Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Diversions: Book 1, Start: Chapter 4 of 22, Rain

Celeste wiped away tears. "You are so intolerant. I don't CARE if you have lived 2,000 years! You're just a strict, insensitive, centaur with lousy brothers!" She screamed. "Oh, I wouldn't say that." A voice that was shaky and light spoke. I whipped my head around. A tall woman with scarlet-and-red curled hair was looking at us. She had a Leonardo Da Vinci shirt that was a bit small and paint-stained boot cut jeans with a belt that had a buckle oddly shaped like Medusa. She was barefoot, and her feet were covered in mud, grass-stains, paint chips, crayon wrappers, and dandelion petals. Her jacket was truly the weirdest thing I had ever seen. It was purple, but had golden stripes on the edges of the sleeves. I said SPQR on the left chest side. Her hair was pinned up in a matching gold-and-purple scrunchie with gold-plated metal words that said:  SPQR. Chiron smiled.
"Ah, RACHEL! Perfect timing, as usual."
Rachel smiled like it was the sunniest day in the world and there were pink fluffy unicorns dancing on rainbows in the sunny sky way up high. "Hey, guys! Celeste-- wait, where's Falkner?"
Celeste rolled her eyes. "Testing out some new Pegasi at the Pegashop. He's had his eye on a ginger one for ages. He finally has enough money for him. Why does he have to be so snobby about being sixteen days older than me? We're practically twins!"
"Hey, I'm an only child. Don't ask me. So, who's the newbie?"
I straightened. "Skylar Coballion DiAngelo. Um... who're you?"
Rachel looked at me peculiarly. "DiAngelo.... oh, me? The name's Dare. Rachel Dare. Great seeing you... DiAngelo. Excuse, but do you mean DiAngelo as in child of Nico? Thought he was g--- ah, whatever.
Then another person burst into the door. He had the same expression as Celeste- eyes as though he had just been startled, a wickedly cool smile like he had just killed fifty monsters in a second, and eyebrows in a cynical look- one up, one down. The difference was everything else- unlike Celeste, he didn't have a casual, wise aura. He more reminded you of a drums player. Windblown, spiked at the front dark brown hair, the spiky front dyed a weird shade of electric blue, deep, beautiful blue eyes like waves crashing on rocks even I could see through his aviators, a California-tan, despite the irony, a long-sleeved tight black sport shirt and a rock blue leather vest, royal blue skinny jeans, and black combat boots with cyan laces. Gah, he was hot! I quickly started brushing back my golden-blonde hair.
He smiled harder and took off the shiny black aviators. "Falkner Jackson.... Skylar, right?"
I stopped. "DiAngelo."
"Skylar DiAngelo, then." His voice was like a deep-voiced nightingale.
Celeste nudged my shoulder and whispered quietly so Falkner couldn't hear. "Don't fall for it. He makes every girl he meets fall in love with him. He's actually an idiot. Go for someone in a lower cabin. He's in Poseidon."
"Oh." I was still staring at how he looked. Man, was he born like that? I bet there was only one person as/slightly more good looking than this guy.
He whistled. In came a ginger pegasus with long angel wings. It had hooves like gold and blue eyes.
"That's a... unique... pegasus." I looked at it in wonder. "How much did it cost?"
"A little. 8000 golden drachmas, to be precise."
"Holy Zeus, that's a lot! Where in the name of Tartarus did you get that money?"
He flipped a drachma to me, and I caught it in my hand. "It's called savings. That was my best, shiniest, luckiest drachma. Take care of it."
I flipped the godly gold coin over. Instead of the laurel, it was a Lydian Drakon.
I took the sword and shaved off silver from the shield and twisted it into thick string. Then I dropped a single dot of poison onto the top of the coin. It melted through it in half a second and I poked the string through and tied it at the end. Then I looped it over my neck. A token of beauty.

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* seeking first to understand what is being said.
* celebrating another's accomplishments.
* using school appropriate language.
* rephrasing ideas in the blog that made me think, made me feel, or helped me learn
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* commenting specifically and positively, without criticism. If I disagree, I will
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* making no reference to, link to, and/or giving access to any information that may 
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* using a triple check before submitting any comment: Would I be happy to have my 
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