Monday, January 19, 2015

Anime Unite!: Chapter 7

"ALL AT ONCE?" Ash screamed. "That's crazy. You'll... d-die."
Jellal cracked his knuckles. "Let's go. Your monsters won't even touch me."
"Pikachu! Electro ball! Charizard, flamethrower!"
"Crustle, let's go for rock slide! Bullet seed, Pansage!"
"Axew, don't go easy! Dragon rage! Excadrill, give it all you got! Focus blast!"
He blasted into the sky before the attacks touched where he was. Every single one missed.
Jellal won by a landslide. Not one attack even came close to hitting him.
We were in the Pokemon center, eating overly sweet cups of some berry juice I didn't know.
"That's awesome. So you can go by without Pokemon?"
"In our world, Pokemon don't exist, jackass." Jellal scoffed.
Iris threw her cup at Jellal. "THAT'S ENOUGH! You're always treating us like trash! Ash was complimenting you!"
The dark pink juice dripped off his face. "Why you little..." He grabbed Iris's collar. "Listen. In less than two seconds, I could kill you with a snap of my fingers. Got it?"
He wiped the sweet liquid from his face. "Guys, It's nice of you to let me stay with you like this, but I didn't even try in that battle. One Altairis and all of those monsters were wiped. That shows weakness. Until you can defeat me, you don't have true strength. You were kind to me. Thank you, Ash. I don't hate you. I think I resented the fact you worked with m--.....Pokemon. Truly, thank you. Cilan.... Iris, I know you despise me, I will try to be kinder."
Ash shook his hand silently.
Daily Announcement
The grand ball will take place at 6:00 on Tuesday.
You must have at least four gym badges to enter.
"A ball, huh? Sounds interesting." Lyon yawned.
"Is that like a special kind of Pokeball?" Ash questioned.
"Ash.... my god. A grand ball is a dance." Gray snickered.
Zeref was sitting in a corner.
"Anyway, what're Gym Badges?" Erza asked.
Ash thought about it. "There are more powerful trainers here. When one is especially powerful, they can be a gym leader. When you defeat one you get a special badge."
"Mm. You have four?"
"So, can we just go in with you?"
"Ga! Uh... I guess so." 
Cilan looked at the clock and jumped. "Does anyone else realize it's 5:30, and today's Tuesday?"
Erza looked gorgeous in a dress.
Me... um, I can't exactly judge myself.
She was wearing a raven's-wing black mermaid dress, the wide part studded with circular jewels. Her hair was styled into a rose-shaped bun. She looked great.
And like I said, I couldn't judge myself.
My dark red hair was put into a braid and over my shoulder, and I wore a dress similar to Erza's, but dark silver.
Ash wore a gray tux suit. Cilan wore a white tux suit. Lyon wore a black tux suit. Gray wore a navy tux suit. Zeref reluctantly wore a blood-red tux suit. He said he would ruin everything and shouldn't bother coming.
"Oh, c'mon, Zeref. You aren't that bad." I argued. "You should come!"
He laughed murderously. "I am that bad. Have you already forgotten how I got the alias 'The Killing Mage'?"
"But you aren't dangerous in this world."
"I knock people out by getting close to them! That is dangerous!"
"Listen, Zeref. I'm your friend. As your friend, I need to help you come out of that shell."
"You're my... friend?"
"Yes. Which is exactly why I want you to come. You need more friends."
He was silent. 
"...fine. But only because you said I have to..."
I mostly stood around and talked. Jellal had no need to change, he was often dressed in fancy clothes anyway.
", Jellal... why don't you like...."
"Like those.... things? They remind me of monsters, Silver. They really do."
"I know. But they're friendly monsters."
"Yes... you are right. I shouldn't judge them because they're monsters. It's a cowardly thing to do."
"I wouldn't call it cowardly... more... rude."
"Rude? Yes, I suppose so. Well.... I'm going to walk outside. It was rather... enlightening... talking to you." He walked away. Zeref was standing off to the side, trying not to be noticed.
"Hey. What are you doing over here?"
"Oh. Me? I shouldn't be here. It's.... a ball. I've never had experience with these things."
I slightly smiled. "You should be over there with the rest of us, it's fun!"
"Fun? I doubt I would be fun..."
"C'mon, let's dance."
"WHAT?" His face turned as red as Erza's hair. "No, no, I can't do that."
"Yes, you can." I grabbed his hand.
"You can dance, liar."
"Only because I've been around a few hundred years..."
He actually could dance. He was perfectly coordinated, and his feet never once stumbled, though his face was red the entire time.
"This is so embarrassing..."
"Why would you think that?"
"Not for me... for you. Why are you dancing with me in the first place."
"You always seem like the lone wolf."
"Oh. You pity me."
"No, not really. It's fun, doing this."
"Dancing with a murderer is fun? You have the oddest taste in guy--" He stopped.
I turned redder than Zeref.
"Uh, I didn't mean-- I mean... you have a... weird taste in fun. Not... uh, not that I.... sorry, I should probably leave." His entire face was dark maroon.
"It's fine. I mean you're right--- oops. I wasn't intending that.... I'm not saying that wasn't true.... um, no, I mean.... you're nice.... yeah, I should leave, too."
I stumbled out.
Eventually, it ended, though it was no longer comfortable staying in the same place as Zeref.
I decided to talk to someone, though I later realized it wasn't the best choice.
"Hey, Gray?"
"Who- oh, it's you, Silv. Why're you in here? It's, like, seven in the morning."
"Oh. Should I leave?"
"You can stay."
We sat down.
"So, what're you coming to ask me about? I'm not exactly some all-knowing guru."
"Well, I thought you'd know."
"Uh, there's a guy I like..."
"What?" He opened his eyes. "Who?"
"Like I'd tell you, moron. And I may have unintentionally told him I liked him yesterday. What should I do?"
"You wanna add a 'signed, anxious'? Look, I don't know what you should do in this situation. It depends who the guy is."
"Well, I definitely wouldn't aim on telling you..."
"I'll wait here all day, Silv."

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