Sunday, February 8, 2015

Anime Unite!: Chapter 12

Yamaken.... <3
Only guy who's as great
as Yamaken.
Guys, hey! It's me, Meteor Zeref. TWO MORE CHARACTERS, and i'm done, super promise!
Yamaken is blond, Yuuzan is dark-haired.
Don't kill me... I've decided to take out Gray Fullbuster.
  • Yamaken (Kenji Yamaguchi)
  • Yuuzan Hoshida
  • Kyo Sohma
  • Yuki Sohma
  • Freed Justine
  • Silver Scarlet
  • Kuro Yahika
  • Ciel Phantomhive
  • Jellal Fernandes
  • Sasuke Uchiha
"Hey, rat-ass, why're you here, anyway?" Kyo ate a spoon of cereal.
Yuki sighed. "Some purple light. Ah, this city is awfully gorgeous." Yuki looked around him. "The people, too. Kyo, y'know, when I came here, all I could remember were you, my name, and where I came from. Odd, is it not?"
"Ah, shut up, bastard." Kyo muttered, stuffing another spoonful into his mouth.
Yuki's eyes gleamed for a millisecond.
Kyo glanced. "Oh, you gonna turn into black Yuki? Go ahead. I don't care."
Yuki's eyes gleamed again. Then he lunged for Kyo and punched him upside the head.
Kyo's nose bled. "Wow, that almost hurt. I think you're improving."
Yuki stood there, fists clenched. His eyes were a dark, merciless black, like a bottomless abyss.
I worked up some courage. "Both of you are being idiots. Poison make, cloud."
The cloud went around Yuki.
Yuki turned into a rat.
"What the--?!"
"I told you, Yuki's a rat."
"I thought you were saying it like an insult!"
"Nope. I was being literal. And I'm a cat, like I said."
Yuki turned back into a human and turned to human. "I'm awfully sorry you had to see 'black Yuki'."
Somebody banged on the doors with incredibly loud force.
"Uh... I can get it." I said, walking over to the doors.
Gray raised five dollars in his hand. "Five dollars it's a guy from some other world."
"I'll take that bet." Said Cana.
I opened the door. "Hey?"
It was a blond guy and a black-haired guy.
The blond one was wearing a gray jacket, light blue shirt, torn jeans, and old high-tops.
The black-haired one was wearing an obsidian-black street jacket, open, a dark green shirt, black torn jeans, a dark gray sneakers.
"Hey, can we crash here?" The blond one said.
"What're your names?" I asked curiously.
"Kenji Yamaguchi. Call me Yamaken. That's what I go by, anyway." He flipped his gold hair back, like some incredibly conceited celebrity.
"And I'm Yuuzan Hoshida. But you can just call me Yuuzan, if you prefer."
Both of theme were confusingly charming and handsome, in their own ways.
Yamaken was rather good-looking, but... he seemed a bit conceited. Hey, just first impression.
Yuuzan seemed charming in every way, shape, and form.
"Darn, it's two." Muttered Gray.
"Pay up." Cana held out her hand, which Gray grudgingly put a few green papers into.
Yamaken looked around. "We can crash here, right?"
I looked at Cana. "Wait, why are you in my house?"
"No reason." She pocketed Gray's money and walked out.
"Hey, well, can we?" Yuuzan asked, flashing a smile.
I melted. "Yeah, definitely."
Yamaken walked upstairs.
Yuuzan quietly bit into a toast coated with a million layers of powdered sugar.
Yamaken was sipping orange juice, glancing at most of us like we were inferior. Mostly, his eyes landed on Gray. When he looked at Gray, his eyes got dangerously curious- like he was thinking of murdering him. Finally, he said, "What's your name?"
"Uh... Gray... Fullbuster?"
"Hm. Sorry, you look like a rival of mine."
I slammed my fist on the table. "God, today's Saturday! Isn't that wizards ball today?"
Kuro looked up. "Oh, yeah, that's right."
"Oh, I'll ask someone in here." Yamaken looked around, then looked at me. "It seems you're the only girl in here. Do you-"
Kuro kicked his stomach. "She's taken."
Yamaken stood up and dusted himself off. "Whatever, like I care."
Kuro rolled his eyes. "If you say so."
