Sunday, January 18, 2015

Anime Unite!: Chapter 4

"W-where-" I started.
"I don't know. Jell face?" Lyon said, turning to Jellal.
Jellal snarled, "It's Jellal. Is she-"
Gray stood up and rubbed his head. "Doesn't seem to be. Sorry."
"Erza... she was here before! Tell me where she is!"
"I don't KNOW! Don't ask me, Jellal. I don't want Erza to be gone, do I?"
He stopped. "'re right. Sorry. Wait, what are these things?"
There were six hollow red-and-white balls (don't take that part wrong) strapped onto his coat.
He unhooked one and held it in his hand. There was a black button on it, and he slowly let his finger down onto it. A white beam of light shot out.
Jellal instinctively yelled, "HEAVENLY BODY MAGIC: ALTAIRIS!" There was a giant, black and silver dragon with golden-rimmed wings and glowing red eyes standing there. The incredibly powerful blast of magic Jellal had cast... had missed. Jellal never missed. It roared.
"HEAVENLY BODY MAGIC: HEAVEN BEAMS!" Golden meteors blasted the dragon back.
The dragon roared louder.
Suddenly Gray yelled. "I HAVE THOSE THINGS TOO!" He unhooked one and also pressed the button. A large blue bird instead came out of his. Gray pressed the button again. The bird shot back inside.
Jellal lunged for the white and red ball and pressed the button again. The dragon shot back in as a beam of light.
"Hey! What were you doing to them?" That wasn't Gray's, Lyon's, or Jellal's voice. And I hadn't said anything.
We all turned towards the direction of the sound.
It was like, a 12 year old. He was standing there with a fiery raging look in his eyes. "Pokemon aren't battle tools, y'know! Why would you fight your Pokemon with your own Pokemon? That's stupid!"
He was wearing a hat and had some weird yellow thing on his shoulder.
Lyon scratched his head. "Um, excuse, but what the hell's a Pokemon?"
The boy looked shocked. "You don't know-- who are you?"
He straightened and proudly addressed himself. "I'M Ash Ketchum! But seriously, who are you?"
"Uh... Gray. Gray... Fullbuster."
"I'm Lyon, Lyon Vastia... sub-zero emperor."
"Jellal Fernandes."
"Silver Scarlet."
"What were you doing to those Pokemon anyway?"
"As far as I'm concerned, it was a monster, and I slay monsters."
"You were going to KILL IT?!"
Lyon rolled his eyes and muttered, "If you're addressing them as 'it', they weren't important in the first place."
"Yes. Is that a problem? Monsters terrorize the innocent. They aren't intent on living if they keep in the life where they do that. What town is this?"
The boy glared. "You couldn't be fighting them with your own 'monsters', could you?"
"I decline your saying I own a monster," growled Jellal. "Like that one on your shoulder."
"Does Pokemon happen to be two shortened words?" Yawned Gray.
"...pocket monsters..."
"And then the young boy admits they are monsters." Jellal retorted.
"HEAVENLY BODY MAGIC: ALTAIRIS!" The black-hole like vortex shot towards the yellow thing.
It tossed both the boy and the yellow thing to the side.
"W-what was that?"
"Oh, shut up, like you've never seen magic before, you insolent brat."
"M-magic? Like wizards? That's fantasy. They aren't real, that's stupid."
Gray coughed. "Says the boy with a yellow monster on his shoulder."
I stood up and shoved Jellal to the side. "Excuse him, he gets rude. You're sure you never seen a wizard before?"
"That's odd. But you saw what Jellal did, Ash. That's your name, isn't it? That was his magic. We all have different magic."
"How come you don't have wands and hats?"
"THAT STEREOTYPICAL BRAT!" Jellal lunged forward and kicked Ash's stomach.
"Poison make: Acid cloud!" The purple cloud floated to him.
I helped Ash up and put my hand on his stomach. "Heal magic: Healing flow!" My hand turned white.
Ash fingered his stomach. "What did you just do?"
"It's Healing magic. I told you we were wizards."
Ash just stared for a minute. Then he cracked a grin. "Well, now I understand you hurting the Pokemon. Just don't do that again. So that Justine guy wasn't lying..."
Gray perked up. "Wait... Justine? Freed Justine?"
"Yeah, that was his name. Freed. He said he was a wizard, and I didn't believe him."
Gray grabbed Ash's collar and picked him up. "Take us to him!"
"I will, geez! Stop trying to kill me!"
Jellal unhooked all of the red and white things from his coat and tossed them at Ash. "I'll use my magic. I don't need these hellish monsters. They're a load of trouble."
"...I can keep them?" He asked.
"Keep them, burn them, eat them, I don't care! Take them away from me!"
"'re just giving me a rare legendary... thanks, man!" He tucked them into his pocket.
"...don't mention it." Jellal snarled, somewhat like a murderer.
Ash turned to me. "Is he normally like this?"
"Eh, when his crush isn't around, yeah."
"So, anyway, where is Freed?"
"He should be with Cilan."
"My friend."
An explosion blasted around half a mile away. I heard a bunch of screaming.
Giant, purple matrix code appeared above it. It shone blood red.
Jellal grinned. "That's Freed."
"He-- did-- that--?"
"Must've gotten mad, or something." Jellal exclaimed, still smiling.
"Is his best friend Freed or something?" Ash asked Gray.
"Well, he likes powerful wizards who're on the good side."
"It's hard to believe he isn't evil."
"Jellal's part dark demon."
Ash gulped. "Oh."
"Well, what're we waiting for? HEAVENLY BODY MAGIC: METEOR!"
Golden fire formed around him and he shot into the sky and towards Freed's explosion.
"Show-off." Lyon mumbled. "ICE MAKE: GEYSER!" The wall of ice propelled him off of the ground.
"He's not afraid of falling? Won't he break his leg or something?"
Gray laughed. "Listen, kid, he's Lyon. He's survived fighting a powerful villain while about to die, jumping off a cliff, exploding."
"Man, you guys are immortals, aren't you?"
"No. Lyon got close to killing me once. Got a little tantrum."
"Are you guys enemies?"
"No, friends, maybe friendly rivals."
"Wizards are so weird...." Ash muttered.

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