Though she does have songs and an unofficial performance, she still isn't an official VOCALOID.
Hibiki is the male one wearing red, black, and white.
Pane dhiria and Thousand Year Solo video on top.
~~~~~ (P.S.: This includes fan-made characters.)
Oh. Yes. Hi.
My name's Suzune Ring, but my friends just make it Ring. So, I'm Ring.
I'm technically a VOCALOID, but not really. There are only a few 'perfect' VOCALOID out there. Like that Hatsune Miku, and the Kagamine twins. I could list the rest, but I don't want to.
It's my dream to become a VOCALOID.
When I met Luka, that super-famous Megurine Luka, my dream started, now all I have to do is wait.
It's cool and all how Luka Megurine is my best friend, but I want a FULL-VOCALOID friendship.
That means I would be a famous VOCALOID, too.
As soon as Luka released 'Just be Friends', her career sky-rocketed.
She didn't see me as much, so I was incredibly lonely.
So I went searching for some other non-VOCALOID to make friends with.
And I found Hibiki Lui. I call him Hibiki, and personally, I LOVE him!
Of course, if you tell him, I'll personally kill you... so don't tell him!
I woke up and pushed the blankets off of myself.
Sitting up, I took a deep yawn and stretched until I thought my arms would fall off.
I looked outside for a few moments.
No Luka.
She either comes in the morning, or doesn't come at all.
I hadn't damn seen that damn Luka in a whole damn MONTH!
Sorry, I say 'damn' when stressed. Get used to it.
I slipped into my normal unofficial VOCALOID dressage.
It was a ridiculously girly style, and was so girly-kawaii it seemed to glow.
It was kinda revealing-of-skin, so it was a little bit embarrassing to wear.
But it came with gorgeous black boots, a glowing glass hairpin, and meta-gloves, so I wore it.
The weird thing about VOCALOID costumes, is that when you wear the complete outfit, your headpiece appears. Hibiki's headpiece is red, and has a mouthpiece, which he never uses. He can talk into it, though. Mine is a sterling-black headpiece with earsets shaped like arrows. I also have a mouthpiece, black, and I talk into mine.
I heard the doorbell ring.
I looked out of the window in a flash. Luka?
Nope. Hibiki.
Wait, wait, that was good.
My heart was beating at the speed of sound.
I flashed downstairs and opened the door. "Hey, Hibiki!"
"Hi, Ring... what're you doing today? I have nothing to do."
"Me neither. Nothing to do." My heart gently started to slow down.
"Will you go out with me?" He asked, extremely nervous.
My heart was much, much faster than the speed of light.
"Huh? Oh, yeah, sure, okay."
He smiled nervously. "I don't mean, like, officially, but just once."
"So... how's it going?" Hibiki looked at me, sitting at some chair in some restaurant.
"Uh... great!"
He nodded. "That's good. All or nothing, y'know."
"All or nothing." I nodded back.
"Why do you wanna become a VOCALOID?" Hibiki asked.
"So many reasons! I can be famous, no-one will hate me, and I can be friends with Luka again!"
"Megurine Luka? Friends? Again? What?"
"Oh, yeah! I never told you, did I? Megurine Luka used to be my best friend! But I don't see her anymore. Now, you are, a lot more than her!"
Hibiki turned red. "R-really? More than Megurine Luka? T-that's a compliment."
"Yep!" I happily nodded, turning a little red myself. Hibiki was so funny!
My headpiece started to ding.
"Suzune Ring speaking! Who's this?"
"Ring-kun! It's Luka! Megurine Luka! Don't you remember me at all?!"
"Luka-san! You haven't dinged me in a whole month!" I protested.
"I wanted to say hi! I'm back in Triano-town!" She squealed.
"Seriously? Cool! I'll call you later, I'm with Hibiki!"
"Hibiki? Hibiki Lui?" Wow. That's a pretty perplexed tone.
"Huh? Yeah."
"Oh. Y'know, he's Kaito's lil' brother."
"Kaito? The one who made Pane dhiria AND A Thousand Year Solo?!"
"Yeah. THE Kaito. He never told you?"
I hung up.
Hibiki looked at me nervously. "Y-yes?"
"YOU'RE Kaito's brother?"
"Y-yeah. Is that... bad? 'Cause I think... I'm the only guy who's related to a VOCALOID."
"You are the only guy. And I'm one of the girls! My sister's Miku!"
"Yeah. So don't feel bad... I just want to be as great as sis!"
"And I want to be like Kaito some day... I'm'ma dye my hair full-red and wear his jacket, blue replaced with red, maybe even his scarf, dyed red!"
"Dreams can become reality, y'know." I sighed.
