Thursday, February 12, 2015

Valentine vote!

Hi peoples!I'm typing from my new laptop!I just wanted to know who you think I should put in my Valentines day interview!Here are the Bachelors~!

#1-Yong Soo/South Korea


#3-Honduras (only for you,Zeref.)  


#5- America



Say who you want in the comments~!


    (P.S.: I don't like Honduras. He's a total idiot.)
    (K.P.P.S.: YOU REMOVED NETHER-KUN!!!!!!!!)
    -Meteor Zeref

    1. Yep! And you can't kill me 'cause you don't know my address.


      (And I was talking about that ship you had with him and me)

    2. Y'know... remember Mathew? The annoying redhead back in the old days of when I talked to you face-to-face? (Ah, two-and-a-half years ago...) He can hack people just by what they type.
      He can code.
      CCISD4ME was once changed to SWAGGYPIZZA by Mathew. (Only for one day, though... he reset it, didn't want to get expelled. He's hacked into NASA, and is currently working on the White House. Yeah, that's the casual Mathew.)
      (PS: Deleting this because you removed Nether-kun... yeah, I'm really passive-aggressive.)
      --Meteor Zeref

    3. The f*** you say?That jerk who used to tease us on the bus?He's actually good for something?(Ahh yes,two-and-a-half years ago.MEM-MOR-RIES!!!!!!!!!!)


    4. ...he has the second best grades in the school, and yes, he actually hacked into NASA.
      Seriously, why do you think I like Honduras?
      I don't. D:<
      --Meteor Zeref

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hmm... since you removed Nether-kun, I guess I'd have to pick America or China... I'd like Igirisu, but those eyebrows...
    OH, you should play this:
    (Sorry... can't make links on comments. You'll have to copy-and-search it.)
    --Meteor Zeref
    (P.S.: England's in the 'Main Building: Library'.)

    1. I have XD.I, of course, got Igirisu.


    2. I <3 libraries.That's the reson I went there in the first place.


    3. Wait, is that another reason you like Igirisu????
      --Meteor Zeref

    4. Maybe~.


  4. By the way...what's CCISD4ME?



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