Friday, February 6, 2015

Anime Unite!: Chapter 11

He's so hot.... OMG
Guys, comin' to le end of book. Thirteen chapters, then Anime War! comes out. XD
I love you guys, m'friends. Even though you never make comments. You make comments in class.
(hint hint make comments online already got 2 conduct marks 'cause of you)
Kyo Sohma pic on side.
Sasuke is pronounced: sahs-kay

  • Silver
  • Gray
  • Jellal
  • Kuro
  • Sasuke
  • Ciel
  • Freed

"How exactly did you.... betray them?"
"Amegakure. I'll say nothing more." He said quietly
Gray was deadly confused. "Am-what? Geez, you made that up, didn't you?"
Sasuke said nothing and hauled Kuro onto his back.
He didn't seem to be aware blood was staining his skin.
"Sasuke... your eye- what's wrong with it?" I asked.
His eyes were a bright and merciless red, and seemed to have intricate patterns.
"Nothing. Just leave me alone." His eyes turned dark black again and he walked away.
Sasuke joined us for dinner, again. He sipped ginseng tea, but didn't touch the roast beef.
"Dude, Mira worked really hard to make something she thought you would like." Natsu said, trying to slice into the tough beef.
Seemingly without moving, Sasuke cut it into 20 equal pieces.
"...that was... fast." Natsu muttered. "So, what were you guys doing?"
"Sasuke killed two people and saved Kuro, but that's it. He also had this e--" Sasuke sword flew over Gray's mouth. "Nothing. It's not like, uh.... dude, sword."
Sasuke sheathed his sword at the speed of light and took a long, silent sip of ginseng.
"I already like this guy. He's sort of like the old me, but... more weapon-y." Zeref chirped.
"I agree on that. Oh, no thanks, Nat. Not that hungry." Natsu took my slice from my plate.
I leaned towards Sasuke. "What's your deal? You have a slight problem with your past?"
Sasuke put down his tea. "Let me tell you what happened on that night." He looked at the table.
"That night... it was... dark. The crescent moon was high in the sky, shining like a perfect crystal. I was walking home from the market. M-mother had told me to buy fresh meats. I saw a silhouette of a man on the roof... his eyes were glowing like cut rubies. It scared me. When I walked into the clan village... I stepped into a pile of wet blood. My grandfather, sliced open like a fish, was on the ground... a lifeless rag doll. I dropped the meats into the dirt. I was so surprised, I wasn't crying. Then I walked to my house. I heard my mother's voice, she was yelling 'don't come in'. I heard shrieking, my father screaming, pleading for him to spare me, all I could hear was 'don't hurt Sasuke'. Then all of the noise stopped. I opened the door. Itachi was standing there... with a bloody shuriken in his hand... that shuriken, his special cool one, with his name engraved on it.... he used it to kill them. Mother and father... their blood was staining my shoes. All I could do was run and try to escape... but I walked out and collapsed on the ground, crying. All I could do was cry. Itachi walked up to me. I thought he would kill me... but he didn't. He said I was too useless, powerless, and pathetic to kill. Like I was pointless. I swore I would kill him as soon as he walked away. He's dead... but I didn't kill him." Sasuke's face was emotionless. "I love my brother."
"WHAT?!" Natsu yelled. "You have the craziest family."
"H-he was decent at times. I'll go train. S'ya."
"Where the heck did Sasuke go?" Gray asked.
"Wasn't he training or something?"
"Yeah, he's not at the river, in the river, in the trees, or even Fiore. I've searched everywhere. It's been hours and he hasn't returned."
I grabbed my coat and sighed. "F- wait, what was that?"
"That bump? Probably some birds."
"I dunno. Let's check the roof."
Sasuke's right big toe was perfectly perched on the tip of the roof. His left knee was bent, making his left foot perfectly placed on his right knee. His hands were together, and his eyes were wide open. The eerie red was back, glowing brighter than before.
He froze, then, like a leopard, jumped from the tip and onto the balcony, where we were.
"Uh... how...?"
He slightly nodded.
The grand ball of wizards, taking place Saturday only, will be the largest event of the year! It has everything:
  • Activities!
  • Exciting Events!
  • Food & Drinks, all gourmet!
  • Ballroom Dancing!
  • Rock Party!
  • Games!

"Well, that sounds fun. Will Ash, Cilan and Iris be coming? Do you have to prove your wizardship, is the question..."

"Erza...?" Jellal slowly started.

"Yes, Fernandes?"

"May I have the honor of your accompanying me to the ball?"

"Uh... sure, why not."


Zeref looked away.

Gray looked at me.

I looked away.

