Sunday, January 18, 2015

Anime Unite!: Chapter 5

The gif is an example of Jellal traveling by meteor.
A few days later, we met Ash's friends, Iris and Cilan. Jellal was still feeling gloomy.
"What the hell... what is this?!" Lyon exclaimed.
Ash looked stunned. "Cilan's special stew recipe. You don't like it?"
"IT'S AMAZING! Hey, Cyan! Are you a master chef?"
Cilan blushed, completely ignoring the fact Lyon said his name wrong. "I wouldn't say that... I'm a Pokemon Connoisseur. But I'm glad you like it, uh, what's your name?"
"Lyon Vastia."
Cilan sat down and tried the stew. "Too much salt. So, are you guys actually.... wizards? Or was Ash just lying?"
"We're wizards." Freed murmured. His stew was sitting there, stone-cold.
The girl, Iris, pushed her bowl away. "I'm full now! Do you guys have Pokemon?"
"Those monsters?" Jellal growled. "Only an idiot would."
Iris and Cilan glared. "I don't like this guy."
Jellal held out his fist. "You wanna fight? I'd be more than willing to fight those monsters of yours."
"You have Pokemon?" Iris yelled.
"No. I have fists and magic. In fact, I CHALLENGE you to a battle, me against your monsters!"
"Seriously? You're sure?" She sounded nervous.
"Perfectly." Jellal adjusted the ring he was going to give to Erza.
Iris eyed the glistening gems. "Hey. Are you married?"
"No. I'm engaged."
"Forced or arranged?" Ash growled.
"NEITHER!" Jellal roared. "I PROPOSED!"
Cilan leaned over to Iris. "Who in the right mind would say yes?"
Gray flipped over the table. "That's ENOUGH! Fernandes is in shock, you insensitive bastards!"
"In shock from what?" Iris was a little stunned by his language.
Jellal stood up. "Gray, please don't. I'm leaving."
"I'm trying to defend you!"
"I don't need defense. I'm not called one of the strongest wizards for nothing. HEAVENLY BODY MAGIC: METEOR!"
He rocketed off.
Cilan was quiet. "Does he normally do that?"
"That's his way of travel, man."
Freed clenched his fist. "Must I go after him?"
"You don't have to. But I am." I said, slamming down my fist.
I flew off, seeing Jellal in the distance, almost a mile away.
"I'm going." Lyon said. "ICE M--"
"Oh, for Pete's sake, Lyon. Here, I can keep you up with wings."
It was kind of annoying having to keep two pairs if wings suspended, but I didn't care.
Gray made ice geysers and jumped around on them.
Freed made matrix crypt that enabled him to walk on thin air.
"Wizards... so weird. I guess I'm following them, though." Cilan said.
"GO, CHARIZARD!" Ash jumped on the giant orange dragon, and so did Iris and Cilan.
"Why are we saving that jerk?"
"He's not normally like that," I protested. "He's just looking for Erza."
"Er-who?" Ash asked.
"Erza. The girl he proposed to."
"Ah, the crazy one."
Suddenly, a voice as loud as thunder yelled, "ERZA!"
I'm guessing it was Jellal.
His meteor magic darted towards the ground.
We all headed in that direction.
Jellal kissed Erza. She looked very wide-eyed. So did Ash, Cilan, and Iris.
Jellal let go of her and smiled. Erza smiled back faintly.
"Where were you?"
"I don't know, the purple light came and ended up here!"
"It's felt like an eternity."
"He's going overboard." Lyon whispered.
"Erza doesn't seem to mind. Just let it pass, Vastia."
"Ok..." He didn't sound sure.
Jellal turned scarlet. "Forgive me, Erza," He kneeled down. "Would you still be accepting of this ring?" He offered it to her.
She laughed. "Of course, Fernandes." She slipped it on. "It's nice to see you, again. It's been some time."
"Three days, actually." Jellal laughed.
"What? More three weeks. You guys were gone for a LONG time."
"Three... weeks?" He gaped. "It's only been a few days."
"Well, it's the normal time switch."
"Yeah. Erza..."
He dropped to his knees. "What did I do to deserve you?"
Iris rolled her eyes. "I could ask the same question." She muttered.
Erza smiled. "Jellal. I still remember the day when you gave me a last name... I remember that prison cell... I remember... Nirvana..." a tear went down her cheek. "I remember when that demon possessed you..."
Everyone was quiet.
Jellal wiped the tear. "Those days are the past. No doubt we won't forget them... but they no longer matter."
Gray rolled his eyes. "Says the guy who's a dangerous outlaw because of his past."
Erza smiled at Jellal. "....true. Well, we should be happy now, so... Freed!"
"Yes, master?"
"Can you do archive magic?"
"Uh... no, ma'am."
"Then how are we supposed to see if anyone else is in this world?"
Cilan coughed. We all looked at him. "Um, there's a newspaper."
We eventually found an article saying an insane trainer claiming he was a wizard was locked up in some prison.
I read the entire article
A young man arrived in the West Flareon Prison at 6 pm. He was very mysterious- "He just gave off a creepy aura, in general,"- Mr. James Cockworth, guard at the Flareon Prison states. He gave an insane threat- claiming to be a 'dark mage'. Not knowing what a Pokemon is, police suspect the young man may have been brainwashed by a new dark-type cult. When left in a questioning room with two officers, the room was found completely empty, and the officers were unconscious on the floor, but with no visible injuries. When the man was asked his name earlier, he simply replied 'Zeref'. He claimed to have no parents, no relatives, no friends, no Pokemon, no relations, no contacts, and the alias 'The Killing Mage'. The young man is currently being questioned in an Asylum.
"Um, does this freak anyone else out? That name.... Zeref..." I nervously whispered.
Jellal's eyes were widening with fear. "Not him.... not Zeref...."
"Do you know him?" Ash asked.
Gray laughed menacingly. "Heh, I've never met him face-to-face.... not like I would want to."
"Zeref.... we must leave! I can't stand another second in this place!"
"WAIT, who is Zeref?" Cilan asked.
"I've never heard of him." Iris added.
Erza gulped. "Z-Zeref. The most powerful, most dangerous dark mage of all time. I thought he had.... died."
Jellal slowly stood. "H-heavenly body magic: Meteor!"
"JELLAL! Where are you going?!" Erza screamed.
"Forgive me, my love. But... I'm going to take on Zeref. Alone."
And on that, he shot into the sky.

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