Friday, November 14, 2014

Diversions: Book 1, Start: Chapter 10 of 22, Snowfall

I gasped for air on the river bank. I coughed blood onto the soaked grass. I wiped the wet, soaked hair from my face and sat on the ground, taking large breaths.
"Gods of Tartarus! How are you doing? Do you know that person?"
Gods? OK, so it was a demigod. I blinked twice, hard, and looked at the person speaking.
I wished I hadn't. Gods, now I was really going to die.
Wind-washed pure-white hair, icy blue eyes, snow-white skin, white trench coat, very light blue shirt, acid-washed light blue jeans, and obsidian black roller skates. He seemed to be glowing with an icy white light, and his eyes seemed young, yet old. Tiny snowflakes fell around him.
"Uh, I'm OK, now. I probably would've drowned. Gods of Olympus, my sword!"
I was about to dive back into the cold water, but he grabbed my shoulder. His hand felt like ice.
"Yeah, no. You might drown. Are you a demigod? You said Gods of O--"
"Yes, I am! Now, let go, my best sword is down there!"
He seemed lost in thought. "Who's your.... parent?"
"Son of Hades and Athena, but I'm not a demi-demigod. I'm the sister of Artemis, now let go. I really, really need to get that sword. Do you actually want me to shoot?" I strung an arrow on my bow and pointed it at him.
"OK, OK, whatever! Get the sword. Just trying to save your life."
I dove into the water. I grabbed my sword, but was incredibly short on air. I grasped for the surface and exploded out. I tried to act like it was no big deal. But, I was very, very wet.
I tried squeezing it out. The boy lifted his hand and the water turned to ice, but it all fell off.
"Thanks, I guess...? Wait, who is you godly parent?"
He sighed. "Khione, goddess of winter, snow, ice, etc. You said sister of Artemis. Why aren't you trying to kill me for touching you?"
I groaned. "You realize that doesn't actually mean I despise boys. I have a kinda-sorta boyfriend. Anyway, where are we? Let me guess, you don't have the slightest idea."
He looked like that stung a little. "Uh.... no, not really. We're probably a few hundred miles from civilization. And I'm really hungry. Is your wolf edib--"
I shot an arrow into his palm. "NO, He's NOT! Sheesh, how dense can you get?!"
He winced and pulled out the arrow. "I've been here for a week with no food! I have nothing to eat, with no weapons on hand."
I strung an arrow and shot a salmon in the water, then grabbed the arrow. I thrust the limp fish into his face. "Food, there! Now, eat before I shoot you in the head."
For a person who hadn't eaten for a week, he didn't seem eager to eat the fish. He spent an hour peeling the skin off before I sliced it off with my knife. He didn't seem all to thrilled to gut or 'head' it either, so I did that too, again with my knife. He did debone it, and made a fire to cook it.
In some time it was cooked, but he still said not to eat it. He said something had to 'spice' it.
I went into the woods to search. In a few minutes I found wild basil and mint, along with some stuff that looked like blueberry, but was filled with powder that tasted like cinnamon. There was a horde of wheat, but nothing to make bread, and a small pond of water. I shot a tiny rabbit and three more fish, cleaned them, and dumped them to cook also. The guy chopped the plants and threw them on the cooking meat. After walking ten more minutes, there was a growing apple tree with three apples. I picked them and brought them back. All of it was ready.
We gorged on all of the food, and within thirty minutes, it had dissapeared.
"What's your name, anyway?" I asked him as I chomped on half an apple.
He looked towards me. "Cynder Oshavy. Yours?"
"Skylar DiAngelo." That seemed to register him.
"DiAngelo? Like... Bianca DiAngelo?"
That registered me. He referred to my dead aunt, not my dad. "How do you know about Bianca?"
He scoffed. "Her old boyfriend was my dad, derp."
"How should I have known that? Wait... is his name Dylan Oshavy?"
He snorted. "Yes, derp."
"Dad mentioned him."
"Yes, derp."
"Stop saying that."
"No, derp."
Somehow, Cynder had fallen asleep in two seconds.
I lay my head down onto a score of leaves and fell asleep.
I glanced at the empty sky, not even a moon.
"Selene? Where are you?" And I plunged into the dream world.

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* seeking first to understand what is being said.
* celebrating another's accomplishments.
* using school appropriate language.
* rephrasing ideas in the blog that made me think, made me feel, or helped me learn
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