Sunday, November 9, 2014

Pokemon Region Journeys: Book 3: Yin Yang: N's Greatest Secret

I banged the Reshiram, the Zekrom, and then both at once.
N opened the door himself. "What do you want?"
"Why do you hate humans so much?"
N stopped. He looked around. "Come in. And make sure nobody is watching."
N whistled-- something light and sweet. A breeze, sharp and steady, passed, despite the fact we were inside.
"So... who does this place belong to? You?"
"Pokemon, and, yes, me. My room is upstairs. Tea? Coffee? Cocoa? Rare Soda? Ultimate Rare Soda? Pecha berries? Shuckle berry juice? Green tea? Sacred Dialga Time Essence? Ancient Palkia Space Essence? No, you most likely should not drink those two..."
"Uh... cocoa is fine. How big is this place? How long have you had this? Has it been in your family?"
N thought about it. "Not really. Small, fifty-six acres, the park is to the left outside and the private carnival is in the far back, while the Pokemon preserve is in the fore-backyard. My room is on the seventh floor. This house was a birthday present few years back."
I stared. "How rich exactly is your family?"
N snorted. "Typical foolish humans. I do not have a family, except for Pokemon. But.... I have a stepfather."
"Ghetsis. Who is he, anyway?"
N winced. "He... is the second-in-command to Team Plasma, he was trying to use me as a puppet. I hate him. I destroyed him. But he is back. And I will kill him this time."
"Who's first in command?"
"I." N said simply.
"I'm not exactly first in command, I'm their Ruling King. Why, thank you, Rampardos."
A little Rampardos ran up with two drinks on his head. One a steaming cocoa, and one a frosted, iced glacier water.
I sipped my cocoa. "So, why do you hate humans so much?"
"When I was little, I never stepped out of my room. Ghetsis kept me there for years. My only companions were Darumaka, Scolipede, and a Zekrom cub. They all kept me company. But... Ghetsis took them away. He gave me his Pokemon, hurt Pokemon, who's hearts were sealed so tightly even I could not pry them open! I could not talk to them! Ghetsis, my own stepfather, destroyed their soul, their emotion! He was greedy for power, but never, never, never, never would he achieve it until his Pokemon opened their hearts!" N didn't realize he was standing up. "With the power of the Legendaries, I could kill him! Rip out his soul, make him see what his Pokemon are seeing! With the harnessed power of the Legendaries..." He held his cup in his hand. "I could do anything." He blew on the cup and it turned to dust, blowing away.
I looked in his eyes and saw something I had not before, but suddenly realized it had been there the whole time- rage. Furious, icy cold rage, rage on anything and everything that wasn't Pokemon.
Black 2 White 2 Anthea and Concordia.pngN put his hat back on. "Thank you for your time." He whistled again. Then he walked outside like nothing had happened. There was already a Pidgeot waiting for him. He tipped his hat.
"Please don't misunderstand him." A voice so light, so sweet and so gentle it made me ache for home spoke. I whirled around. and saw the voice was coming from a pink-banged girl. She looked so pure, not like N, much more. Next to her was a smiling girl carrying a basket of... something covered.
"N is innocent." the basket-girl said.
"Who are you guys? Oh, N was trying to kill Ghetsis. Is that still-"
"Please, your Pokemon are hurt and you are tired. Take a moment to refresh." The pink-banged girl said. She put one of her hands on my head and instantly, I felt refreshed, like I had just slept, eaten, washed, and everything. My Pokemon seemed happy, too.
"You guys must be much more innocent and pure than N. Who are you, anyway?"
The pink-banged girl bowed. "Anthea. Ah, good. Both you and your Pokémon regained energy... Trainers battle to practice their skills and to grow in experience, but never to hurt their Pokémon. My lord N has realized this, deep down in his heart...but he has spent too much painful time here in this castle to admit it..."
 The basket girl bowed next. "I am Concordia. I give peace and comfort to N. N has been separated from people since he was young. He was brought up with Pokémon... Pokémon that were betrayed, mistreated and hurt by bad people... Ghetsis deliberately brought only those poor Pokémon closer to N. N was touched by their plight, and started pursuing the truth, thinking only of Pokémon. N's heart is pure and innocent. But there is nothing more beautiful and terrifying than innocence. Gardevoir!"
She held up a kind of Pokeball I had never seen- it was golden, and had a silver GS written on it. A Gardevoir came out.
"What kind of Pokeball is that?"
"You do not know? Why, it is a GS ball. The only ball on earth which can catch the Celebi." Concordia explained.
"Ce-- CELEBI?! Whoa, that's amazing! So... where did N run off to, anyway?"
 Concordia thoughtfully turned to Gardevoir. "Why, Lady, do you know?"
'He has gone to the Kyurem of Sapphire-- to reawaken the real Dragons of Legend.'
"Lady did not talk. She simply spoke telepathically. Psychic, you know."
"So... what do you guys have to do with N?"
Anthea looked at me weirdly. "We're his sisters, of course."
There was a blast of pink light, and they dissapeared.

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