Friday, November 14, 2014

Diversions: Book 1, Start: Chapter 11 of 22, Lightfall

"Let me go, barbarians! Let-me-go!" A beautiful girl thrashed in dark chains. Her long black hair was a mess on the floor, and went three feet around her on the floor, though she was high up in the air. Her husky grey eyes glowed with fury, and her pale, moonlight skin was stretched on bones. She looked enraged, filled with dark spirit and energy. She looked very, very not insane, though she acted so. A man with obsidian-black skin, so dark he looked like a silhouette, was staring at her in glee. He wore a Nazi uniform, hold the hat. Instead of the booger-green hat, silver horns protruded from the sides of his head. On each was a jet-black cardinal with glowing red eyes. "Ah, but moon goddess- I need your power, all of it. I need your immortality, Selene."
The dream changed.
A boy in his twenties was scoring a landscape. His hair was like fire, his eyes were like fire, his skin burned with fire, his clothes were on fire- he looked very fiery. He held up his hands, and flames appeared. "LET THIS LAND BURN IN FLAMES!" The dry grounds set ablaze and burned to ashes.
The dream changed.
"Leto, Icarus- NO! Please, no!" A tiny little girl with long brown hair that trailed to her ankles was cowering in a corner, her bright green eyes wide with desperate fear. Her clothes were covered in mud and dirt, were torn, and her pants were in even worse condition. Her hair was scraggly and greasy, and her tan skin was scraped with dirt and blood.
An auburn-haired girl with a golden ringlet on her head glowed with rage as she clutched a sword in her hand. Her ever-so-clean, elegant fingers wrapped around the handles, as her bright silver eyes raged inside. She brought down the sword.
I woke up.
"SKYLAR! A girl- there's a little girl here, she looks only eleven, maybe twelve, she's injured, really injured- whatever, just COME!" Something was odd about this. I ran over- and it was exactly the same person from my dreams.
She blinked hard. "Gods- help... help me. I'm hurting. Please h-- AGH!" She writhed in pain.
I lifted her up and set her next to the stream of cold water. Right on her shoulder was an incredibly deep cut- it even sliced up the bone a little. I quickly ripped off a chunk of my shirt and dunked it in the cold water. I cleaned around the wound and inside. Scratched filled with blood were all over her body. I picked her up and slowly placed her in the water. Instantly, around five pounds of dirt and blood lifted off. I rubbed at her skin, cleaning her much more, and I ran my fingers through her dark, thick brown hair. Sticks, mud, blood, dirt, bugs- it all came out, and as I poured a little nectar into her mouth, she looked a lot better- but I could tell she probably didn't feel a lot better.
I rubbed her down more, then layed her against a tree. She gasped a little.
"Thank you very much. I feel better- I must go- they're looking for me."
I looked at her. "Leto and Icarus?"
"Yes! B-but, how did you know?"
"I had a dream about you. Why did Leto do that to you?"
She gasped at the air. "Leto- she's a-a really n-nice person. She was p-possessed by him!"
"I don't know!" She slowly fell asleep.
I dunked my shirt piece in nectar and cleaned her wound further, along with all of her scratches. Most of the scratches dissapeared on contact with the nectar, but the wound still refused to get better. I poured nectar into her dry mouth. She woke up. "What- who are you?"
"Please, rest. I'm Skylar, just trying to help. Here, eat this." I handed her a bit of Ambrosia. She ate it gingerly. She winced at the thought of her wound, and I poured more nectar and water into her mouth. Then I took out my bottle- my small amount of ever-healing unicorn drought. I poured it into her wound. The blood soaked back into her flesh, and her bone looked new. But the cut was just as deep. I opened the mini medical kit and took out the medical needle and wire thread.
"This may hurt a little." I dunked the needle into the unicorn drought- all I could think of was the girl. I did it slowly and carefully, and sowed over it three times, just for extra measure. I took out gauze and wrapped it around her shoulder. She looked much better. "I'll, uh, just go clean myself." She stood up shakily and went into the forest. Chances were I wouldn't see her again. I ran into the forest behind her.

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I believe in the power of a free exchange of ideas. I also recognize that words or access to
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commenter, I therefore aspire to participate responsibly in the great online conversation
* treating all bloggers with respect.
* seeking first to understand what is being said.
* celebrating another's accomplishments.
* using school appropriate language.
* rephrasing ideas in the blog that made me think, made me feel, or helped me learn
to let the blogger know his/her voice has been heard.
* commenting specifically and positively, without criticism. If I disagree, I will
comment appropriately, politely stating my perspective.
* being mindful always that I may be a role model to my audience, especially if they 
are younger than I.
* making no reference to, link to, and/or giving access to any information that may 
 be inappropriate for a school setting.
* asking at least one question in my comment with the hopes of continuing a
conversation and deepening thinking.
* using a triple check before submitting any comment: Would I be happy to have my 
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