Thursday, January 1, 2015

Least Favorite Hetalia Characters


1. Belgium: I DESPISE HER. You know I like Romano, so you can guess why.

2. France: I agree with England. Wine-loving jerk.

3. Austria: How can Hungary like him? HE DOESN'T LIKE SWITZERLAND. So he can play piano. SO WHAT?

4. Roman Empire: WAY too inappropriate.

5. North Italy: LOVE his brother, but I HATE North Italy.

6. Russia: Please don't go all KOLKOLKOL on me, kay?

7. Seychelles: France likes her, so I don't like her.

8. Turkey: ICK HIDEOUS

9. Lichtenstein: Switzerland may be friends with her... but I never liked her.

10. Lithuania: Too much of a bizzy-bee. 


  1. #1-BelBel is so cute! I'm not a fan of yaoi.Plus,Papi is not gay.
    #2-Hentai!Wain aisuru jaku!
    #3-Yeah,kinda snobby.
    #4-Aw come on!He didn't know he was a boy!Actually I think Hungary was the only one who knew outside of Rome.
    #5-He's neutral to me.
    #6-Yeah,no matter how much my friend tells me his chibi is cute,there's just no hiding his darkness.*holds up a christian cross*
    #7-Hey show some gratitude!People hate her only because "Oh she's related to France" or "Oh she's a girl in an all yaoi series".Seriously.
    #8-I'm on Heracles' side.
    #9-She's the world's sixth smallest country!She needs oni-chan to help her fine!
    #10-Aw Toris is pushed around by SoRen-san.I asked SoRen if he could help me in my house and he's very nice.I give him Wednesdays off.


    1. These are just my opinions.... geez.
      --Prussia's Sword

    2. I know.*smiles*



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