Friday, November 21, 2014

My Little Warriors: Chapter 1

(Please remember that I do not own Warriors or My Little Pony.

Everything that has to do with Warriors belongs to Erin Hunter.

Everything that has to do with My Little Pony belongs to Hasbro.

I own nothing but the story and the plot of the story - everything else belongs to their rightful owners.)

Firestar's eyes slowly opened when Sandstorm, his lover, called his name. She looked anxious, and Cinderpelt, the medicine cat (who treated and healed the cats who were wounded, sick, not feeling well, or the such), stood beside her, looking at him in a similiar way.
    "What is it, Sandstorm? Cinderpelt?" He groggily asked. He had spent the entire last night on patrol, keeping his Clan safe from intruders or dangerous creatures, so of course he was tired.
    "We've scented a strange scent near Sunningrocks on a dawn patrol," Sandstorm blurted out. She couldn't keep still and started to pat the floor with her paws. "It might've been a rogue or a loner, but we aren't sure." Rogues were cats who were from a Clan before, but were banished or kicked out of it. Loners were cats who were not a kittypet, nor a rogue, nor part of a Clan, but living alone (or with other loners, occasionally). Kittypets were cats who were owned by, what the cats call, Twolegs (humans).
    Firestar's sleepiness immediately vanished and he rocketed himself up, looking at Sandstorm with concern. "Did you keep them as prisoners?" he asked. Sandstorm shook her head.
    "They ran away when they saw us, but we noticed they headed towards the Thunderpath." She stated firmly. Firestar's eyes widened. ShadowClan has trespassed on ThunderClan territory!  Firestar thought to himself.
    ShadowClan was part of the 4 Clans, including ThunderClan, who were heroic and strong, RiverClan, who were known for their ability to swim in water and for their speed, and WindClan, known for their agility and speed as well. ShadowClan were known for being mysterious but strong. StarClan, however, was not a physical  Clan, but a religious one where the cats believed heroic warriors and other cats went once they died.
    "It must be ShadowClan." Firestar angrily decided. Tigerstar, the leader of that Clan, would obviously do that. Tigerstar used to be named Tigerclaw, when he used to live with ThunderClan. He was a warrior, then a deputy,  and he became treacherous and evil. Firestar, who used to be named Fireheart, had known or suspected his treachery with his friends for a while, but Bluestar - the the leader of the Clan at the time - had not believed him. But when Tigerclaw had tried to kill Bluestar to become leader of ThunderClan, Fireheart burst in and saved her, and Tigerclaw had been banished from the Clan and became a rogue. But unexpectantly, Tigerclaw later became leader of ShadowClan, and had his name changed to Tigerstar. Fireheart thought Tigerstar would be better and reformed, nicer and less evil, but when he had tried to get revenge on ThunderClan by attempting to lead a pack of dogs into the camp, Fireheart knew before the ambush and saved his Clan. Bluestar sadly died and Fireheart became leader, changing his name to Firestar.
    Sandstorm narrowed her eyes and nodded. "It would make sense if so," She muttered. "Would you like for me to lead a patrol out to check for them again?"
    "Yes, please." Firestar agreed. "And this time, if you see them, take them as prisoners, and bring them to me as soon as possible. You may choose the warriors to go with you." She left swiftly with a "thank you" as she left. Firestar turned to Cinderpelt and cocked his head slightly. Why was she here?
    She explained immediately. "StarClan sent me a dream." 'StarClan' normally sends dreams to medicine cats for messages, which were alot like predictions for the future. Firestar became interested and listened. "They told me to 'watch for a group of creatures who don't know of this world'. I just wanted you to know." She backed out of the den quickly, and since she hadn't had permission to leave, Firestar guessed she was in a medical emergency at the moment and excused her. He sighed and laid back down, pondering on what the StarClan message meant and who the ShadowClan intruders were.
    "Firestar! Firestar! Firestar!" A familar voice called. Firestar opened his eyes and almost instantly knew what was coming. Sandstorm was standing in the leader's den doorway, waiting for permission to enter. Firestar replied, "Come in."
