Monday, November 10, 2014

Pokemon Region Journeys: Book 3: Heart and Soul: Snivy, oh, Snivy

Anthea and Concordia were gone in a matter of seconds. I stood there, dazed. Dragonair had lapped up all the rest of my cocoa. N was back.
"So there you have it," He spat in disgust. "That's why I hate Ghetsis so much. Did I hate him at first? No, no, no. I trusted him with all of my heart. I thought he was my birth father. I thought it was a mistake. I thought... I thought the Pokemon hated me. But... no. He did it purposely. Purposely, he hurt and harmed Pokemon-- all for power." His hat covered his furious, steel-colored eyes. (This is a LINK.)
He tightened his hat onto his head. "I hate Ghetsis. But I love him at the same time."
Again a memory hit me-- but it was N's.
"Ralts! Growlithe, Darumaka! Zekrom! Yay, you guys are back!" A tiny little 7-year-old N was sitting on the floor. The Ralts, Growlithe, Darumaka, Zekrom, and other little crowd of Pokemon swarmed N. The Ralts rubbed against him. The Growlithe licked his face, but then looked worried.
N rubbed his head. "What's wrong, Growlithe? Is something the matter?"
N became confused. "Daddy is coming? And... them? Oh, don't worry Growlithe! I know they won't hurt us! They're only human!" N scratched Growlithe's ears.
Ralts tugged N's sleeve and pointed to the door.
'R-R-RALTS!' It screamed with a high-pitched voice.
"Daddy is here? And Antsy and Cordy?" N giggled at his nicknames for Anthea and Concordia.
Then they burst into N's room.
Ghetsis was much different- not tall and scary- tall and so-incredibly-frightening-I-think-I'll-pee-in-my-pants. He still had blonde hair, but it was wispy and floated around him like a blonde ghost. His eyes were the same murky, blood-like, reddish color. But they were overwhelmed with fear, hate, and pride. He had the exact same golden-lined black coat with intricate designs made of sapphire, emeralds, rubies, and diamonds. His staff was also the same- tall, pure silver, with the Jade Orb of Rayquaza at the top. He had blood-colored shoes, that were covered in silver faces I didn't recognize.
N looked absoulutely delighted.
"Hello, daddy!"
Anthea and Concordia were the same age as N, but looked evil, with wicked, dark looks in their eyes.
"Natural Harmonia Gropius, my son. I'm afraid it is disciplining time." He held up his staff and the Jade Orb glowed. It crackled with lightning.
N looked as if his worst fears were confirmed.
Ghetsis looked amused. "But I am Ghetsis Harmonia! You are Natural Harmonia Gropius!"
Ghetsis looked worried. "Now, now. Don't get angry! Nobody likes it when little N gets angry!"
"I. DON'T. CARE!" N's eyes glowed brilliant scarlet he lifted into the air. He put out his hand and Ghetsis was lifted up.
"Now N! Calm down! Do not hurt your family!"
The last thing I saw was Ghetsis being buried deep into the earth.
"Why do you love Ghetsis, after all he has done to you?"
N spread out his arms. Talonflame, Spritzee, Pidgeot, and Spearow all crowded onto his arms.
"I never would have met them."
"Why, all of these Pokemon! Silver, I am 24 years old! It has been... 17 years since I... destroyed Ghetsis. That is more than enough time to heal the most hurt soul!"
I hesitated. "How does... how does your power work?"
"I'll demonstrate. Come, my friends! Come!" He lifted his arms into the air. Then he turned to me.
"What Pokemon do you particularly like?"
"Well, I've always loved Snivy."
It was simply quiet and awkward for some time. Then I heard a rumbling.
Three Snivy and a Chikorita appeared.
"Why is the..."
"Don't ask. So should I send them on their way?"
"I was thinking of catching one."
N's face hardened. "Catch.... a Pokemon.... trapping it inside of a prison..."
"You have your rubix!"
Note: This is the link to 'The Name's N'.

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