Thursday, January 1, 2015

Interview with Serbia (Well with a couple of guests)

(Runs in dragging Serbia and Tibet)

Whoa!What the-!

Who are you!

Tibet I'm the Philippines,Hi Claire.

Um hi,why are you closing the blinds?

2ps, so the other countries think I'm safe.

Wait,What!Your not making alot of sense.What's a 2p? 

It's a version of you that's completely opposite personality I'm having a meeting with the nice ones.

Nice ones?If they're nice why are everyone else scared of them?

*Door opens*Hi Piri,Ciao bella~,Hello Piri!,'Ello poppet!,Hello Piri,how are you?

Who are these people?

Ya!And who's that dude with the scarf!?He's hot!

Well bella~.I think your rather beautiful too~.

Guys,this is Lorens,Lovino,Egil,Oliver and Natalie.

So...what countries are they?

Oh,Lorens is 2p Norway,Lovino is 2p Romano-

I am Romano.

Not to me.Egil is 2p Iceland,Oliver is 2p England and Natalie is 2p Belarus.

Well then,wait why do you all have human names?

'Cause those are our names?

What's yours?

Hetalia or normal?


Maria Clara Fernandez Carrido Pigao

Whoa...Long name.

That's the stereotype.My human name is.*Hands her a peice of paper*This. do you pronounce that?

Hey!We have a cross-dimensional crisis here!

I argee with Lorens.I don't know how long I can hold of Big Brother.

Okay,your right.Egil?How's Thurson?

Well,He tries to tell me to fight the 1ps,but I think I'm doing a rather good job of holding him of.

Good.Lovi?How's Luciano's bloodlust?

Get's worse every day.

I'll inform the other 1ps.We may need to have Al's nukes ready.


Well,Al and James are getting ready for war,but I don't think Frank really cares.

Hmm,tell me when things get bloody,Kay?

Of course.

Okay, let's meet up say,two weeks from now?

Got it Piri.


  1. <3 Lovino Vargas
    --Prussia's Sword

  2. Um, supergenius, Lovino Vargas IS Romano....
    --Prussia's Sword

    1. Yeah,I kinda forgot that 2p Roma's name is Flavio.



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