Saturday, November 8, 2014

Pokemon Region Journeys: Book 3: Yin Yang: The Ultimate Pokeball

"I will not battle you, fool. You will devastate your Pokemon by battling. I need to run. Go--"
"Whoa, whoa, whoa! Don't start running with a dragon! You'll annihilate a house with one step!"
LiepardHe held his rubix cube tight in his hand. "Each square on this cube represents a Pokeball. All the Pokeballs on this cube are filled. Liepard."
A Pokemon I had never seen before appeared from the cube.
It was beautiful, yes, but it looked... evil.
I looked at it. "Dark type?" I quickly assumed.
"Not as ignorant. A Liepard. Take this, foolish human." With that, he jumped onto the purple thing I mistook for a Houndour. It was faster than a bullet, and before I knew it, N was out of the city.
I held the golden box he gave me in my hands.
"How is that 'person' ever going to love a human?"
Blue gave a deep sigh. "You just ruined our chances. Not a human. You."
"WHAT?! I mean, he's super hot and all, and really good looking, cool Pokemon, really powerful, incredibly pure... but... he HATES HUMANS! Did you see the way he tried to kill you without a thought? Did you see how obsessed that guy was with Pokemon?! IT'S CRAZY. I'd happily fall in love with him, in fact, I already have, but HE is SO INCREDIBLY RUDE!"
Blue sighed. He quietly kissed me on the lips for two seconds.
"Just... make him fall in love. You've already done it to one guy. Charizard, let's go!"
Blue jumped onto Charizard and was already flying as he pressed his bracelet's button Mega Charizard X rocketed away like... well, a rocket, into the flamingly bright sunset.
I stood there for a few moments, frozen in shock.
Then I realized Red was standing right behind me. He was holding N's rubix.
"Moonlight! Sniff the rubix cube and track N down! We have to make him fall!"
'Doom! Doom, doom! Houndoom!' He sniffed the rubix and started barking in one direction.
"Nicely done, Moonlight! Return! Flare, haven't gone with you in a while. Let's go!"
Red tapped me on the shoulder. "Stone..."
Somehow I understood this as "Have this fire stone. It is yours to keep. Use it on Growlithe, or Flare. Also... um... nevermind." Red turned scarlet again. This must have been how Blue saw it.
In Red's hand was a bright golden transparent stone. In it was a little flame, aching to be released.
I took it in my hand.
"Flare... are you ready to evolve?"
I slowly moved it towards Flare. As it was a centimeter from Flare's soft, furry coat, I stopped.
"Flare, are you going to change when you evolve?"
"" Said Red. "You should definitely do this. It will help you, on my honor as League Champ!"
I touched it to Flare's orange fur. Nothing happened for a second. Then he glowed with fire-like light, heating me up a bit. The light faded.
Arcanine'ARCANINE!' Flare the Arcanine roared. He was as big as a bison, but much fluffier. He looked like a tiger, to me, at least. Oh yeah, A tiger is some mythical creature. It doesn't exist of course. Not in this world, at least. His paws... didn't have claws.
"You don't have claws, Flare."
He extended sharp, obsidian claws.
I hopped onto Flare. "Let's follow N!"
He sniffed the air, his nose cutely vibrating. Then he bolted in the direction Moonlight barked. He was lighting fast, so eventually we came to some paw prints leading into a house. Wait, no, castle. It was made with perfectly rectangular bricks that were a dark silver. The doorway was humongous and golden, and the entire building was surrounded by huge, bronze iron gates. The knockers were Pokemon-
the left a black crystal Reshiram and a white crystal Zekrom. The golden door was Kyurem. At the very top of the castle, there was a gigantic letter, lined with pure gold and crystals, the letter itself hand-carved (I don't know how I knew) obsidian with tiny carvings of every single Pokemon on the Pokedex, the edges of the letter lined with huge Legendaries. The biggest Pokemon of all were- you guessed it- Reshiram, Zekrom, and Kyurem. Kyurem was the largest, straight at the top of the letter, while Reshiram was on the high left and Zekrom on the high right.
Tons of crystal, and crystal clear, windows, freshly polished, lined the building, the ones at the top floor to ceiling. This castle must've been seven stories. A very fragile looking, Seviper-shaped staircase lined the whole castle, snaking to the top, where a humongous, colossal, gargantuan Kyurem made of Sapphire stood. It had doors, and looked hollow, so something important must have been in it. And I had a feeling who this belonged to. Because the letter? It was shaped like a very big N

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