I found this thing made by some Sasuke-obsessed weirdos.
It's really weird, but it made me realize -'scuse- Sasuke looks really fangirl-worthy in normal clothes. Like, he doesn't look like himself at all. Imagine he's wearing denim-washed jeans, though, and it's nosebleed-worthy.
I yawned and scrubbed down the walls of the guild. "Oh, hey, Natsu. Mira. Why're you guys here so early?"
Natsu collapsed over a chair and started to snore.
"Is that Natsu, or a steam engine?" I asked, giggling.
Mira smiled lightly, taking the brush from my hand. "Either one. They sound the same."
"Hey, twerps. I need b-fast." Kuro plopped onto a chair.
Mira cracked a smile and brought him a bowl of stew.
Kuro poured it into his mouth, energy drained completely.
He started to snore louder than Natsu.
"What's with everyone today?"
Mira shrugged. "It's rather early, I suppose..."
Yamaken walked into the guild doors, silently pulling out a chair and sitting down, ankles crossed, back straight.
"Well, at least someone has decent manners." Mira sliced some bread and butter and brought it to Yamaken with a bowl of stew.
Then Sasuke came in.
Mira dropped the stew. "Wh- what-... how....?" She turned bright red.
"Sasuke--- what in the heck...?"
Sasuke was looking really, really hot.
"Sasuke, is that... you?" I asked.
Sasuke stuck his hands in his pockets. "What? Obviously."
"Why are you wearing...?"
"These... clothes? I dove into acid... and my clothes burned off. That Sohma one, Kyo, lent me his. It feels rather tight... I don't like it."
I looked away. "Uh, anyway, you hungry?"
Sasuke sipped the tea in his hand. "Yes. A cod roe onigiri would be pleasant."
Yamaken quietly chewed the beef in the stew, swallowing silently. "Cod roe would be delicious after a week of beef and carrot stew. This has turned slightly worse than tasteless. I don't know about an onigiri, though... the combination of thick, creamy cod roe, with its long-lasting flavor and exquisite taste combined with a plain, triangular ball of rice would be a bit peculiar."
"You've... never had cod roe onigiri? Weren't you born in Japan?" Kuro raised an eyebrow.
Yamaken turned red. "Where I come from, plain rice and delicious cod roe do not go together."
"Cod roe isn't really that great... it's a small lump of finely grounded cod meat... kinda gross, if you ask me. Personally, I like salmon onigiri." Kuro shrugged. "That's just me."
Mira protested. "It's fine, it's fine! I can make some onigiri!"
Sasuke bit into the rice. He instantly spit it out. "I can make better."
"WHAT?! Better than Mira? Please. You joke." Natsu yelled/yawned.
Mira handed him the ingredients.
He carefully shaped the rice with perfection, simmering it on the pan with minced, half-fried salmon. He held the knife in his hand, cutting the seaweed perfectly- making a seaweed rose to top off the rice.
He took the onigiri from the pan and sprinkled it with watery salt and dozens of entrancing spices.
Sasuke dabbed at it with a cloth to soak up the oil.
Precisely, he placed it onto a plate and circled it with an intricate design of soy-sauce.
Finally, he took the seaweed rose and placed it on the side with some salt.
I gaped. That was some extreme cooking.
"Hey, Yamaken, you think well of onigiri- you try." He placed the plate in front of Yamaken.
Yamaken quietly picked up the onigiri daintily- touching nothing but the seaweed wrap.
His perfect, pearl-white teeth sank into the even whiter rice.
His eyes exploded.
"This tastes amazing."
Mira tried one. "Wow. National Chefs Competition on hotline."
I ate one. "That is so great."
Sasuke blinked. "Too much salt. I cooked it wrong."
"You're kidding." Natsu said through bites of his third onigiri.
Sasuke blinked. "OK, if you are satisfied. I need to go train... I'll see you."
He walked in a few moments later, that weird red design in his eyes again, this time more intricate.
He was speechless, his jaw slightly sloping. He looked up at me. "I-it's impossible. He's.... back."
"What? Who's back, Uchiha?"
"Just spit it out, Sasuke!"
"Itachi... he was... outside."
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