"Anyway, like I was saying, it's in thirty minutes... hmm... that gives us seven minutes to dress, twenty minutes to get there, and three minutes to eat a snack."
Yamaken nodded approvingly. "Decent math."
Gray looked at the floor. "Uh, guys? I've decided... I'm leaving and never coming back to Fiore."
"WHAT?!" I yelled. "That's a little sudden, y'know!"
"Yeah, but... I'll see you again, eventually, Silv. But s'ya, for now."
He walked out of the door, and didn't look back.
The dance was really boring, and completely wasted.
"That was so boring, I think I died in there once." Yamaken yawned.
"The sweets were nice, though... you should have tried the baklava, Yamaken-kun."
"Whatever. You're going to die of diabetes, Yuuzan."
Kyo yawned. "It was killer. In the bad way."
I nodded in agreement.
"I'm never doing that again." Kuro muttered.
A few weeks passed. Eventually, my crushes on Kuro and Yuuzan wore away.
I, unfortunately, only had eyes for Yamaken.
"You guys do anything interesting recently? Without A and B missions, life is so boring..." Kuro muttered.
"Why don't you guys do a test to see how strong you are? Like, vs-vs." Kyo suggested.
"That's a cool idea. We should do that. And Silver, you can be the judge." Jellal murmured.
"I already know who's going to win, but okay, why not."
I reached into the bag and pulled out two slips of paper. "Okay, Kyo vs Yamaken, let's go!"
Yamaken walked up with a very uninterested look on his face.
Kyo ran in and pounced on Yamaken.
Yamaken sidestepped and Kyo crashed onto the ground. "Ow.... I mean, that was so painless! Come at me again, Yamass!"
Yamaken look half cynical, half perplexed. Kyo jumped him.
Yamaken forgot to sidestep. He grabbed Kyo's shoulder and quickly squeezed it.
"What the freak? I can't feel my arm!" Kyo yelled.
Yamaken kicked five spots.
"Oh, god. I can't feel my whole body." Kyo muttered, laying on the ground.
Yamaken straightened his coat and walked out.
"Uh, sorry, Kyo. I think Yamaken-kun won this time."
"I can't even win against some spoiled richie..."
"Okay, next up, Yuuzan and Yuki."
Yuuzan and Yuki smiled at each other.
Yuuzan walked over to Yuki. Yuki held out his hand to shake.
Yuuzan reached in and punched Yuki's stomach, still smiling.
Yuki collapsed.
"That was fast. Freed, Sasuke, you're up next."
Freed wrote something in the air.
Sasuke lunged in with his sword, but was electrocuted on contact.
Freed wrote another thing.
Sasuke set fire.
"Uh, okay. Justine, I think that's enough. I guess the winner would be-"
Sasuke stabbed the writing. It faded away.
"What in-" Justine started.
Sasuke stabbed Freed's arm, letting loose a river of blood.
"Sasuke! This is just a battle, not-"
Sasuke closed his eyes. "Everything is fair in battle." He sheathed his sword, flicking shiny red blood onto his skin. Freed collapsed, a pool of blood under him.
"Sasuke! He's your comrade, he's your friend!"
"And, your point?" Sasuke's eyes were cruel, but his expression was blank.
Freed wrote something purple in the air and his wound healed.
"I forfeit this match."
"Then... I guess, Sasuke, you win."
"Uh... this is uneven. There's three left. Oh, yeah, so far our semi-finals are Yamaken-kun, Yuuzan-kun, and Sasuke-sama."
"I'm not fighting." Ciel yawned.
"OK, Kuro, Jellal, blueheads, you're up!"
They both took deep breaths.
Kuro sat down and started snoring.
"What in the name of--" Jellal murmured.
Kuro's hand shot forward and jabbed at seven weak spots. He kicked Jellal's stomach.
"I... can't... move!" Jellal yelled.
"Kuro wins that one."
"Yamaken and Kuro, Yuuzan and Sasuke!"
"Uh, I'm afraid I'll have to forfeit." Yuuzan murmured, a little embarrassed.
"Sasuke's in the finals."
"I'm still fighting." Yamaken said.
"There's no way I'm taking on Sasuke. Yamaken, you go ahead."
Terrible way to end the chapter, I know.

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