Friday, November 21, 2014

My Little Warriors: Chapter 2

(Please remember that I do not own Warriors or My Little Pony.

Everything that has to do with Warriors belongs to Erin Hunter.

Everything that has to do with My Little Pony belongs to Hasbro.

I own nothing but the story and the plot of the story - everything else belongs to their rightful owners.)

It was dark as Firestar entered the camp. Everyone looked like they were evil, dirty, and lying. The camp had the same appearance - the dens for the elders, apprentices, and warriors had dirt and mud flung everywhere over them, and as Firestar turned to the nursery, he was surprised and delighted to see Spottedleaf, the first medicine cat he met when he joined ThunderClan as a kittypet and the one who had been coming to him in his dreams to give him prophecies and predictions. He was still a warrior then, and he wasn't supposed to be gaining those dreams. Only medicine cats could gain StarClan's prophecies, signs and things like that. But Firestar had them as well, even though he never knew why.
    Spottedleaf's fur was shining with her many calico colors. She padded up to Firestar and smiled. He smiled too.
    "Why are you here?" He couldn't help asking. Spottedleaf is dead!  Firestar realized with a saddening jolt of greif. Spottedleaf had been killed by one of ShadowClan's warriors, and Firestar could only see her through his prophetic dreams now. I must be dreaming, then, and she must have a prediction for me.  He decided, and listened even more incase she spoke it at that very moment.
    Instead of her saying the prophecy, she turned and left the camp through the entrance. Firestar looked on hopefully, wanting her to come back. But she was gone, and her scent started to fade away.
    Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the blue-grey intruder and thought for a moment it was Bluestar. That can't be. She has mud and dirt all over her. Bluestar in StarClan wouldn't look like that. He thought to himself, and wanted to hiss at the calm-looking intruder.
    "What do you have to tell me?" He asked her, but she said nothing, and sat down instead. Firestar saw the other strange cats appearing now - the spotted one, the glaring calico, the clean, white one, the terrified cream tabby, and the light-brown one. They all sat next to Twilight, the blue-grey she-cat, and smiled at him. Firestar was surprised they weren't attacking him - the entire Clan was in ruins, but they just sat there and smiled. He turned around to see his evil-looking Clan, and instead, he happily saw that they were better, cleaner, and wore an excited face instead of a depressed one.
    And Spottedleaf was there too. She glanced at him and slowly, elegantly, walked to him and said, "Watch for a group of creatures who don't know of this world." Then she vanished into thin air, her scent still hanging in the air. Firestar jerked his head around and saw the other intruders starting to fade too. The Clan camp had become more shinier and happier, and then it all went black.
    "Firestar!" Cinderpelt's voice called from outside the den. He mumbled an, "Enter" and she rushed in, her face being anxious and concerned. When she saw he was laying down and groggily wiping his eyes, she let out a long sigh and sat next to him.
    "Are you alright?" Cinderpelt asked him. He nodded and yawned. She didn't seem convinced. "Did you have a bad dream?"
    Firestar hesitated, and then muttered, "I had a dream, yes," He hesitated again and looked thoughtful. "but I don't know if it's good or bad." Cinderpelt raised an eyebrow and let Firestar explain.
    After he told her about his dream, she looked concerned and thoughtful as well.  "The camp was in ruins, and the ShadowClan group made the camp look happier." She turned to him. "'Watch for a group of creatures who don't know of this world.' That's the prophecy StarClan told me a while ago. It must be important if they told the leader and   the medicine cat about it." She got up and stretched, then looked at Firestar. "Thank you for telling me about this. I'll think about what it means." Then she left when Firestar excused her to leave.
    He wanted to leave too, so he exited the leader's den and searched for the sight of the prisoners. He decided what he wanted to do with them, and all he needed was a question answered. He found them laying in a large bunch by the warriors den, sleeping as if they hadn't slept for days. Only Twilight was awake, and she was looking around the camp in wonder. Firestar caught her attention and sat next to her. The she-cat hesitated when she saw him, but didn't say anything.
    "Do you like it in camp?" He asked her. She looked surprised, but slightly nodded.
    "Outside of your 'camp', tree branches were our only bed, and it was highly uncomfortable. We were hungry, and we tried eating some leaves, but they didn't taste well, and they stuck to our teeth. Some cats gave us a mouse and expected us to eat it, but we didn't, and now we're so hungry I think I could eat a tree!" She explained, and stayed silent for a few moments before speaking again. "Thank you for letting us stay here, and providing shelter and protection, but we'll leave if you want us to."
    Firestar shook his head. "That's okay. You may stay on one circumstance, however." He changed his look to serious and then said, "If you become an apprentice and learn the ways of the warrior code, you may live and thrive in ThunderClan camp.
    The others had already woken up and were able to hear his offer. They silently looked at one another and back at Firestar, not knowing what an apprentice was, or what the warrior code was, or if it was a good idea to accept the offer. Twilight looked at the ground in thought, and then said, "It depends, to be honest. What does an apprentice do, and what will we have to do if we accept it or if we don't?" Firestar nodded.
    "Alright. That's a good thought to think, wondering if it's a good plan to join a Clan if you don't even know what to do." He stated, then cleared his throat. "I'll tell you about the Clans and answer all your questions."
    After Firestar had explained everything they asked and about Clan life, about the roles such as elders, warriors, deputies, apprentices, kits and leaders, kittypets, loners and rogues, dangerous creatures such as dogs, badgers and Twolegs, he sighed and waited for an answer as they murmured to one another.
    A few minutes later, Twilight coughed and said, "Deal. We'll become apprentices." Firestar smiled and nodded, and stood up to walk near the Highrock. With a strong leap, he jumped up the rocks and stood on the top of the rock.
