Friday, November 21, 2014

My Little Warriors: Chapter 3

(Please remember that I do not own Warriors or My Little Pony.

Everything that has to do with Warriors belongs to Erin Hunter.

Everything that has to do with My Little Pony belongs to Hasbro.

I own nothing but the story and the plot of the story - everything else belongs to their rightful owners.)

"Whitestorm, you're my deputy. I want you to go tell Sandstorm, Greystripe, Dustpelt, Cloudtail, Goldenflower, and Longtail that they're going to the Gathering tonight." Firestar ordered, and Whitestorm nodded and quickly trotted over to tell the listed cats. When he returned, Firestar said, "I want you to be in charge of the camp while we're gone."
    "Okay, Firestar. I will, and I'll report to you any strange things that  happened at camp once you come back." Whitestorm promised. Firestar nodded and left the camp to see if any of the new apprentices were being trained at the Training Hollow.
    Gatherings were events that are held every full moon so that the four Clans could meet with eachother and tell everyone about news from each Clan, like new kits being born, new apprentices turned into warriors, progress on things, or warnings. Whatever the news, they are not allowed to fight during a Gathering, because it is an event that represents peace - doing so would make StarClan mad, or that's what the cats believe, and would cause the Gathering to be cancelled.
    As Firestar strolled through the forest, he caught sight of a mouse scurrying through some bushes. He instantly dropped into a crouch and stalked towards the prey, silently and unseen. In a split-second, the mouse was attempting to run away, but it was too late. Firestar had already killed it, and he put dirt over it so no other enemies could steal it, and he could come back for it later.
    A little more wondering through the woods and Firestar saw the Training Hollow. It looked deserted, but Firestar wanted to check, so he looked a little further, carefully. Now he was sure - no one was here. As he turned to go back to camp, sharp claws latched onto his back and he jerked around to scratch the attacker, but it stayed onto his back and he wasn't able to see who was attacking.
    Finally he got his chance. After he thrashed around to make them let go, they were flung onto the sandy ground of the Training Hollow with a grunt. Firestar gasped as he saw who the attacker was - Quickpaw! She got up slowly and looked at him with a look of victory, but when she saw Firestar, she gasped and her eyes widened.
    "I'm sorry, Firestar!" Her apology wasn't completely sweet, but her look of surprise told him it was true, even if she didn't put a cherry on top. "I thought you were Whitestorm! He told me we'd be training later today, so I went to the Training Hollow to wait for him, but he never came. I wanted to surprise him to show him I'm not some kitty to mess around with, but it turns out it was you."
    Firestar laughed at her urge to train and a thought of Cloudtail popped in his head. He had the same personality when he was Firestar's apprentice. "It's okay," He giggled and cleared his throat. "but Whitestorm isn't that kind of cat. Why do you think I made him deputy? He knows you're a strong cat, Quickpaw, so you don't need to prove it to him. Besides, he may look strong, but he's not a bully. Also, you're not supposed to exit the camp without a warrior to go with you. Going out here was not a good plan, but you probably don't know all the rules of the camp yet. He cannot train you today. He going to take care of the camp while I am gone." She didn't ask where he was going - she only sighed and walked back to camp.
    "Okay..." She mumbled as she walked past him. He watched her leave, and with a quick glance back at the Training Hollow, he followed her.
    The group of cats Firestar had ordered to come with him to the Gathering were all standing by the entrance of the camp, waiting for him. He left his den and yawned, stretching his limbs as he did so. He shook his head and padded towards the group, then flicked his tail and left the camp. Whitestorm was already by the camp entrance and nodded at Firestar as he left. Quickpaw and the others were watching them leave with curiosity, but none of them got up to follow.
    The route to Fourtrees, where the Gathering was held, was a while to walk there. They left at the time the sun was disappearing behind the trees, and arrived just before moonhigh. Firestar stopped at the hill where you could look down at Fourtrees and where alot of the cats from each Clan were gossiping and updating on things. One place, Firestar saw, was the Great Rock where the leaders from each Clan sat on and updated on as well, but to the entire group of gathered cats. He twitched the tip of his tail and the group of cats left, running to speak with the cats from different Clans.
    Firestar calmly trotted to the Great Rock and leaped from one rock to the next to reach the top. Tallstar, the WindClan leader, and Leopardstar, the RiverClan leader, were waiting for each leader to arrive. Tallstar smiled warmly at Firestar once he reached the top, but Leopardstar just glanced at him and looked away. After a while, Tigerstar, the ShadowClan leader, arrived and jumped up with them as his Clanmates scattered across the area.
    "Which of us should speak first?" Leopardstar asked them. Tigerstar was silent and shook his head, and Tallstar flicked his tail towards Firestar.
    "I could speak first, if it's okay with you guys." Firestar suggested, and they shrugged or nodded. Firestar nodded as well, and said, "Alright. I will."
    Tallstar's yowl that started the Gathering scretched across the area, echoing into the trees and catching the attention of all the cats below. They gathered beneath the Great Rock and listened.
    "Hello, fellow Clan cats," Firestar called and smiled. "I have some great news." The cats from different Clans looked at each other and back at Firestar, but the cats from ThunderClan looked away or cheered in agreement. "We have six new apprentices now. They were not kits, but loners, who had no idea where they were and were brought into ThunderClan camp for shelter. They joined just yesterd-"
