Thursday, December 4, 2014

Why I Live Today: Chapter 2

We slowly, baby-stepped over to Dylas's house. He might think we were crazy, or worse. Lexis was brushing her hair down with her fingers up 'till the moment we rang. Dylas opened the door, sparkling as usual. He had his normally long, lavender hair cut Japanese-style. His eyes were as weird as ever. Hypocritical, I know, they were ruby-red, like a melting rose. He had fair skin, lighter than Zack's. which practically didn't matter right now, because his arms were covered  completely in silver bangles. He was wearing a ridiculous sleeveless black vest and velvet undershirt, complete with tuxedo and collar. Three or so gold or silver cross chokers were laced around his neck like normal, and he was wearing heavy black eyeliner, foundation... and black pants covered in chain mail. Even Lexis looked the slightest bit shocked. Instantly Dylas's hand jumped to his hair to straighten it. "Lexis! Oh god, wait." He rushed back into his room to change. When he came out he looked like the normal Dylas: long lavender hair in a not-very-well-done ponytail, jungle-colored overalls, black shirt, silver bandanna and cross necklace, finger-cut black velvet gloves, and a scarlet spade tattoo on his forehead. Dylas grinned. "Lexis, hey."
--Part of Chapter through Lexis's eyes--
"Hey, Lex, got a small thing to tell ya." Dylas smiled at me, making me almost faint.
I attempted to smile back. I think I looked constipated. "Sure, what?"
He eyed Diamond. "Um, private."
"Diamond, you don't mind, right? I mean, if you do..."
Diamond grinned her glistening grin. "Don't mind at all." She gave me a thumbs-up, while Dylas led me into his garden. "OK, what did you want to tell me, pickle?"
Dylas looked angry for a moment. "Don't call me that. Well, uh, have you ever noticed Diamond and Zachary Lane?"
I scoffed. "They couldn't live without each other," I felt a tinge of jealousy. "I would be happy, yeah."
"Right. Would you be content if someone loved you like that, and you loved them back?"
I sighed. "Completely. I would still certainly want to be independent, but sometimes rely on the person."
Dylas smiled. "Well, Lex, just gonna bust out and say it: I wanna be that person. Would you like- or love- being that person? I don't care how long it lasts: end of time or tomorrow, I know you'll make me happy."
I thought about it. "Um. Dylas? Truthfully, well, there is just no way I could possibly--"
He darkened. "Oh. Well, er, sorry I asked. Just forget it."
I grinned. "Let me FINISH, dude! There is just no way I could possibly say no to a guy like you!"
His smile reached his eyes, he took my hand and said, "Thanks, but why did you come over in the first place?"
"For you to sign this." I reached out my hands, then placed the signing paper in his hand, then a pen.
"Happily." He took the pen and jotted out his signature without a second glance. Then he stopped.
"What was that?"
"OH, just a feeling." I smiled.
He reached forward suddenly and whispered in my ear, "I read it. I'd be happy, seven years with you." He took both of my hands, helped me up, and gave me a blow-kiss.
---Rest for Diamond--
I asked Lexis what happened, though I already knew. "I'm so-o-o happy for you, Lex. Wishing you luck. I'll handle Zacky." Quickly taking the paper from Lexis's hands, I ran to Zack's house happily and ran the doorbell. Zachary opened the door, in blue-white sport shorts and a green shirt. He picked me up and spun me around. "Diamond! How's life?"
"Awesome, love. How's.... Jake?"
He grinned. "Fabulous. And so am I." His eyes sparkled with happiness. Then Dianne walked in. She harshly glared at me. "Don't mind her." Zack said reassuringly, giving me a tiny kiss on the forehead.
Dianne, Zack's annoying cousin's friend who was three days younger than Zack, looked at me in hatred and said, "Let's have a little talk, girlfriend."
"Yeah, what? You said you wanted to talk?" I asked, confused.
She looked at the mirror and caressed her blonde hair. "Zachary obviously likes me. Not you, me."
"What?" I was really confused now. "Um, ok...? But why the heck would you think that?"
"We're currently living in the same house, fool."
"He loves me."
"No, sorry, because his cousin is living here right now. Hate to break it to you, but I'm his girlfriend."
"And that's what he tells ya, sister. But he really adores moi."
"Sure. Keep thinking that." Zack came into the hall we were talking in.
He motioned for me to come with him. "Beautiful, we're going, love."
"Coming, Zack." I looked towards Dianne, who was glaring straight into my eyes. To be super truthful? I felt incredibly bad for her. For a moment, I despised Zack. But I shocked myself, I was crazy. I left with Zack anyway, no longer sure about the school thing.

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