Kuro looked around, a little clueless on what to do.
Then he looked at me. "Hey, you don't have'ta say yes... could you, like, come with me or something?"
I had no idea how to respond. "Um, OK? Why not, I guess."
"Okay, good, I guess. Could you possibly give me a tour of this kingdom? I mean, I don't really know where anything is... like, at all...."
"Oh, yeah, why not. That would be fine."
"Thanks. A lot. This'll be incredibly useful. Well then... see'ya tomorrow!"
Gray looked at me. "You realize what he just did?"
I thought about it. Then it dawned on me. "Oh my- agh, I'm such an idiot!"
"Yes. Yes he is."
"Yes he is? I said I was an idiot. Not Kuro."
"I said yes YOU are, not he is. You're deaf."
I was walking to my room, when I bumped into someone.
"Huh? Oh, so-" I started.
They stood up, and my soul fell out of my body.
It was literally the most gorgeous, hottest, most handsome guy I had seen in my 27-year lifetime.
"Oh. A person. Hey, you know where I am? I just woke up in that room." He pointed to my door.
"Um... you're in Fiore. The land of magic and wizards, why do you ask?"
"I've never f***ing seen this place before. Where the heck am I, specifically?"
Nice mouth. "Uh, my house..."
He looked around and shook his head appreciatively. "Nice place. It's pretty cool. I know what Fiore is, I came here a few days ago with the purple light. I can't remember anything at all.... except Yuki Sohma, my name, and where I came from."
"What are those things?"
"Yuki Sohma? My enemy, and a Prince Charming Rat. My name, Kyo Sohma. Where I came from? Uh... actually, some place... I'm a Zodiac guy... a cat?"
I didn't mention that the cat of legend was not in the true zodiac.
"Zodiac... like Virgo, or Pisces?"
"No. Chinese Zodiac. Rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, sheep, monkey, rooster, dog, pig."
(Note: LOL I actually know the zodiac in order, come to think of it. I didn't look it up, swear. SO PROUD OF MYSELF.)
"Ah. That. What's your year?" I asked, not really too curious.
"Uh, dog."
"But aren't you a c-"
"Don't ask about that. What year're you?"
"Dog, also. I love dogs."
"Oh. What're your favorite foods? Leek, miso?"
"Who actually likes those? They're disgusting. Like, maybe, onigiri? Delicious. Oh, do you eat Asian foods and stuff-?"
"Yeah, totally. Onigiri's my fave. I eat them so much. Speaking of which, you have any?"
"Only plain and cod roe..."
"My faves. That'll do. So, you like... dogs?"
"Yeah. Isn't any of the 'forgetting your past' important to you at all?"
"Eh, I'll end up wanting to forget about it, anyway."
I nodded. "Cliche."
He snorted. "Pretty much. So are you here with anyone else?"
"Yeah. Few friends."
"Uh, Gray, Jellal, Erza, Freed, Ciel, Ash, Cilan, Iris, Kuro, Sasuke, Sebastian, Zeref."
"Some weird names, that isn't a 'few'. That's twelve people. I don't wanna get in the way, so..."
"Nah, it's fine. My house is large. My mom... well, she's pretty well-along. She gave me a few dollars..."
"Heh, again, doesn't really look like a few... anyway, what's your name?"
"Oh, I'm Silver."
"Just... Silver?"
"Well, my name is Jade Silver Scarlet-"
"All colors."
"Yeah. But everyone calls me Silver, really."
"Hm. I'll call you... Jade. Yeah, Jade's nice."
I decided not to argue. "Okay, then. Not Silver. I guess it's OK if you call me that..."
"Oh sh*t, a thirteenth person? No offense, Silv, but isn't that a bit much? Even for how much you can handle?" Gray yawned, staring at the request board. "Y'know, half of these guys aren't even wizards."
Kyo snorted. "Who's this? Not your boyfriend, I hope?"
"NO. That's Gray, and he won't be my boyfriend in a million years."
"How 'bout after that?" Gray asked.
"Shut it, Fullbuster."
Zeref stood up. "As of today, I'm a nomad. I'm traveling around now. You guys were like an extended family, but I don't really belong."
Erza stood, also. "I want to travel. I need some adventure. So I'm leaving, too."
The Pokemon trio stood up. "We're going to explore. It's a whole new world we live in."
(LOL pun)
"Oh. So you guys... Zeref, you aren't joking?"
He shook his head. "Not joking."
I kissed Zeref's cheek. "Bye, then. We'll see you guys when the time comes."
Jellal looked at the floor.
Sebastian's arms turned purple.
Ciel looked at him. "Sebastian, I command you to stop. What in hell's name are you doing?"
"My lord, I'm not doing this."
Sebastian 'poof'ed away.
"Oh, lord. Well, I can get a new butler."
Kyo was literally one of the most understanding friends I had ever had in my life.
"So, you have a thing for that Zeref guy?" He snickered.
"Not... really. Well, not anymore."
"Wait- let me guess. Um... the one with the blue hair."
"Which one?"
"The Kyro, Kuro guy? With all the silver bracelets."
"To be honest, sort of."
"What's with the sword-guy? Sasuke?"
"Ruined childhood."
"I understand him. Completely."
"Yeah, I got into the same situation."
"Wow, this place finally feels like home. Everyone actually accepts me. It's nice, definitely not normal, though?" Kyo leaned back in his chair at breakfast. "I'm starting to get curious about my past, though."
"You remember anything?" I asked.
"No, only Yuki Sohma. Speaking of which, I saw him this morning."
"Oh, he's outside."
Someone opened the door.
"Or, he's inside."
I expected a tall, muscular, and scarred mutant.
Looks like a girl, right? Kinda cute though,
I gotta admit. :3
This was not any of those four.
It was an incredibly gorgeous, sweet-looking guy, who was a little bit shorter than Kyo.
When I said gorgeous, I meant, his looks were a little feminine.
He had pretty long eyelashes for a guy, and his eyes were bright, like stars. He had a sweet, innocent smile that made my heart melt. This couldn't possibly be the guy Kyo hated so much.
"Hey, rat." Kyo muttered.
"And the same to you, cat."
"I think I'm going to beat you today."
"I doubt it fully. Why, Kyo, how long have you been here?"
"Uh... few weeks. Why, y'rat, d'ya ask? Turning it into a contest?"
Yuki sighed. "Ah, your mind..."

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