"Probably not mine. But... when I saw Kaito up there on the stage, dancing and singing so calmly, with a huge audience and a whole blue laser light show going on, singing Pane dhiria... I knew, I just needed to be up there with him."
"I thought the same about Miku... she's SUCH a diva, she'd never let me."
"But y'know what the difference between me and Kaito onstage is gonna be?"
"He doesn't smile onstage, 'cause he sings sad songs about sadness and destruction. I'm gonna be grinning my face off, singing happy songs!"
I smiled. "That's great! But, y'know, I really love Kaito and his songs... I think he's the best VOCALOID."
Hibiki cocked his head. "Will you still think that when I'm a VOCALOID?"
"Sure no! You'll be the best VOCALOID, ever! But seriously, what's not to like about Pane dhiria?"
"Nothing, of course, it's the greatest song in the universe. But- oh, it's nine! I need to get recording! See you, later!"
"I head towards the shining stars, running into the faint light..." I sing, my voice echoing through the house.
"Wandering around I ascend a spiral staircase..." I quietly pour the coffee beans into the grinder.
I pour in scorching hot water. "And stand before the gate of heaven..."
Looking at the water, I realize I poured some on my hand. The burning sense starts to sink in. "Reaching out, I open the gate and am surrounded by light..."
I wait, the coffee's bitter smell flowing around my nose. "A single arrow guides the way... a young lady guides me by the hand to a stage..."
(Please note since there is no translation, the Japanese pronunciation will be the rest.)
I stop, just to sing the mourning tune. "Toerekunya en rai heya muhe, toya pahara para heya, ryohe, PARA TYURA, pane pane, ryotwurehe, ryotsene beredore, to raya to lu herajya, para thuryoe parahamaha ryomasa, to rafajya, thurye, hedora ryoka tobanehe, thie ryehe to mea meryo thue li, Pane...., jya, pane, pane, jya! Pane dhiria--" I stop as a voice interrupts mine.
"The angels sing with heaven-ly voices, but the god, got angry- and de-va-state-d the l-a-and... Play, play me a beautiful melody this time, I took... the ha-a-a-arp in my hands....! My god, please listen! I will play for you enjoy-ment! Deciding my fate on the stage, my slender fingers are la-men-ting!"
"HIBIKI? Is that you?" The voice was a gorgeous, melodious soprano. Was that actually Hibiki? Seriously, that voice... it was familiar.
Then it dawned on me. I ran downstairs.
Bright, royal-blue hair.
Shiny royal-blue eyes.
White coat with royal-blue trimmings, tailored to perfection.
A flowing silken royal-blue scarf.
Tall, navy boots.
Royal-blue nail polish.
"KAITO?!" I yell, my voice echoing through the house.
Kaito turned around, licking an ice-cream cone. "Hm? Oh, you're Suzune Ring, aren't you, right? Well, I know I'm right... well, no, but I may not be right. But seeing as how you look like her and this is her house... identical twin who found the key? Doppelganger, wait, that's just stupid.... well, anyway, Hi!" He had a melodious voice, that was actually in the high notes.
And he was just a little crazy.
Kaito chomped a bite from the cone. "Mm, good stuff. I adore Berryblue so much..."
"Do you happen to mean blueberry?" I asked, a little cautious.
"Huh? Oh, yes, blueberry. Eh, same thing. Where's Hibiki? I'd ding him, but I don't know his code."
My god. Not to offend him... but dang, he seemed gay.
"Uh, why?"
"Hm? Dang, girl, he's my brother, no dip!"
"But don't you have more important brothers...? Like Z--"
"Zeito? Akaito? Taito? Nigaito? Daito? Kikaito? Mokaito? Kageito? Kizaito? Xaito? God, they're all idiots! I mean, no offense to them, but I need a brother who's name doesn't rhyme with mine! Actually, Zeito's chilling outside. We've been hanging outside the whole day."
"Zeito... uh, no offense, but which one is that?"
"None taken.... oh, he's the one who always wears a torn red scarf. The heartless one!"
"Oh. Oh, OK."
Kaito was nothing like I thought he would be. Seriously? A YOLO-personality guy eating bright blue ice-cream made and sang the song about a god killing people and devastating the land? Impossible.
"So, Kaito...? You made Pane dhiria, right?"
"Yup." He slurped on his cone.
I heard an explosion.
Kaito stood up and licked the ice-cream. "Sorry, that would be Zeito."
(And you're totally right,he's soo gay.XD)
*drowns in noseblood*
DeleteI wish he wasn't gay... D:
--Meteor Zeref
Hey, is it normal to have a VOCALOID OC?(Hey do you know a band Called "Fun"?)