    "Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather beneath the Highrock for a Clan meeting!" He called, and the cats inside dens and around the camp sat underneath him. Twilight and her friends sat beside the Highrock, looking around the gathering of cats in awe.
    Once everyone was quiet, Firestar began. "As you know, we found some cats wondering around on our territory." Cloudtail and some other warriors yowled their agreement, but became quiet when Firestar glanced sternly at them. "They say they were not from ShadowClan, nor from any other Clan. They were not kittypets and have no scent at all from any other Clans. I gave them an offer, and they agreed to it." Firestar took in a long breath and let it out, prepared for any howls of protest or challenges. "They agreed to stay in camp and train as apprentices."
    Whitestorm had no reaction, except the raise of a curious eyebrow. Cloudtail, Dustpelt - a male warrior - and Speckletail - a she-cat elder - had their mouths open and screamed and shouted disagreements, while Sandstorm and the other cats had their mouth open in awe and curiosity. The kits and apprentices were smiling wide, and excited to have new friends to live with them. Firestar had to shout for them to all be quiet for him to carry on.
    "I know they are older, and not the same age as the other apprentices, but I cannot just make them warriors. They don't know much about Clan life and the warrior code, so they need training so they can learn about it." He knew that Cloudtail would ask why he let them stay, so he announced, "I let them stay because they were not very protected and healthy outside of camp; letting them stay would be much better, to finally eat and thrive with other companions." Cloudtail didn't seem pleased, but he didn't say anything.
    "They and I agree that their current names wouldn't be successful as apprentices and especially not warriors, and might not be taken seriously during battles, so I will change their names." He flicked his tail towards Twilight, and she jumped on each rock towards him to get to the top.
    "Twilight Sparkle," He started. "You are old enough and agreed to do this, so you will now be apprenticed. From this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as 'Truepaw.' Your mentor will be Sandstorm. I hope Sandstorm will pass all she knows down to you."
    Truepaw was amazed. She smiled at Firestar. "Thank you, Firestar." She thanked him and licked his shoulder in respect, then left the Highrock and skipped towards Sandstorm. Firestar turned to her, now.
    "Sandstorm, you are ready for an apprentice. You have received excellent training from Whitestorm, and you have shown yourself to be quick and feirce. You will be the mentor to Truepaw, and I hope you pass down all you know to Truepaw."
    Sandstorm touched noses with Truepaw and turned to the crowd. Some stayed silent, but the rest of the crowd screamed her name in greeting. "Truepaw! Truepaw! Truepaw!" They called.
    Firestar did the same ceremony for each cat, naming Rainbow Dash to Quickpaw and her mentor is Whitestorm, naming Fluttershy to Kindpaw and her mentor is Brightheart, naming Rarity to Whitepaw and her mentor is Frostfur, naming Pinkie Pie to Hyperpaw and her mentor is Dustpelt, and naming Applejack to Strongpaw and her mentor is Cloudtail.
    After the ceremonies, it was near moonhigh, and even though Firestar was tired, he knew the Clan was too, so he excused them to go rest after he sent out a night patrol around camp. He also knew the new apprentices must be hungry, so  he called them over and led them to the fresh-kill pile.
    "This is the fresh-kill pile," Firestar told them. "You eat here. But remember - the Clan is fed first, so there's no eating outside of camp, and there's no eating before you're sure the queens in the nursery are fed and the elders are fed. Understand?" The group slowly nodded, and Firestar almost gasped when he saw Whitepaw gag. What was she grossed out by?
    "D-Do we have to eat dead mice and rabbits?" She stammered and looked away. Firestar tilted his head in confusion. Truepaw must have saw his confusion and answered, "We're used to eating plants, like hay and apples, so this is new to us."
    Firestar nodded, but he still couldn't believe Whitepaw was so disgusted. "Since you're probably tired and you don't know how to hunt yet, I'll let you eat whenever you like as long as you don't hog all the food and until you learn to hunt." He sat by them, concerned that they would starve if they didn't eat, and watched and waited until he was sure they were fed.
    Quickpaw took a rabbit from the pile and dug in, yet she was reluctant at first. Next was Strongpaw, and she took a plump mouse. Then Hyperpaw bounced over to the pile and picked a raven, and Truepaw grabbed a mouse like Strongpaw. Whitepaw and Kindpaw didn't move.
    "What's the matter with eating these?" Quickpaw asked them with a large peice of food still in her mouth. "They're delicious, believe it or not!"
    Strongpaw laughed and swallowed what she was chewing. "She's right, girls. They don't taste funny at all and I'd eat them for breakfast, lunch and dinner everyday!" Whitepaw hesitated for a long period of time, staring at the pile with disgust before she quickly snatched a pigeon and dropped it on the ground. She still ate it slowly, but after a while she took tiny bites and ate them normally. Kindpaw still didn't move, and she stared at the pile in horror.
    "She loves animals," Truepaw whispered to Firestar. "Back at home, she has over a hundred pets there, including bears, dogs, ducks, a bunny, mice, everything. You name it, she's got it." She continued to eat as Firestar walked to Kindpaw.
    Firestar tried to comfort her and convince her to eat, but she still never did.  Kindpaw looked up at him, and then at the pile, but she still had a look of stubborness in her eyes and instead walked over to a place in the middle of the camp and laid down, eating the grass off the floor instead. He turned to Truepaw in disbelief, but even though she saw her, she had no reaction and continued to eat her mouse. Firestar guessed this was normal for Kindpaw and walked to his den to rest. Six ceremonies, trying to convince a cat to eat meat, and having to stilll do his duties as a leader? Firestar was exhausted and almost instantly fell asleep once he laid down.

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