Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Anime Unite!: Chapter 2

GO LAMIA SCALE!!! (Favorite guild.... because of y'know.....) Picture of L.S. crest and Lyon on sides.
~~~~~~~~~He was in his fire-breathing stance.
Erza gasped.
Gray clenched his fists.
"Once he's conscious, I'm killing him." I murmured.
"There's no reason to do that. Torture him slowly and send him through hell." Gray laughed, kind of like a murderer.
Gray stepped forward. Erza stopped him and elbowed his stomach.
"What's your problem?" Gray yelled. "HE SET FIRE TO THIS PLACE!"
"No. He didn't. By the looks of it, the opposite, Gray! He was trying to put out the fire... but it was too much! Look, has this ever happened to Natsu? He has burns and scorch marks!" Erza yelled.
"Natsu's immune to fire, isn't he?" I asked nervously.
"This fire.... so powerful. Not even Natsu could put it out by looks, Silv." Gray said.
"No! Natsu's my friend! He's strong, he survived!" I argued.
Gray's dark, navy blue eyes stared into mine for what seemed like a thousand years. Then he looked away and blushed. "Silver... I'd hate to tell you this, but..." He stopped. "I think..... Natsu.... no..."
Erza looked at the floor. "I think he may have been on the brink of death."
"Could anyone-- anything fix him?" I asked.
"Um..." Gray thought about it.
Then I got an idea. "Lyon-- um, no... the Lamia Scale!"
"Your boyfriend's guild?" Asked Gray, growling. "You know how that guy annoys me."
"HE IS NOT MY BOYFRIEND!" I yelled. "He is a little cute, though... um, anyway, like I was saying..."
"You were saying things about Lyon..." snorted Gray.
"Shut it, Fullbuster. Like I was thinking, you know, they do have quite a lot of connections.... maybe.... OH, DUMP LAMIA SCALE!"
"And Lyon?" Gray said hopefully.
"He just was five seconds ago."
I groaned. "Anyway, any of you seen Wendy?"
"Yep, you're crazy. Hun, I'm 29. Haven't seen Wendy in two years." Gray scoffed.
"PLEASE. Remember the seven split?" I retorted.
"Please stop referring to it as that. Anyway, it went by like seven days! Those years were nothing. Anyway, we all stayed in the guild anyway. These two actually had purpose!"
"She lives in that Cait place, right?"
"Yes, the Cait Shelter."
I groaned tiredly. "I'm not a cat person, you know that." I had a mount. It was a water-proof, fire-proof, poison-proof, winged dragon wolf. (U don't know what a dragon wolf is, it's a timber wolf with a dragon tail, claws, wings, teeth, and eyes.)
"Wait, that thing you ride is a dog?" Laughed Gray.
I grabbed Gray's collar and slammed him against the wall. "Listen, Fullbuster, that thing is a well-trained living breathing monster named Mariner. You have a problem with that, I can just so quickly tell him to rip your lungs out and eat 'em."
"GEEZ, put me down, Silver!"
I got up in his face, close enough to count the veins in his eyes.
He turned the color of Erza's hair. "Um, Silv, that's a little too close..."
"You understand?"
He kissed me.
I kicked his stomach with all the force I had. "THAT'S NOT A RESPONSE, DUDE!"
He held his stomach. "Worth it." He laughed.
I turned red. "....whatever."
"So, Silv, how was it?" Gray asked slowly.
"Was what?" I snapped, knowing exactly what he meant.
He rolled his eyes. "Um, new topic... you know, they say late twenties is the best time to get married?"
I raised an eyebrow and covered his head in a poison cloud. "What the heck are you suggesting?"
He started to choke. ".....Cloud......away......! *gak*"
I spun it away. "Why are you suddenly bringing this up?"
"Eh, I was wondering if I should propose to y--"
I brought the cloud back.
I took it away out of sympathy.
"So anyway, just answer the stupid question...."
"Annoyingly satisfying."
He grinned. "You said satisfying...."
"Shut UP. You're well aware I'll always like Lyon a million times more than you, Fullbuster."
He half rolled-his-eyes/snarled. "Whatever....... back to plan."
"YES, thank you! I was thinking Wendy is our best bet."
Someone burst into the door.
"Gray, Erza, Jade!"
"Please don't call me that," I said, wincing at my name.
"Lamia Scale is here." He said.
I stood up and pushed away my chair.
"Full group?"
"No, in fact. Sherry, Jura, Chelia, and Lyon have gone missing."
"WHAT?!" I asked.
"I am pleased with your concern for Vast Face." Muttered Gray.
"Vastia, idiot." I grabbed my coat.
"Where are you going?" Erza, surprised, yelped.
"Galuna Island."
"Aren't we searching for Wendy?"
"That can wait."
"And.... why is that?"
"I have a feeling Lyon went back there."
"It's funny you just mention him." Gray snorted.
"Um, actually, I think only Lyon went there..."
"Wait, why?" He asked, now interested.
"Don't ask, just a funny feeling...."
"Wait. Finish the sentence."
"It's not just him.... and I'm not talking about Lamia Scale..."
"Who are you talking about, then?"
"Jellal. Sting. Loke."
"Where'd you get the idea all your boyfriends are on one island?"
"....whatever you say, Silv."
"Anyway, just some funny feeling. And why would some celestial spirit like Loke the Lion be with some randoms he doesn't know?"
"Exactly. The idea's stupid."
"Well, I think I'm right."
"What does it matter, anyway?"
"I have a feeling they're going to end up like Wendy Marvell."
"And that is...?"
"In a different world."

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