Saturday, November 8, 2014

Pokemon Region Journeys: Book 2: Heart and Soul: We Meet N

"Whaddya mean, it's his nature? I'm FINDING N! Houndoom, come on out!" I threw Houndoom's Pokeball underhand.
I jumped onto Houndoom and rode to the edge of the island, then pressed the button on my choker. Houndoom's Mega Stone glowed purple, and Houndoom mega evolved.
"Castelia city, let's go!"
Houndoom pawed the sand and took off. I held on as hard as I could. I almost fell off twice. In a few more minutes Houndoom crashed into the Castelia Walls. He de-mega evolved and started roaring as he touched the water. Houndoom's eyes slowly closed.
I threw the Great Ball. "Uh, what shall I name you... Diver! Diver, use dive!"
Diver the Milotic plunged into the water and wrapped her tail around Houndoom, throwing him into the air.
Black 2 White 2 N.png"Houndoom, RETURN! Waitasec! I never named you, did I? How does Moonlight suit you? Moonlight it is."
A cold, harsh voice speaks from the top of the wall. "Manipulating the name it was born with? How humanitypical." I look up, and the first thing I see is green.
A rather cute and innocent looking face smiles down at... Milotic.
He grabs the wall with both hands and flips himself down onto the water.
He was walking on water. He tucks his unnaturally green hair behind his ear and brushes the rest out of his eyes. OK, forget cute. This was the pinnacle of good-looking. Not handsome. Not hot, Ok, well, a little hot, but... oh, you get my drift. He has silvery blue eyes like a Metagross, green hair like Bulbasaur's bulb, a skin tone of an Abomasnow. He in every aspect reminded me of a Pokemon. Even the way he moved imitated an Infernape. A black and silver hat was on his head, and he had an odd necklace that was the colors of Team Plasma. A rubix cube was on his belt, hanging by a silver chain. He had the most innocent look I had ever seen, and just three normal Pokeballs hung by his belt.
Ever place he stepped on the water, there was a silver ripple that emitted stars.
"How the heck are you walking on water?"
The guy gave me a disgusted look. "You are human."
"Yeah, I was totally a sock." I rolled my eyes.
"Sarcasm. I hate sarcasm. I hate people. I hate this city. I hate this polluted water. I hate those buildings. Hate. I have deep hate for all, except..."
"What? Can't think of anything?" I said, not even trying to hold back the sarcasm.
"I love Pokemon."
I started piecing it together, slowly. Team Plasma colors. Imitated in every aspect a Pokemon. Hated humans.
My eyes widened. "You're N!"
"What did you think I was, disgusting human?"
"You're a human too, dude."
N gave me a look of ultimate disgust. "I am different. I love Pokemon! I HATE humans! I call forth the Legendary Pokemon! NONE defeat me!"
"N?" Blue had just arrived.
"YOU! The most disgusting, arrogant human of all! Blue Flint James Oak!"
"How the heck did you know my middle names? I've never told you."
N spread his arms. "They told me."
"Your Pokemon, filthy humanoid."
I gripped Angel's Pokeball. "That's it! I challenge you--"
Blue pushed me back. "You do not want to challenge N! I bet he'll call forth something big!"
"All he has are three Pokeballs, Blue. You can catch barely anything with a Pokeball. It'll just be a Pidgey, or a Fearow at worst. It's not like its going to be Lucario or something."
"Silver, I'm warn--"
N lifted his hand and Blue was blown back ten feet. "No. I will challenge her, show her the arrogance she has-- teach her a lesson."
I glowered at N. He glowered at me. "ANGEL, C'MON!"
Angel snaked through the air elegantly, spinning and sparkling like he was a real angel.
"Beat that, N!"
N remained calm, still not bringing a smile or frown. His stone-like face slightly softened as he saw Angel. "Beautiful. Manipulating such a lovely creature."
Angel purred and curled around N. N stroked the soft wings on his head.
"How do you do that?! Oh, for the sake of Pete, just send out your Pokemon."
N twirled, jumped into the air, bowed and threw the Pokeball straight up. "Zekrom! Let us begin this battle, my friend."
He probably named his Pidgey Zekrom to make it sound cool. It thought rapidly.
No... N hated nicknaming. And boy... that was a good Pokemon.
A gigantic black dragon fifty feet taller than me was crackling with blue electricity.
N glared towards me. "Would you like to see both of my other Pokemon? RESHIRAM, KYUREM!"
A White dragon that blazed with fire came. I assumed it was Reshiram. Then the biggest, a silver dragon with diamond, ice-like armor. That would be Kyurem.
"Do you still want to battle, selfish human?"
I took a deep breath. "Yes."

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