Friday, November 28, 2014

Invincible Species: Book 2: Chapter 1

It's been two years, three months, one week, six days, eleven hours, fifty-six minutes, and thirty-two seconds since Donovan died. But hey, who's counting? My claws silently scratch the cracked, musty cave, somewhere in the huge exile area, which was apparently once called 'Montana' for once-lings. It's awful big. My once sparkly golden claws are now dry, cracked, and browned. My teeth blunt. But inside, I'm going strong. Not like the rest. SLAM! I whip my head around quickly. Kat-Kanes? No, Terra. He broke off a large chunk of cave rock and was scratching it to dust.
"Terra? What're you doing?" I asked calmly.
Cobra snarled. "Yeah, Terra, what ARE you doing? Being the useless Kane-Headed Border Collie you've been for the past week? Sorry I said that. No, NOT sorry. Shut up, me. That was mean. It was TRUE! AGH!" Cobra curled up on the floor and started a fighting converse with himself. (yes, potato-heads, converse is a word.) He had been doing this for weeks. I lay down in the corner of the dark cave, looking at the chunks of rock missing from the stony walls, cut out by Terra. Cobra shook on the floor, tears like ice clinging to his fur. Riley is sadly sitting in the middle of the cave. I walk over to him, just to pat him on the back like a good friend should. Riley sees me and arches his back, his back fur sticking up in spikes. He growls, gums pulled back, pointy teeth showing. I gulp and go back to the corner. Then I hear a sound from outside- "HYAAAAAAAAAAAH!" Quickly bolting out, I catch Holmes on my back. He had jumped off the cliff above us again. Holmes stared at me, hazel eyes filled with hate. "Let me die." He muttered. This happened around a thousand more times today. And yesterday. And the day before that, and before that, etcetera. Yeah. This has happened every single day for the past two years. Don't go figure.

I swiftly ran forward and jumped over Eli, rebounded on the snowy tree, and slashed my claws across his face. Eli's sparked green eyes that used to shine like a silver moon are now red and deranged. His bright olive claws sink into my fur, then skin. I don't want to hurt him, at all. He's Asher's son, and Asher and I are the only two that have stayed sane through this long, two-year ordeal. While Cobra started cracking around three months ago, Eli went insane today. I swerved around him, rocketing my claws across his flesh. I secure my teeth on his tail and pull down hard. Eli yelps, then returns to the normal state. He smiles, but I see red in his eyes. "Thanks, Lakewood. Might've... killed you... there." His claws were still sinking into my flesh. Then, the red fully returns.
"Tricks ya dare, aye?" Eli screeches in that crazy voice. He was about to tear down his claws. Then I hear a voice like the dark side of the moon.
"Get away." It's rather cool, actually, with a tone that flows and indicates gentleness. But never, never had I heard such a beautiful voice. I look towards the sound, and see a dog like no other, wait dogs like no other dog I had ever seen. I was staring at them for what seemed a minute- then I realized the obvious. They weren't technically dogs. They were WOLVES. They had canine features, and I knew they were part of our DNA family, but there was something jarring about wolves I could never put my finger on- they were ruggedly majestic, and so wild, you couldn't help but admire them. The one speaking was black, and didn't face me, it stared into the snowy abyss, eyes glistening silver like molten mercury. The wolf next to it was a tundra wolf, sandy white-beige, with blinding golden eyes. Literally. I tried not to look at the brightly glimmering eyes, they burned to look at. Then the black wolf looked at me. It was incredible, I was looking at the wolf's dark past, and saw something I most likely shouldn't have seen. Somehow, I knew this wolf was the king wolf. The silver eyes shined blue, and I saw what the wolf saw. 

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