge falcon wings, four times the normal size now, glittered in every color imaginable- I swear I even saw the faces of Blackjack, Seraphim, and many other Pegasi/unicorn I knew.
He neighed. This is my true form. Unlike other gods, I do not incinerate people. 
"Well, that's good."
Very true. This young man here- Ivan Drako Nightshade- a very great friend to animals. You know him, am I correct? 
"More than just know him." I whisper.
He brayed, like a horse's laugh. Ah, young ones. Interesting you say that, actually. He has captured the hearts of many horsen-maidens, too.
No, no. The great Pegasisters of legend.
I bit my lip to stop from laughing. "As in my little pony?"
NO! That stupid show, I'll kill the creators! 
"Calm, calm. Didn't mean to offend you or anything. Now, I really have to get back to camp--"
He glowed golden and changed back into a human. "But of course, Skylar DiAngelo. And, my, for a daughter of Hades, you are quite beautiful." He smiled warmly and flew away.
I jumped onto Seraphim. "Let's go."
But of course, m'lady! Unicorn at your service, blessed of Pegasus one.
And he rocketed back to camp.

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