    "You brought in six loners?" Tigerstar interrupted in a disgusted tone. Firestar looked at him questioningly, but repeated, "They joined just yesterday."
    "And yes, I did bring in loners," He answered Tigerstar's interruption. "They were starving, and from the looks of it, didn't mean to cause any harm. I took them in to camp and they are now part of ThunderClan." He smiled at the memory of Quickpaw attacking him. "I have a feeling they will grow to be great warriors."
    Tallstar nodded. "I am glad you have some new cats." He looked at the other leaders for a reaction. Leopardstar looked thoughtful, but Tigerstar glared at Firestar with pure hatred.
    "Why would you do such a thing?" He angrily asked, obviously not accepting the news. "They are loners - they can't be trusted! No loners, kittypets or rogues can," He calmed down and looked away, and then muttered loud enough so everyone can hear, "It's your fault if your Clan fails because of your stupid  decision." He spat the word, "stupid".
    Firestar's insides tightened with fury. "My Clan will not fail," He managed to say. "Infact, it might become stronger because of these newcomers."
    Tallstar also angrily stared at Tigerstar and said, "Don't start a fight, Tigerstar. Just because you disagree doesn't mean we do, and you don't have the right to tell Firestar how to raise his Clan."
    Tigerstar stayed silent, and so Firestar continued. "They are not here at this Gathering, but I hope they will all be able to come to the next one." Firestar stepped back from view and Tallstar padded forward.
    Tallstar cleared his throat and searched for the medicine cat of WindClan. Once he found him, he smiled and looked at everyone else. "My medicine cat, Barkface, has told me of a prophecy StarClan has sent to him. He told me they said, 'watch for a group of creatures who don't know of this world.' I wanted to warn you incase it's highly dangerous."
    Firestar gasped, and Tallstar turned to look at him questioningly. "Cinderpelt, ThunderClan's medicine cat, has said the same thing." He stared at Tallstar in disbelief, and Tigerstar shot up and screamed.
    "It's a sign! A sign, I tell you!" He looked at all the cats below the Highrock. "Those loners Firestar had let join ThunderClan! They are the creatures. They are the ones who don't know of this world!"
    "Yeah, right." Firestar couldn't help chuckling. "You're just trying to find ways to blame me and convince me that my new apprentices are evil and dangerous." He smiled. "Besides, how can cats not know of the world they live in? StarClan meant this prophecy for a future reference, perhaps."
    Tigerstar growled. "How can you be so sure? Like I said earlier, rogues, loners and kittypets cannot be trusted."
    ThunderClan's cats rose up in arguements and protests. "Firestar was a kittypet once, and he's an amazing leader!" "Yellowfang used to be a ShadowClan rogue! How dare you direspect her!" "Ravenpaw and Barley helped us in so many ways I lost count! They are loners!" Firestar grinned slightly, and saw Tigerstar's face scrunch up in anger.
    "Be quiet!  " He hissed, and they all fell silent except for a few stubborn mutters refusing to be silent. "Firestar isn't the greatest of leaders that I've seen, Yellowfang died, and Ravenpaw is dead! Barley cannot be trusted."
    "Yellowfang tried to save Halftail in the fire," Firestar growled, his voice cracking at the thought of the old medicine cat.  Months ago, there was a fire due to the hot summer weather and demolished the camp and parts of the forest. Halftail and Patchpelt had died from smoke, despite Firestar's and Yellowfang's attempt to save the two elders. "She was very heroic and died from smoke, not weakness. Barley has helped us many times when we were in trouble, and you are not allowed to disrespect other Clan members or other cats. Tigerstar, I suggest you be quiet before StarClan cancels this Gathering." He decided not to mention Ravenpaw, because the only reason he had ever said he was dead was so Ravenpaw was safe and protected from the watch of Tigerstar. Ravenpaw was the one to see Tigerstar kill Redtail, the deputy at the time, and Ravenpaw was afraid of Tigerstar trying to kill him so he couldn't tell anyone. Firestar made up a lie, that Ravenpaw was dead, so he couldn't do so - but Ravenpaw was actually alive, living with Barley, a loner who lives in a Twoleg barn far from the forest.
    This time Leopardstar glared at Tigerstar in disgust. "He's right. It's not your responsibility to disrespect Firestar's Clan, or him, about dead or alive cats without proof of their bad loyalty, strength and reputation." Her words were as crisp and dry as a shriveled stick burning in a hot, sticky desert. "It's true I have no right to assign you this punishment, but I think we all agree," She nodded towards the other Clans and leaders. "that you should not be able to talk any longer about different Clans, especially ThunderClan or Firestar."
    Tigerstar looked as if he were going to yell something in a retort, but he closed his mouth and glared at the other leaders. His claws were unsheathed and seemed ready to attack, but he finally turned away from the leaders after a tense minute and sheathed them.
    "Now," Tallstar coughed. "I am finished speaking. Leopardstar may speak if she wishes to do so, but if not, this Gathering is over."
    Leopardstar nodded at him and stepped into view as Tallstar did the opposite. She spoke of newly assigned warriors, new kits bring born, and updated news about some warriors being sent to the elders den for their age. Then she stepped backwards and leaped off the Great Rock with a farewell to all the leaders and a "good luck" to Firestar. The cats from the Gathering followed their Clan leaders back to their territory, leading to their camp.

1 comment:

  1. Squee!Your back!I've missed you! Have you drawn my OC yet?Do you have one I could draw? Yay,people are coming back!

    ~ Quicksilver


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