Sunday, November 9, 2014

Gray: Chapter 1: My Name is...

Hello, readers. Obviously, since you're reading this, you have absoulutely nothing to do with this story. Oh yes, my name. Tadashi, Tadashi Hajioku. No, I am not Japanese. I'm Vietnamese, thanks. (Don't judge by my name!) I guess you could say... well, how do I put this? I'm normally super-powered. Make sense? No, I didn't think it would. I'm turning twenty exactly tomorrow, which is when my powers will be controlled and I'll be sent to some special school. Well, I'll start from the beginning.
Note from the author: Just watched Big Hero 6 yesterday, Tadashi in story looks like Tadashi in movie.
The picture of Tadashi is MOVING.... so epic...
"Tadashi! You come down, and you come down now!" My little sister starts screaming at me from the bottom of our dome palace.
"What, Kyru? I just got the new edition of... oh, whatever." I put down my iPhone and slam my cap onto my head, then walk downstairs.
"Tadashi's stupid dog got all over my backpack!" She screeched.
I scooped up Kabuki the jet black German Shepherd. "He's just a dog, right, Kabuki?"
He barked in agreement. "I hate you and your dog, Tadashi!" Kyru screamed.
I walked back upstairs and plopped onto my bed. "Eleven-year-olds," I sighed. "Think they own the world."
Kyru, I guess, heard me. "YOU'RE JUST NINETEEN!"
"Eight years older than you already, squirt! Nine years older tomorrow!" I yelled back to her.
What an eventful day, I start thinking. And tomorrow's my birthday. Leaving little squirt Kyru and going to Power Academic Minds.
Being twenty... probably not that different form being nineteen, I guess. Now, twenty-one, that was something. I clicked my iPhone back on and started doing stuff. Around twenty-five minutes later, 10:17pm, I put my phone down and went to bed.
And I fell asleep with my hat still on.
"TADASHI, YOUR FRIEND'S HERE, BUD!" It's my dad this time.
I slip on some new shirt and jeans and walk downstairs. Kabuki rubs against my leg as I get down. It's Hiro Terriajo. "Hiro, what're you doing here?"
He flips his dyed electric blue hair back, like he thinks it's so amazing.
"Why, I'm going to the school, too! Y'know, I turn twenty in thirteen days."
I sigh. "Buzz off, Terriajo. It's my birthday."
He puts up his hands like he did something wrong. "Hey! Just doing my thing, no blames, no blames!" He sashays to his car and jumps in like he's a millionaire with a Ferrari.
Sad for him, he's the guy with the black Honda Civic, unlike me, the actual millionaire with the neon green Ferrari. I slam the door and walk to the table.
Charles puts my plates and food in front of me.
"Sir, you leave to superpower school today, good sir, correct?"
I put down my magazine, PC Gamer Weekly. "Yes, Charles. Oh, your tux is crooked."
"Sorry, sir." He straightens it and walks away. I stab my fork into the chocolate frosted imported white strawberry powdered cherry waffles. I stuff the entire thing into my mouth... and start hacking.
Charles comes at once. "NO, Charles, I do not need the Heimlich maneuver! I'm fine, I'm not going to die." I chew and swallow. I hear another knock on the door. This time I see a mini jet outside.
This was it.
I open the door.
"Terriajo! I told you to get lost, retard!" His California tan is as flawless as ever, and his sharply cut electric-blue hair is freshly combed and gelled. "Wait... let me guess. You're here to pick me up?"
"Yeah. Ride's three hours."
I prepared myself for the most dull three hours of my life.

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