Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Diversions: Book 1, Start: Chapter 8 of 22, Starlight

I blinked again. No way this was possible. I had kissed, possibly, the hottest guy on campus.
In the Leto cabin. I slowly opened my eyes, adjusting to the bright morning light. Moonlight was now my greatest friend. I was about to open my closet, when Falkner and Celeste opened the door. I tucked my hair behind my ear.
Falkner took a deep breath. "ARTEMIS IS HERE ARTEMIS IS HERE! SHE WANTS TO TALK TO YOU!" He left.
"Artemis is actually here, Skylar. She doesn't just want to talk to you- she wants to recruit you."
So I walked out of the door with her, figuring out in my mind ways to say no without Artemis blasting me into pieces.
Artemis didn't look like I expected.
Crests of perfect auburn hair falling in front of her shoulders, moonlight-toned skin, elegant fingers stroking her golden-coated deer on her lap.
She wore a strapless silver top, white boot-cut jeans, silver high tops, and white silk princess gloves that went to her elbows. A noticeable silver tiara studded with emeralds and a single diamond sat on her auburn hair. She had a long bow over her shoulder with intricate carvings of eagles and deer. Hunting knives were strapped to her black belt. A javelin was in her hand. Hunting armor plates were on her shoulders. Her eyes were like the moon- cold, bright, and beautiful.
"Skylar DiAngelo. I need to talk to you about something."
"Artemis, I'm really, really sorry. I don't want to be a hunter. I just don't."
Artemis smiled warmly. "I was not to ask you about being a hunter. I want you to take my place in the hunter's group. I have too much on my hands, I need to fight off monsters, protect the innocent, recruit new hunter maidens. I will still be goddess, same rank, same importance. I just really do not have time to always be with my hunters. Please, Skylar- accept it. Please." She twirled her javelin in the air and it turned into a crown, identical to hers. The black bladed javelin had transformed. She held it out to me.
I took a deep breath and placed the crown on my head. It glowed, and completely secured onto my head. "I accept it, my lady Artemis."
"Of course. I will give you twenty minutes to say goodbye to friends."
"So you're LEAVING? Skylar, no. I can't let you do that!" Ivan was staring at me like he had been shot in the head. "I KISS you, and the next day you're like, 'oh ya I'm leaving now'?! Yesterday was so you would never leave!"
I sighed. "I can't turn Artemis down now. I'm leaving to the river glades."
"Oh gods of Olympus. I forgot to tell you. Seraphim was chosen to be Pegasus's assistant. He can't go with you."
I rubbed Rowan's soft black ears. He blinked his bright yellow eyes.
"Rowan can go, though. He's fine with going. Skylar... you're really leaving? Well, I was going to ask you this next month, but I guess.... you'll be my girlfriend, right?"
My jaw dropped. "Well... I'll think about it, but..."
He held out his hand, and in his palm was a dragon ring. It was gold, and at the top of the ring, the dragon had a jade orb in his mouth. The symbol of Leto.
Ivan wrapped his deathly cold arms around me and kissed me for the longest time. He let go.
"Bye, Skylar. I'll see you soon, hopefully."
I slipped the ring onto my finger as he dissapeared into the distance.

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