    She skipped in and looked at him with a smirk on her face. Firestar couldn't help but smile too. "What happened?" He asked.
    "We found the ShadowClan intruders," She paused and let out a long sigh. "There were six of them, and they looked utterly terrified, to be honest." Firestar got up and left the den, and Sandstorm walked with him at his left.
    Some out of the group of she-cat intruders looked as if they would shake their fur off their skin due to fear. One was a golden color and had brown spots all over her fur, her brave and defiant look not showing a single sign of fear, another was a light brown, the next was surprisingly clean and had almost no specks of dirt on her, yet she was one of the few who were shaking violently, another cat was a multicolor calico and had a proud and challenging look on her face, one was a cream-colored tabby with golden stripes streaking down her fur - she was the one who was shaking the most - and the last one was a blue-grey color, and looked uneasy. Firestar's eyes widened and, at first glance, thought he saw Bluestar sitting among them.
    He shook his head from any remaining thoughts and hissed at the group. The entire group - except the ones who looked brave and proud - flinched at him, and the cream tabby hid behind the calico she-cat. "Why were you on our territory?" Firestar demanded. The blue-grey one took a reluctant step forward and gulped.
    "W-We were not trespassing your home." She stammered. Howls of protest rose from the circle of ThunderClan cats who surrounded them. "We had no idea this area belonged to someone, and we are sorry. Please let us go."
    Cloudtail, a warrior, let out a 'tch' noise that could be heard by anyone. "Yeah, right!" He screamed and stormed to the front rows of the crowd. He glared at the blue-grey she-cat and then screamed, "You are from ShadowClan, anyways! Of course you know this area is ThunderClan territory! You're liars!"
    The group of cats all looked completely confused so much to the fact that Firestar was surprised. Did these cats really have no idea what ShadowClan nor ThunderClan were? At that very moment as he looked at the intruders, he saw the calico glaring at him with a look of pure hatred. The cream tabby behind her was shaking and hiding her face in the calico's thin fur.
    "What are your names?" Firestar asked, tilting his head slightly. The Bluestar look-alike looked at the cats around her and gulped again.
    "I'm Twilight Sparkle." She stated.  The orange, spotted cat muttered loudly, "I'm Applejack." The light-brown she-cat happily said, "I'm Pinkie Pie!" The cat who was sanitary and white mumbled, "I'm Rarity." She lifted her chin and looked away from Firestar. The glaring calico didn't say anything for a few seconds, but she angrily and reluctantly muttered, "I'm Rainbow Dash." The cream tabby didn't say anything, and stammered something in such a low voice that Firestar couldn't hear her at all. The angry calico answered loudly, "She's Fluttershy."
    The whole camp became silent for several seconds before it burst into laughter. Cloudtail and Sandstorm, specifically, were laughing until their eyes watered, and the light-brown intruder unexpectantly laughed with them. Firestar yowled for them to be quiet, and after an approximate minute, they became quiet.
    "Do you know who Tigerstar is?" Firestar asked calmly. The group of strange cats looked at each other with confusion, shrugging their shoulders and shaking their heads, and Twilight Sparkle asked, "N-No, we don't. Is he important?"
    Firestar didn't answer. Instead, he turned to the ThunderClan cats and shouted, "Go do what you like, but don't hurt these cats." He pointed to the strange group. He then moved to his left and muttered, "Tell Whitestorm and Greystripe to keep watch on these cats with you." Sandstorm nodded and walked ahead, doing as Firestar had asked. Without another glance, he walked towards his den and entered, laying down on the soft moss that had been gathered up for a bed. He closed his eyes, eager to get some rest. Hopefully the "intruders" couldn't cause any trouble, could they? As Firestar started to fall asleep, he wondered what to do with them. Send them to exile? Believe them and shelter them in the camp? Do nothing? At that moment, his eyes felt as if gravity were forcing his eyes shut, and he fell asleep.

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