Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Goldcaves: Chapter 1

Wow. I'm literally making another child-of-Harry-Potter-characters-but-usually-Scorpius's-the-main-character-because-I-said-so series. Well, tell me if the title's confusing. Story starting! (Heads up, Rose is NOT in Gryffindor. UMAD (;?!?!?!?!?!!) Oh, this will also shift between Rose and Scorpius on chapters. One more thing: THE TRAIN CRASHES AS THEY GO THERE SURPRISE
Scorpius Malfoy by JessotnmeGinny Weasley by Saoirse-RoseHello, friends. The name's Prussia's Sword, I think you know me. Rose Weasley is the main in this story.... (WAH NOT SLYTHERIN) I hope you are OK with Gryffindors every now and then, though. Oh, and guys... sometimes Rose will write diary entries, just a warning. (Well, if you don't like that.) She's currently walking on the train steps to her very first day of Hogwarts.... yay! I hope her actual story will start here, right on the train. Maybe the first person she talks to will be her friend, even! Or enemy (if it's Scorpius)......... well, that's not the nicest thought, so I'll just start the real story... after her description. Well, not description, more like picture. I was browsing through DeviantArt, and BAM! I found this. Thank you, Saoirse-Rose! (That's a link)  I KNOW, I KNOW.
She looks like a freakin' Disney princess. I don't care, at all. 
Well, let's start the real story. Scorpius is the other pic. (Jessotnme,DeviantArt, also link)
I was on the train. I walked through and through until I found a compartment, in the 'Ravenclaw' part of the train, but I was allowed there nonetheless. Suddenly a boy barged through the door and saw me. "Hell, there aren't any freakish seats! Can I sit here?"
"Um... sure?" I instantly regretted saying that, seeing as how he was SCORPIUS MALFOY, the boy daddy said to avoid. He plunked down. "Thanks," He looked at me and frowned slightly. "You're a Weasley, aren't you?"
I scowled. "Yes. Are you prejudiced against me?"
He laughed. "Not really," He snorted. "Unless I have a reason to!"
"Y'know, for a Malfoy, you aren't actually mean..."
"Oh, so you're thinking I'm prejudiced?"
"I didn't mean it that way... I've just met your father. He's a bit...."
"Vulgar? That is in the slightest way, true, though."
I inspected him. No way could this be the boy father said was so vulgar and violent. Come to think of it, he was actually kind of handsome. SCRATCH THAT. I took out my paper and started to write.

Dearest daddy (and mum) I don’t mean to be rude to our family’s past, but you were not whatsoever correct about Scorpius Malfoy. He actually is quite kind. He’s only spoken nicely to me, and was only slightly irritated when he came into the compartment. Oh, DAD! I’m ever so glad I am finally going to Hogwarts! Wish me luck in all I do! And father? One more thing. I actually… don’t want to be in Gryffindor! It seems my heart wishes for Ravenclaw! Do not worry, Slytherin does not seem good for me at the moment. I hope you still love me!

Lots of Love, Rose

I read the letter over again and again. Then I tucked it in Katrina's (my pretty grey owl) pocket and she flew off to dad. He couldn't be far, he may respond soon. 
"What the hell did you just send?" Scorpius asked, reading a muggle magazine called TIME. 
I dug through my bag. "A letter to my dad. Why are you reading a muggle magazine?"
He laughed. "Letter already? Anyway, I just adore taking ridicule at mugs."
"Oh." I took a wand I was making out of my bag.
Scorpius raised his eyebrows. "That's your wand? It's, um, iffy."
"No, I'm making a wand." I carved it out and held it in wand position.
"You don't actually expect that to w--"
"Anything from the trolley, dears?"
Scorpius shook his head. "Nah."
"Um, pumpkin pasty. One."
"Fifteen knuts."
I felt my pockets. "Oh, I forgot my money. Oh, well. Thanks, though."
"I'll pay," Scorpius said. "You can thank me later." he handed her a galleon, and looked her in the eye, implying, 'keep the change'.
She left, and instantly the door crashed open again. Let's just say I was surprised. Who wouldn't have been, when a golden-furred wolf entered.
Scorpius was frozen in shock. "Oh. Wolf. Train."
Then the wolf turned human. "Animagi..." I muttered. (Note: Wow, I just spent around 45 minutes making this girl pic, please completely ignore background, or pretend that's her room)
She looked beautiful, yes, but was dressed like.... how do I put this? Like she was going to Broadway, or something like that. A party dress that probably costed thousands of dollars, that was stretching it, yeah. Hot pink high heels? WITH ROSES? The headband wasn't bad... neither was the necklace... but I'm not even going INTO the metal armbands and scarf. Her hairstyle probably costed hundreds, but was amazing, and her tan looked practically artificial. In other words, she looked like a natural human barbie. I wasn't insulting her, (well, her clothes, maybe) but that pretty much meant she was a..... how do I say this? Doll.
"Hi," She had a really teenager voice. "Can I sit here?"
"Definitely." Murmured Scorpius. No doubt just examining her looks.
"Um, don't kill me, but are you a Malfoy?" She asked Scorpius.
"Yeah. You prejudiced too?"
Her sapphire eyes lit up. "OMIGOD! Can you teach me how to be a Slytherin? Pleeeeeeaaaaaaaase?"
Scorpius scratched his head. "Sure?"
"Easiest, fastest way possible!"
"OK, five steps."
"Tell, tell!" She squealed.
"Step number 1: Be a pureblood. Salazar Slytherin was strutting around a mudblood, now was he?"
She nodded. "Got that. I'm pure-blooded."
"Step number 2: Be rich. The majority of us live in manors."
"K! I live in Whiteseraphix manor!"
Scorpius's silvery-grey eyes widened. "The.... Whiteseraphix manor?! What's your name, anyway?"
"Celinae Whiteseraphix! Next step!" (Celinae pronounce See-line-aye)
He stopped. "Your a Whiteseraphix. My GOD! OK, calm, Scorpius, think stupid Gryffindor, stupid Gryffindor, stupid--"
"My whole family's been in Gryffindor."
"Wow, and you seemed alright!"
She cracked a smile. "Let's hope I break the tradition."
Note to fans of Harry Potter: Yes, this is sounding like Sirius Black and James Potter. It's supposed to, geniuses..


  1. And my the new line of ships arise!
    Scorpius:Hey!I'm not going to date her muggle!
    Me:I wouldn't act so uppity when the person next to you knows the creator of the series.Oh,and I also wouldn't call a powerful nation "muggle".


    --Prussia's Sword

      Plus I don't like wizards calling me muggle.



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